@Yogurt_master Yea but we love our internet dont we? I dont know i feel like Sony has more integrity then MS. But then again this is a corporate world we live in and its all about the money. A company that goes back on its word almost instantly isnt exactly someone to trust is it?
Since when did this movement start to support MS again? I thought for once most of the internet had agreed that they were getting full of themselves and trying to force feed us garbage. Before anyone claims im a fanboy, i own an xbox and its the console i have always owned and i loved it. but get real ppl just because MS did a 720 (pun intended) on every single decision they have made does not make them ok again. Their bottom line is still there, Sony on the otherhand has understood that core gamers are what matters. a gaming console needs to play games, everything else is secondary and i do not think MS has understood that yet.
PS. Im sorry master chief, its ur parents fault not yours :(
Shame on us basically means = We failed at our marketing scheme, we screwed up the presentation and couldnt force everything we wanted down the customers throats, turns out our customers are NOT idiots.
This is shameful, the audacity Microsoft has of trying to force whatever they want and expecting people to go along with it. As for me im not touching this console with a 100 mile pole, not even if they remove the Kinect.
Btw, in no way saying "shame on us" and apology to your customers. They should really apologize for this.
Keep in mind i USED to be an Xbox fan, and i own a 360.
@frylock1987 im not trolling. This is the normal way of firing someone who has messed up. He gets alot of exposure in the gaming news, not only would it look bad for him, but it would look bad on Microsoft for firing him publicly. This way it looks normal and harmless.
@ALCHEMISTx24x7 @shingui5 This is not innovation dude. they are actively forcing you to buy it, i know alot of gamers that really dont care about Kinect. This is a marketing strategy to try to get the mainstream people to buy the console, like kids and parents. This certainly isnt moving the industry forward, they face issues like over budgeting and over spending. Maybe if they want to move forward how about they fix games, make the more enjoyable instead of having trash games released one after the other every year. The gaming industry has become all about quantity instead of quality.
@orthodox1976 Just for the record, im with you on this one. its not a questions of paranoia, its a question of privacy. How do I know the camera is not recording? dont forget this system now has a Windows 8 OS, we all know it can be hacked. Forget the government, imagine someone does hack and gets a feed and posts it online? remember theres no light on the Kinect to tell you if its on or off.
I just would not feel comfortable having a night vision camera sitting there with a risk of hacking. I also understand there are cameras on laptops, but this Kinect is different.
EPIC FAIL! lets face it, he got fired. Now hes in a place where he doesnt get that much exposure and even if he does **** up, not really like there are die hard gamer fans to make memes of him and poke fun at him lol
I see this as a win for the internet and the customers! woot woot!
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