No really. Korean Starcraft (and probably any other e-sport) teams have football (soccer) tournaments and such. And table tennis IRC.
As for western progamers (who don't live in teamhouses like Asians do), I guess, they are just like any other young people of their age (with less time tho). Some are quite famous for partying a lot (given their extraordinary amounts of cash for their age).
@simonbarfod Mmm, I see some misconceptions in your post...
1. About "e-sports being more like holiday than a real work".
Some progamers actually train so hard that they get injuries like carpal tunnel and other wrist problems, neck pains, back pains, ... Plus there's psychological pressure (games are actually quite complex, competition is high, money are on the line) and playing the same game for countless hours every single day will eventually become boring no matter much the person liked it in the beginning,...
In terms of effort and dedication, there's little to no difference between top competitive gamers and sportsmen.
2. About progamers having no future...
Many progamers don't plan to stay in e-sports for... extensively long periods of time. The games are soo competitive that people are lucky if they can keep up for few years (because there's always someone younger, hungrier for victories and better adapted for current metagame).
Therefore a lot of them just use it to earn some good starting cash for whatever they decide to do later (studying, working, setting up businesses,...).
Plus selected few could always try to stay in the industry and become coaches, team managers or commentators.
You don't know whether the money that went into e-sports would have been invested in something else in gaming or simply would not have been spent (at anything in gaming) at all.
@SerOlmy You've asked and I've answered. What's your problem?
And if you want to dissuade GS from writing articles like this one, your question shouldn't be whether more people do care or don't, but whether enough people care to make it worth for GS.
If GS was supposed to write only articles about the things about which the vast majority of their audience cares, they would end up with fairly narrow range of topics and quite shallow audience.
@Alves_19 @fedorhajdu Well, not "all" players obviously. But there probably isn't a single activity (profession) which would guarantee its performer a success and wealth.
But, if you want to get idea about about how much money do SC2 players make, has them sorted according to their winnings. On top of that add a salary from their respective teams which can go up to $ 100 K per year and you should be able to make your own judgement.
SC2 has done a lot for MLG and there's still sizeable SC2 fanbase which is sad because of these news. Not to mention that SC and Dota fanbases have always had pretty good relationships.
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