The Chief is out to get Cortana much as i love Halo with a passion.....will the Kinect always have to be attached to be able to play? always on...DRM? the camera and the voice recording?....also a little pricey for a surveillance machine dont you think? maybe im just crazy....
@nashismo @Sav117 ur anger is understandable, our passion that we love and hold dear has been twisted. We trusted the industry to take care of it, instead it comes out with junk like the Xbox one
@nashismo @Sav117 trust me i dont mind if they all rot. Im a huge Xbox fan, but after this, they should learn some humility. I posted this for those who wish to sign the petition,
Apparently theres a petition you can sign if you wish
As a fan of the Xbox, this is simply insulting and backwards thinking. I would have gladly been comfortable with switching to the new Xbox if i knew my old games wuld work too, but now...hahaha wats stopping from getting a PS4 and keeping the 360...nothing i tell you.
@Nefarious13 @BigKing1992 From my understanding, no they wont, it needs to be connected to the internet every 24hs...and the Kinect will always have to be attached. I wouldnt want my children in a room with a high end camera that is connected to the internet, regardless of if its on or off. can you imagine if someone hacked into the console...and remember is using windows 8, its not like someone isnt eventually gonna hack it.
@BigKing1992 I believe that even if you have privacy control over the Kinect, theres just something wrong with having it always connected and sitting there listening to you. An btw dunno if anyone realizes this but "Xbox on/off" or "Xbox tv/game" command will be the ultimate trolling tool and source of fights, everyone who has a brother will know what im talking about.
I do wish they did give us backward compatibility, it would have been considerate of them and nice to see a company that cares for their old gen console owners. this feels like they alienated the old xbox 360 fans. cause now, i have an xbox 360, my logic if it isnt backwards compatible, wats stopping me from going ps4 and keeping the 360. backwards compatibility ensures that the people that had the 360 will feel better about buy a new xbox and keeping their collection.
This installation of games stuff, i find off..they expect this machine to run windows 8, updates, tv, kinect, have limited space and run efficiently enuff to play games. A PC has performance issues with a filled or filling HDD, they think their fridge is gonna do a better job?
I personally have never owned a PlaySation and have always had an Xbox....but this, this is shooting urself in the foot. I can just keep my 360 and my games and buy a PS4. I will like this new Gen has lost something, that something that made gaming great...and its being lost with this Generation. Did anyone else feel like they were trying to sell you on the Xbox, as an Xbox fan, i should have to be sold on it, i should want one instantly, its like someone changing something u loved and then trying to convince you that you still loved it all along.....
im not angry or hating on it, dont get me wrong, im just sad that at what it could have been...but isnt
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