Ok well ive seen multiple bog posts like these so I thought oh hell why not. The Gotei 13.
Squad 1 Old Man - Nightmare-_- He's a really kool guy and he's a great Union leader but he's STILL AN OLD MAN TO ME!
Squad 2 Soify - Eliteguard91 Shes likes Bleach and she's a cheerleader I MEEN COM ON! that doesnt happen everyday hah. She likes to whip people and she calls herself a Dominatrix XD. But shes really nice and from what ive seen from her Cheerleading pics shes posted shes cute too ;) haha.
Squad 3 Melon Lord - Nicaboy456 Havent talked to him that muchbut he likes alot of the same Anime as me so he's alrite by me.
Squad 4 Hana - Jeyviolin Shes the person thats helped me the most in the Gotei 13 from when I was a new recruit to now when im a captain..she's really niceand will help you with anything you need help with shes just over all one of the coolest people here haha.
Squad 5 Aizen - CleansingFlame He's the leader of another Union im part of and ive talked to him quite alot in the past week, he's on his honey moon too so kinda difficult haha but hes a kool guy.
Squad 6 Kuchiki - Sfkm2 His other Character Urahara is my Taicho but Kuchiki is pretty kool when Urahara is away me and Kuchiki usually wait it out with a drink or two, but he is a really strict hard working guy with all that paper work :P.
Squad 7 Kom - Curtis1560 When he was on alot he was a really fun to talk to and I also talk to him on YT quite often, but for some reaason he's up and dissapeared but I hope he comes back.
Squad 8 Shunsui -blacksnakemoan I really dont know him at all I havent seen him on since I joined the Union...so yeah..
Squad 9 Blindy - DarkGuard15 He Joined right around the time I did and we were both voted captains at the same time, He really likes Soul Eater lol, but he's a pretty cool guy. I really like his personality I think its down right funny:lol:
Squad 10 Shiro - Dracon_8 First things first its either Shiro or Vanilla-san :lol: hahaha! He's a kool guy he makes the whole Union Lively and crazy he like Hikifune, and he aslo likes to cut himself with his Katana :P he knows quite alot about Swords which I find kool.
Squad 11 Zaraki - Jing16 the only one that can tame this wild beast is Soify and thats bec she uses her whips :P. I kno he really likes Gantz and Holyland, I havent read either of them but ive heard good things about both, he's a crazy guy but he's kool.
Squad 12 ClownBoy - Darkfox55 I havent talked to him to much but he seems pretty kool, I do know Soufy chases this boy down like a fat boy on a cupcake :lol:.
Squad 13 JubeJube - SasukeXXChidori well thats me haha im soo KOOL!8) well yeah ur here Mate!
Squad 14 Yoruichi - Eucalypta Now this chick is funny as hell haha sending me these Fly videos there hilarious :lol: but shes nice and very helpful, and Her and Kisuke are well lets just say CLOSE!
Squad 10 Lt. Miss - missanimefan well lets put it this way WOW! shes crazy, funny, and well crazy haha. Shes into some crazy stuff as well :P she likes to piss of her captain and when that happens its great ahhah and she likes to torture New Recruits.
Squad 13 Lt. DeadBoy - YouKnowWho5 Well he's my best friend in real life and he's a great guy and funny as hell to boot, he always gets pissed when I call him Deadboy :P and its cause he is dead See Kaien = x.x .
Squad 6 Lt. Enji - Itachieyes12 I would consider him one of my best friends that lives in Ecuador :P lol he's my drinking buddy and where both going to be Juniors this year haha how could you get much better than that. He likes most of the Anime's that I like if not all of them haha and he's recently gotten into FMA alot!.
Squad Patrol Youngen - xchaosx97 Hes one of the youngsters here but he's mature enough to be 16 or 17 :P. He likes Soul Calliber 4 so thats another point for him. He also likes just about every anime I do so go him! another point!!
Squad Kido Mario - lol944 He's crazy, likes to eat people(especially new recruits) and his other character is Ryuuken or should I say Mac Daddy Quincy :P.
Well thats the Gotei 13! haha please comment CIIYAAA!!!!
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