I haven't seen a good movie from the Wachowskys since the first Matrix. They did a few decent ones, some terrible ones, but nothing as good as The Matrix. Threading familiar ground seems like an end of the line, creativily, for them.
I don't expect more depth than what we've got from the selfindulgent sequels.
Graphics are off putting. First Pokemon game I've played since my childhood was Pokemon Sword and I was so underwhelmed by everything (las game I played as a kid was Silver).
Maybe because I am not a kid anymore, but the game was too easy, the graphics were outdated, the campaign felt short and the story boring.
@Barighm: I think it's important to see the different stages of development and sometimes you learn more from the stuff that didn't work and was cut. Maybe a casual gamer doesn't find this kind of content useful, because he, as a consumer, is only interested in the end result, in what he actually gets for his money.
But there are people who actually want to make games and get into the business and I think for them this stuff is very useful.
But I do get the frustration. Oftentimes you hear and see about a game or a version of a game, that might have been awesome and it feels like such a missed opportunity.
I have to roll my eyes. Edge did a great article on this issue. Not Gamespot tries to be just as smart and at the same time justifying the fact, that they gave it one of the lowest scores TLOU received. I mean some no name site, that tries to get hits, is understandable, bu you guys are just being bought off by the competition.
Needless to say: I am growing tired of this pro female -anti male - bs. Like all men are sexists. Like women would buy The Last of Us and play it. It's a business. The people who are buying games, who love games, who understand games, are mostly males.
I know one woman who enjoys games as much as men. Every other female looks at me, like I am a freak and says I need to grow up or get a life, because I still enjoy playing games.
So why should someone make Tess the main character? If the people who are playing as Joel are 90 Percent male?
And give us some credit: I love strong female leads. I love to play as a woman in game, if it's tasteful and she is relevant. In the end it doesn't matter if I play as a man, woman, girl, boy, black, asian, caucasian.
The Last of Us is one of the best games I ever played, especially because of the strong story and the way it's being told. Gamespot should fire McShea for having no taste in games and should find some other issues. Stop with the hate. Seriously.
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