Well, this is my first PS3 game, and to be honest, it's more or less the same as the Xbox version, just a little bit different. Rather than wasting my time retyping everything, here, just read my review.
SemiMaster Blog
Wee Old - Nintendo Wii commercial parody
by SemiMaster on Comments
Boy, do they have this right on the money. I was checking break.com but the link went to superdeluxe.com and I found this gem of a clip. Fan of the Wii or hater, both have to laugh at it.
Alien Syndrome for the Wii - My Review
by SemiMaster on Comments
I will just let the review do the talking for itself. Tell me what you think.
Third Time's a Charm
by SemiMaster on Comments
Yep, my 3rd PS3 works just fine, no HDMI problems, no nothing. I was told by the lady at Gamestop that my current console was made 6000 units before the other two I had. That specific batch of 2 I believe is what the problem is.
It looks very pretty although Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox didn't look significantly worse, at least in the first level. So yea, I'm good now, that made me happy, I'm going to read some more of my research stuff (because I have to) after finishing this blog post and then will play the Tripple (no not a spelling mistake, that's the gangsta way of saying it) again.
PS3 = 2, Xbox 360 = 0
by SemiMaster on Comments
Yes, for those of you who read my blog yesterday, I now have 2 defective POS3 crapsoles. This one would allow my red yellow white cables to display pictures and sound, but the HDMI interface does not work. Ok, so it could be the cable was busted... Funny, my upscaling DVD player worked just fine. I tried to set the audio output on the POS3 to HDMI, it said HDMI connection is not fully established or something, check the connections. I am 100% sure I plugged them in right.
So, I decide to call Sony.
After a 10 minute hold time (the first time I called they said help was not functioning at this time, call back later, out of frustration I called back that second time 20 minutes later and somehow got through). After getting through, they cared more about my demographic, where I was from, what serial number my POS3 was. He walked me through each step like I was a baby and had no clue what to do, even though I explained it to "Mike" a hundred times. He asked "What brand of TV do you have". I said "Sharp". Silence...
"Oh, maybe you should have got a Sony for maximum performance and compatibility". My response was "Maybe you shouldn't release defective products" and I slammed the phone down. @#$%@#$@#%@#%
Oh my God was I so pissed that entire night, I was absolutely insane and desperate. Gamestop couldn't help me, because none of the employees have one there...
So... this will be my 2nd defective PS3 unless I can get some miracle answer from someone here on the forums.
Sony can shove it basically.
PS3 = 1, Xbox 360 = 0
by SemiMaster on Comments
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess - Review, unbiased, rugged and RAW!!!!!
by SemiMaster on Comments
Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess Review
This is my view of this game. A lot of Nintendo Fanboys are going to be pissed at it, and frankly, I don't care what your blind loyalty to the Nintendo brand says. This is the unadulterated truth about a game I feel I played 10 years ago.
Where I have I been?
by SemiMaster on Comments
*Static hiss and crackle*
May I have your attention please.
Some of you may have been wondering where I have I been?
The answer is laying down in bed with the flu/cold/sore throat/insert another random ailment that makes life miserable. Since I'm home for the 4th, I think I gave it to my family too...
Go Team!
I didn't dissappear from the planet though.
That is all.
*microphone cuts out*
It's *@#^^@#$ hot out here!
by SemiMaster on Comments
No, it not the "Oh wow, it's warm, lets stay in the shade" kind of hot. It's the "WTF is wrong with the world" hot that can only come from an excessive amount of moisture in the air that makes perspiration useless in cooling the body. At least my 9000 BTU air conditioner keeps my room cold, but that's the problem, I'm stuck half way across campus, a good 15 minute walk back to my apartment.
I guess I should be glad it isn't nearly flooding like some of my buddies in England are dealing with.
If you saw one of these...
by SemiMaster on Comments
Would you squash it or let it outside?
Today I had the chance to answer such a question. See the interesting thing was there were 4 of us in the room, me, my senior lab member who is vaguely Christian, a post doctorate fellow who is a ... um... I think vaguely Hindu although she says she doesn't practice, a Jewish first year student (like a freshman in grad school) and myself, a lazy Catholic.
Now, my choice was made irrelevant of religion, it was just a poor little bug running across the lab, and I basically said to all 3 of them (the two guys wanted to squash it, the girl wanted to let it live), if you were that little bug, would you want to be squashed?
I think my standing went up in her eyes and remained the same for the others due to fact they didn't care and wouldn't waste time to bring it outside like I did. I don't know if it was a social/gender bias that made her want me to keep it alive or whether it was her religous beliefs, but I saved a hairy multiple legged bug today and I felt good letting it go, although it seemed displeased to be outside for some reason. I walked away from the bug saying "It's probably better to be outside than squashed on the floor 4 stories up".
So again, what would you have done, herded it up and released it outside, or squashed it's little exoskeleton into the floor?
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