@connorman01: Did you actually read the part in my reply to you that said "I make a mission out of stirring up the PC peasants because of the very reason you somehow don't see". Well looky here, another clown that fails at comprehension. Nice one pal!
@connorman01: You're fucking kidding me! All you ever see is PC fanboys spouting how great they are. The only thing I ever see from console owners is Sony v Microsoft garbage. I make a mission out of stirring up the PC peasants because of the very reason you somehow don't see. Neutral gamer my arse.
No problems running on a PS4 yet the self called 'master race' can't handle it. Maybe try running the game on a PC that actually 'can' run the game, probably difficult for you buffoons to grasp I realise but someone had to point it out for you. Hello Games shouldn't have even bothered porting their excellent game to an inferior platform.
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