@RossRichard: Kicked in the neck. It was the left hand punch that split her lip in two prior to the kick that ended Ronda, the kick just helped her on the way down.
No Mans Sky better part the Red Sea because it has had so much fanfare. I'm cautiously following it but I cringe every time I see it get lauded as the next greatest thing.
Patience and striking at the right time in Souls games is key. I wouldn't mind a dollar for every time I have played well, got a boss to less than 5%, my eyes all lit up like saucers, then wildly flail away trying to get that last 5% only to run completely out of stamina, have zero defence and then proceed to get slapped like a red headed step child into the middle of next week. No other game punishes you for being an over enthusiastic buffoon like Dark Souls does.
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