I liked Seifer from Final Fantasy VIII. Maybe he wasn't a villain, but he was like the outsider of the group, even though he always wanted to be their leader.
I think it's a shame they killed Templar. I just don't like Sev. He is not special or charismatic at all. I hope for Killzone 4 that they find some writers who could write a better story, some better situations and some better characters. That's all I want from the next sequel. And I think that's all that this series needs. It needs some strong characters to make the series truly grant.
Even if the hell would freez, I wouldn't buy the 360. And it's not because of the console. It's because of those stupid comparisons sites tend to do. I don't care that the 360 looks sometimes better. The 360 doesn't have Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, God of War and many other great games. They should have made an Uncharted comparison. Oh, that's right, they can't, because it's an exclusive. Halo 3 as an exclusive looks like crap and Mass Effect has lots of technical issues, as an exclusive. Only decent exclusiv so far Gears of War, but wait until Killzone 2 comes out. And wait another 2 years, until the Microsoft is forced to bring out a new console, because they cannot compete with the PS3 anymore.
Even if the hell would freez, I wouldn't buy the 360. And it's not because of the console. It's because of those stupid comparisons sites tend to do. I don't care that the 360 looks sometimes better. The 360 doesn't have Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, God of War and many other great games. They should have made an Uncharted comparison. Oh, that's right, they can't, because it's an exclusive. Halo 3 as an exclusive looks like crap and Mass Effect has lots of technical issues, as an exclusive. Only decent exclusiv so far Gears of War, but wait until Killzone 2 comes out. And wait another 2 years, until the Microsoft is forced to bring out a new console, because they cannot compete with the PS3 anymore.
Even if the hell would freez, I wouldn't buy the 360. And it's not because of the console. It's because of those stupid comparisons sites tend to do. I don't care that the 360 looks sometimes better. The 360 doesn't have Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, God of War and many other great games. They should have made an Uncharted comparison. Oh, that's right, they can't, because it's an exclusive. Halo 3 as an exclusive looks like crap and Mass Effect has lots of technical issues, as an exclusive. Only decent exclusiv so far Gears of War, but wait until Killzone 2 comes out. And wait another 2 years, until the Microsoft is forced to bring out a new console, because they cannot compete with the PS3 anymore.
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