@RadPro: Yeah you're right, it has a much wider RP choice, I can play as Gerald the Witcher or I can even play as Gerald the Witcher. Now that's a lesson to others in character design and choice for a solid RPG! Bethesda need to learn to offer such variety! Bethesda should also disable interaction with world objects, building, not allowing your choice of charac - I mean Gerald - to jump over small fences, make it ridiculously cumbersome to swim or ride a mount and they should also have a linear quest design where you can choose to find some girl and fight the bad guy with a shallow asinine story or find some girl and fight the bad guy with a shallow asinine story! True solid RPG mechanics right there.
@zinten: I never mentioned they shouldn't or haven't fixed them. I replied to the clown that said there were barely any, which there pretty clearly were.
@joey96: My reply was to one Mr. carnivorez who stated "the hell you talking about , there are bearly any on PC maybe some clipping here and there once every 50 scenes and thats about it". The list of fixes in that game counters his claims that there were barely any. Maybe he could have done some research before throwing around such absurdities. Calm down joey96.
@Saxondale: The game engine and graphics have moved well past how it looked in 2005. The art style, animation, character models and world environments are all light years ahead of Neverwinter. I'd very much disagree that it needs an overhaul, its basically received one each expansion. Class abilities have more of an ARPG feel to them than they previously have, the Demon Hunter definitely has more of an ARPG feel than any other class, Fel Rush the very first ability you play with is completely an ARPG mechanic.
@techdemon: Agreed, don't get me wrong I will play SC when its done and will more than likely enjoy it but its certainly not done and dusted in terms of whether the game will slide down the repetition path, I really hope they succeed.
Both Elite and No Man's Sky aren't bad games, they quickly become boring games due to repetition and little variation in gameplay. The problem is the genre itself. Space trading, combat and exploration over a vast universe sounds great on paper but as a video game its a challenge to keep it interesting.
Star Citizen seems to be going full on in terms of simulation and that will be its biggest hurdle or perhaps fault. Simulating space exploration or trading isn't exactly littered with action packed moments, there is a lot of downtime and repetition and I mean a lot! I backed Star Citizen, I also backed Elite Dangerous and picked up NMS at launch because they sound great but in reality.... well it's probably why no game developer has ever come up with a lawn mowing simulator.
@Archangel2222: 1) I don't care about themes and I don't use them. I have about 8 themes that were free from games that I had purchased. You're not 'forced' to buy them you clown.
2) I do care about trophies, so you're wrong. I know plenty of people that do, sure its not a feature that everyone cares about but neither is a theme or any other feature for that matter.
Salt_AU's comments