@wallacom: Who buys discs? I guess if you're still using a cassette deck to play music it would be understandable if you were upset this feature wasn't present.
I'm waiting for the PS4 Pro and when the Scorpio finally gets around to seeing the light of day I'll be looking at the newly announced PS5 that will make the Scorpio look like a red headed step child.
Not a fan of timed releases, especially when its one year old. I have no doubt its a good game and I'll pick it up at some point but that won't be for another 6 months or so when the price drops considerably. I waited a year as a PS4 owner, I can easily wait another.
@bobothemighty: Who pissed in your breakfast cereal? I didn't think The Witcher 3 was as good as others believe it is, and yes, I believe it is over rated. That's called having an opinion that isn't the same as yours. Calm down kid, maybe back away from the keyboard for a while.
@kingrat2314: No the founder of the fucking company is responsible for his own actions and is at fault NOT the fucking developers. The customers of that company are no doubt incensed by his actions and have abandoned the platform.
This is right up Trumps tree. His entire campaign is about dividing the people, the comments that come out of his mouth are atrocious and yet here we are with even more division based on where he has purposely steered his campaign. Make America great again? Good fucking god, its little wonder Russia and China are rubbing their mitts together watching this unfold.
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