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SasukeXXChidori Blog

Two New Captains.

ok well in the Gotie 13 they are having a poll/ Vote to who is going to be the next Jushiro Ukitake and Kaname Tousen.

I entered in it wanting to be Ukitake and I was nominated right of the bat by non other than the women that put it all together the lovely Soi Fon.

Well as of right now Im in the lead with 13 votes (I think) and the runner up behind me has 3 (again im not sure)

The person I want to win for Tousen is DarkGuard he would make a great Tousen.

Well I will post another blog when the voting is over the Poll ends later today some time.

1000nth post

Well I have Finally reached 1000 posts wahoo! go me!

Miguel has got a character name now it is Ryuuken go Miguel.

I just bought the last season of Yu Yu Hakusho on Amazon so go me! and ill get it in in about a week or two.

but yeah thats about it haha cyAAA!

500 Posts

ok I finally reached 500 posts and now I gotta reach 1000 posts haha just a little goal of mine..:D

Im currently reading D. Gray Man and Im on Chapter 110. Then after that Im gnna re-read part of Yu Yu Hakusho, and then start in on Soul Eater.


Well my Captain in the Gotei 13 just promoted me to the 3rd seat so now im Madurame Ikkaku now only if the Vice Captain wasnt a girl I might have been able to get to that rank haha.

Well a good day got my PSP fixed got a new phone and my best friend has joined Gotei 13 and is trying to get in squad 10.

Ohh well I know its not Squad 11 but hey what can you do.


Hello everyone I would just like to invite you too my girlfriend and I's website that we have recently made it has all sort of stuff on it

like forums, reviews, games, polls, and much more I would really appreciate it if you would check it out thank you soo much

thank you ahead of time:D.

I did It

Well I finally did it. I took 5 Captain tests in the Gotei 13 Union and I passed them so I made it in the 11th Squad

Captain Zaraki Kenpach im the 5th seat officer and not only thatim the 6th seat officer of the Royal Guard (Squad 0)

so Ha! I knew I could do it even tho the Test where extremly hard. I really recommend going and joining this Union it's

under my Unions so go and Join now if not already part of it haha. Well the only other thing I can say is go to me and my girlfriends

website hhtp:// please go theres forums game reviews and even fanfic's so go go go!

Stuff haha

Ok well I just recently got a new sig very much thanks to Jeyviolin and she is also making me a new user icon for my profile. I forgot to mention in my last blog that I have recently (in like the past two months) finished all the bleach manga from start to present. I love bleach my favorite character would either be Zaraki Kenpachi or Ichimaru Gin. Bleach has become one of my new favorite anime/ mangas. I encourageall who read this to join The Gotei 13 Union and ~The Naruto Union~ they are both under my Union page these two unions are great.

Please comment.

~UchihaxShunon/ SasukeXXChidori

i havent posted a blog i a long time

O wow i havent posted a blog in a real long time well alot has happened since the last one i guess? ive gotten a lot of new games

and id have to say my favorite ones so far are Mass Effect, GTA 4, Halo 3, and CoD4. ive been keeping up with all the new Naruto

Manga and Episodes and I was really suprised how Itachi was a spy for the Hokage and how Sasuke beet Itachi it's really suprising.

Ive also seen the Naruto Shippuden movie it is freaking amazing I thought it was great the fights scenes where awsome and the story line was really good ( better than I thought it would be )

Another game I can't wait for it DBZ burst limit the first DBZ game for the next gen sytems!! I also beat the Naruto game for the 360 it was a long and complicated game but all in all it was pretty good.

I relized that I have been talking about my fish a lot in my blog posts well I had gotten a lot more fish over the time period and some have died and now there are three left Venom my first fish, Catty my catfish bottom feeder and spike my girlfriends brothers fish there doing reall good.

My girlfriend has also recently gotten me a hamster for my birthday his name is Xander and hes a kick ass hamster

ok well that all I have for now so ill ttyl

~Uchiha Shunon

DAMN! i havent posted a blog for a long long time *Warning could be Spoilers*

ok so yeahI havent posted a blog in awhile so yeah since my last postI got a 10 gallon aquarium and alot more fishes.TodayI saw Trasformers, it was AWSOME.andI got Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 its amazing too.Only crappy thing about this summer is that I have to go to Summer School for Science itsreally reallysucks but its prettyeasy and im only there for 4 hours so its no big deal.Andanother thing to add to this blog me and my girlfriends 10 month was this past Saturday it was reallynice and then or 1 year,and its going to be magical call me corny but I really love her so ha! to anyone who reads this.But wow all the Naruto Manga has been really really good i cant wait to see Sasuke kill Deidaria and we might actually be able to see Tobi fight for the first time.Another thing is Kabuto how he attatched Oro's limbs to himself and how its trying to take over his body...yeah kinda wierd.I cant believe Deidaria has been training his eye to counteractthe Sharingan butI still dont think its going to do him any good. So yeah im going to go now but illtry to start wrighting blogs everyother day.

~Uchiha Shunon

Havent posted a new bullitein in awhile so I thought I would

So to start it off my fish Spidey died but good news Venom looks even happier (no suprise worst enemies here lol) but yeah im still really sad about it and i got a new Aquarium for him so i can get so more fish and put them in there which will be really kool and another bad thing both of my girlfriends fish has some wierd disese that worms get inside your fish and well lets put in the best way we can they die. Dattebayo finally released the next manga chapter (took them long enough) it was pretty good didnt show it but Kisame took out the 4 tails,saw the next Shippuden episode and it was really good Kisame vs. Guy,Neji,Lee,and Ten Ten and also Itachi vs. Kakashi and Naruto really good episode and cant wait for the next one. Also I finally saw the 3rd Naruto movie great action scenes but mostly talking throughout the WHOLE movie kinda lame but it was funny lol so yeah pretty crazy id say so yeah I might write another one tommorow so yeah cyaaa



~Uchiha Shunon