Is her "I'm a gamer!" schtick becoming her go - to move whenever her performance as E3's host is brought up in discussions or something?
It boggles my mind how since 2012 majority of discussions about Aisha Tyler revolve around whether she is a gamer or not and how proud she is about that and whether she should be or not...
Why?! What's the big deal?
Firstly, being a "gamer" in and of itself is hardly something one should be proud of. All this ambiguous "title" reveals about someone is that said person plays videogames - amazing, isn't it? It doesn't tell anybody anything about whether said "gamer" is well informed about videogames, what games and how often s/he plays them or even whether s/he is good at them. Secondly, while being familiar with videogames and all the culture that revolves around them surely must be helpful for a host of a videogame convention, it in no way guarantees that the host will do a good job.
For me, Aisha Tyler herself is the best example of that. I couldn't care less whether she calls herself a gamer or not and what she thinks about videogames. What matters to me is her performance as E3 host and in that regard, I still find her to be quite lacking. Her jokes haven't gotten that much better since her #girlwood era, she still gives me the impression that she is trying too hard and yet lacks the finesse to catch me off guard with a surprising punch line or two. As for the increased cursing... I find it useless as well.
So to sum up this rant, instead of talking about whether someone is a gamer or not I would prefer if people focused more on what said person adds to the gaming (community) and what s/he could improve.
@NaturalDisplay Once their career ends, most of the progamers tend to resume whatever they have been doing before they started their progaming career - i.e. return to studies, work,... (e.g. famous French SC2 player Stephano).
Assuming that particular eSport / game is still popular after their career has finished, some progamers, who have built large fanbases during their active years, can become casters / commentators (e.g. Artosis, Day9). Others may become coaches for teams / players who are still competing (e.g. Cella, Choya).
And ultimately, the most famous and successful ones can use all those money and goodwill to set up their own companies or eSport teams (e.g. Fatal1ty, Boxer).
Really, it's not as bad as some people, especially the ones with little to no knowledge about eSports, are making it out to be.
@CallMeDuraSouka If I had to make a guess I would say that Gamespot is seeing some yet untapped potential in e-sports audience. E-sports (at least some) are growing at very fast rate, yet the coverage at the mainstream gaming media is not that good yet.
E.g. just look at the comparison of searches for Gamespot and League of Legends on Google:
@video_gamer13 I don't know, but personally, I differentiate between two issues that are often touched in topics like this one:
1. The amount of male vs female protagonists
2. The sexualized outfits vs realistic outfits
1. Given that lorewise, there usually aren't many good logical or practical reasons why some of the videogame protagonists should be females (in fact, the dangerous nature of professions of many vg characters would suggest that a male protagonist could be a more believable fit), I can't get behind people demanding more females.
If the devs want to put more female chracters in their games themselves, I am absolutely for it, but I find the demand from (part of) the audience to be too subjective and too poorly justified to support it.
2. Given that there are often good practical reasons why some of the sexualized outfits don't make sense in the situations in which they are often used, I am quite often against them myself.
Ultimately tho, I want the developers to do their own thing anyway. I may not like some of their decisions, but I would never cross the line between voicing a criticism and long term pressure displayed by some other people / communities on the internet.
@501stormtrooper Mass Effect will always be a bit Mass Effect-y (and Fallout Fallout-y, Dragon Age Dragon Age-y,...) as long as the developers make their games in their respective universes and incorporate at least someof the design principles from previous games.
Despite that, some players may feel that the new game is too different from previous installments and that it doesn't feel like they are playing a Mass Effect (Fallout, Dragon Age,...) game.
I interpreted Hudson's comment as effort to assure people that Bioware managed to capture the atmosphere of previous Mass Effects (whatever that is) and that playing the new Mass Effect will invoke in players similar feelings as playing the previous ones.
@Ayxiral @flamingboard I think that saying that "the developers should do this or should do that..." is a bit too much, personally.
Especially if the demand is not a very poplar opinion ( check Mass Effect's stats for Femshep vs Maleshep players for example and that's after Bioware's campaign for Femshep) and especially when it comes to elements like story or characters which could suffer from interference or pressure from non-authors more than others (e.g. control scheme or HUD).
So no. The developers and especially the writers "shouldn't do" anything that they don't want to.
That said, saying that one would like or prefer female character (or anything else) is completely O.K.
It's when people stop pleading and start commanding or lecturing the developers about what they should or shouldn't do, that I start to have issues with their approach.
@vader501st Not sure what you mean by PC/console, but among people who play mostly on PC, MOBAs (multiplyer online battle arenas) are extremely popular and according to Riot Games and tracking sites like Raptr, League is actually the most played game in the world.
So yeah, there must be some fan base for this game.
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