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@mesome713: Considering how much everyone enjoyed the Metal Gear games, I don't think he wasted anyone's money. They were all system sellers. A lot of people made a lot of money. You don't hear anyone complain about how much money Hollywood spends on a potential Blockbuster. I think, Kojimas spending was nothing in comparison.

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Konami is one of the worst companies. I've heard, they treat workers and employees horrendously. It sures sounds like a cash grab with no concern for the fanbase.

I am glad Kojima went independent. I loved Death Stranding and really consider him one of the great creative minds in the industry.

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I hope it’s not some Hawaiian themed bs. Why are monster movie sequels always set on some tropical island? Keep it gothic, please.

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Man, so many haters here. I’ve played most of them and I mostly agree with the 10. MGS5 and 4 were great experiences and truly unique. Journey is such an emotional and spiritual ride for me. Super Mario Odyssey I am still playing.

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I don't like the new character model. I am a little bit sceptical.

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@zmanbarzel: You guys are talking like you profit from Nintendo ripping off customers. It's not like others have great deals, EVERYONE has better deals. Just a few years back, I wanted to catch up on some 3DS titles and I kid you not, buying a used 3DS was cheaper than buying the games, who were still full prize. I mean, seriously, I do get, that shame on me, for buying, but after four, five years they should lower prizes, especially nowadays. Breath of the Wild is still 70 Euros? For real? It's a great game, but it's not better than many other games from Sony or the other major publishers. I do get the mentality: Nobody is forcing you to buy, yadayadayada, but you as a customer, can't help but feel ripped off.

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Nintendo can suck b****. Charging the same amount for old games forever. They are the worst in the industry. And their deals are just as much of a joke. From 60 down to 40? Like are you for real? Those games should always cost 40. And how about some real - Steam level - deals? From 60 down to at least 20-25?

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@ghostspartan: I think, people after a while put on nostalgia goggles: You start to judge a movie by the times it was made in. You can't blame a movie from the 60s for feeling outdated, right? I mean you can watch similar movies with the same story and themes, produced 50 years apart and while the underlying message is basically the same, the execution, the way the message has been told, is so extremely different. And then a movie becomes a product of its times and its limitations and you stop being so harsh. I a way we as people, at least some people, evolve and we outgrow certain issues, while movies stay the same. The become time stamps.

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If you judge the movies as movies, they are objectively bad. People always defend the Prequels and after the Disney Sequels, a lot of people seem to defend the Prequels, as being better. In reality both the Prequels and the Sequels and to some extend the third movie of the original trilogy are mediocre to bad. I mean, just look at the new Dune - a good example of a good movie: Great actors, great script, VFX in service of the story.

There are some neat ideas, but the main problem with the Prequels is the execution. Mainly the script and the directing are bad. Because you had great actors, who could do much more, but where confined to bad dialogue and restrictive direction. I think that is the main problem with the prequels. They are done bad by the main guy who oversees everything. And no talent in the world could save it.

The Disney Sequels, while better in execution, are worse than the Prequels. Both trilogies were made with the incentive to make a lot of money. But while the Prequels represent the failings of one man, who despite everything cares for the material, the sequel-trilogy represents everything that is wrong with a production made by money people. When creative choices are less important than the possibility of a huge box office.

In reality nobody really got what they really wished for and what they would deserve: Neither the generation who grew up with the Original Trilogy, neither my generation, who grew up with The Prequels and neither the new generation who grows up with Disneys SW. And in reality the Sequels weren't fan service. Only on a surface level. The perverse thing about them is, they tried to trick people by using nostalgia. So a lot of style and no substance.

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Las of Us chooses to tell a story from Joels perspective. A man who is stuck in the past, because of losing his daughter and lives purely to survive. Psychologically he is someone who doesn't see a future.

But TLOU does provide hope in the form of Tommy and his community. There are still people who try to live a normal life and who want to rebuild what they've lost.

I won't talk about TLOU2 because I consider it garbage.