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SemiMaster Blog

The Xbox "720" - It does exist

I've said this before, I know someone who worked on the 360, and this same person JUST got the word that the contract with ATI is accepted to start working on the Xbox "720", although that is purely a code name right now. Apparently they are putting the memory, GPU and CPU all on the same part of the motherboard, directly on the same die or something if I heard it right. Apparently it will have the same or upscaled architecture as the current Xbox does so it will be 100% backwards compatible... in theory mind you. Other than that, I don't have any more information on the system although it is currently underway for programming and engineering. So if I had to guess, were looking at 4 more years before the next iteration of the Xbox is released.

But anyone with half a brain even knows that the PS4 and next Nintendo console are in development too. But the thing is I do know for a fact that the next Xbox is in the works. I just hope that 720 does stay it's code name and not the real name.

Movies - Coming Attractions (that I want to see)

1.) Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End

Oh wait, I already saw this last night. And boy was it amazing. They had such a great cast of characters in it, particularly Jack Sparrow and Barbossa and even Kiera Knightly as the suprisingly not annoying yet incredibly hot Elizabeth Swan. If you liked the first two, you're going to love the second. Ah, now for some of the spoilers.

[spoiler] 1.) Orlando Bloom dies. Yesss!!!! Well, he sorta takes Davy Jones' place. Still he's pretty much out of the Picture 2.) Have you ever seen a movie where someone gets married in the middle of battle? Well you will if you see this. 3.) The ending is left off for another sequel. In case you didn't know Pirates 4 and 5 were already in negotiations before 2 came out in the theaters [/spoiler]

Ok, now I promise I haven't seent he next movies... well not more than the previews.

2.) Fantastic Four : Rise of the Silver Surfer

All I know is I liked the first one, better than Super Man, Spider Man and possibly even X-Men. But the last Batman movie kicked ass. Still, the effects in this make me go "Wow", I mean I've seen CGI, but how cool the Surfer is and just all the effects make me suspend disbelief. Can't wait to see it next week. Oh yea, Jessica is hot and Michael Chiklis is the perfect choice for the Thing and um... well, I'm seeing it.

3.) Live Free or Die Hard

Yippee Kai Yay mother ****ers! Man, it's been too long since this man was in a big action packed blockbuster. The preview of this movie was just insane. Think True Lies + James Bond + all 3 other Die Hard movies rolled into one. I'm just sad that Sammy Jackson isn't in it... I think. There's a good chance that he could be, considering he makes like 7 movies a year.

4.) Transformers

I don't even watch this show nor have I ever even growing up in the 80s. However, if Michael Bay has something to do with it, it might be quite violent and full of explosions, which is what the trailer leads me to believe. Probably won't see it for at least 2 weeks after it comes out to avoid the dorks dressed like Optimus Prime... like ...


Well, I finally saw a Wii in person...

... and now I own it. Yes, I own a Wii now. You might think I'd never want one. No not true. I want Super Smash Bros Brawl more than you can know. And now I can get it when it comes out.

I have Wii Sports, Wii Play and Warior Ware Smooth Moves. So far the system is a load of fun... if you have someone else to play with (which will run you at least another 50$ for another remote +30 for the chuck add on to play the other half of games). My dad and younger brother played it for 3 hours in a row at baseball, they each one one, then tried 2 out of 3, then tied 3 games in a row then my younger brother won by sheer luck due to my dad's uncontrollable Mii's committing 3 errors in one inning. There weren't 3 errors total in the other 4 games they played.

Some games are more fun than others, like Boxing and Baseball and the pool game, and Wario Ware is awesome, I loved the original for the GBA.

However, that being said, Nintendo fanboys blow this little machine's importance out of the water. I'm sorry, but the controls are finicky and imprecise and you can EASILY run off screen and the machine takes a little time to recognize the controller once it comes back into the field of play. Basically, either the programmers don't completely understand the machine well enough yet or I suck/don't have enough experience. I think it's a little bit of the latter. 

Anyways, I have 2 controllers one chuck and a bunch of friends coming over in 2 weeks for my huge Graduation Party (even though I'm still in school going for my PhD, this was just my "crackerjack prize" Masters degree). Anyways, a lot of drinking will take place, and prior to getting absolutely sloshed, were gonna play the Wii. Once everyone's really drunk, I'll bring out the old faithful Xbox 360.

Am I happy to have one? Yea, does it fill my needs as a hardcore gamer right now? No. Is it a fun party machine? You bet.

Stay tuned for more info as I play it more later and hopefully grab Super Paper Mario in the future. 

Great Googly Moogly, I just found Cortez' lost treasure of video games

I was just cleaning out my basement back at my parents home this weekend for a family party thing.. and lo and behold, I found these following games.


Chrono Trigger, Lufia 1, Earthbound, Mario Paint, Ultraman, Mortal Kombat II, Yoshi's Island, Contra III : The Alien Wars, Donkey Kong Country


Phantasy Star II, Warsong, California Games, Sonic 1, Battlemaster (this is one quite esoteric)


Zelda OOT, Mario 64, Killer Instinct, Blast Corps, Crusin USA and World, Starfox 64, NBA Jam, Turok, Battletanx, Mario Kart 64, Shadows of the Empire, Waverace, and Mortal Kombat Trilogy.

Think I'm going to get my Killer Instinct on in a bit. Hope they still work. 

**** HDMI cables

I was going to buy a nice new Sony surround sound system with upscaling DVD players and other nice features, but to get the most out of it, you have to have an HDMI cable, just like with the PS3. But for those of us who really haven't looked into HDMI yet, you wouldn't know that the cables run from anywhere around 50 to 250$ for various lengths and quality. So... my nice new stereo set I was going to buy for 299$, would in reality be closer to 400$, much like to utilize the "HDMI Awesomeness" that the PS3 has, you gotta kick out like another say 80 bucks (thats what the 3 foot HDMI cable cost at Gamestop near the PS3 section). So basically PS3s now are closer to 700 dollars if you want to get the most out of them.

And people rip on the Elite, the damn thing comes with an HDMI cable in it, so the more I look at it, it's actually a good deal, although my 360 right now still works fine.

I'm just sick of all these HD-DVD vs. Blu-Ray vs. HDMI vs. Component imput crap. All of this hidden cost stuff really gets annoying once you factor in taxes too especially. 

Fils-Aime Sounds off... sounds like a load of BS to me.

****Article Here****

Now some of what you are going to hear is straight up opinion. Some of what you are going to hear is more or less fact/more objective than other parts. Some parts you may agree with, some parts you might not, but this is what I think about this whole new "Wii Phenomenon" is about.

You know my stance. Last gen graphics with a new "innovative" control method plus last gen ports and kiddie games does not satisfy the gamer in me. You know, I did kinda want a Wii, if only for Super Paper Mario (which was supposed to be a GAMECUBE GAME, way to support your user base jerks...), but now I know it's not an RPG and just another stupid Mario game with side scrolling jumping crap that I really never liked to begin with. After that, I wanted Metal Slug Anthology... BUT, the thing is available for 29.99 on the PS2, and probably looks just as good or better! Therefore, in terms of games I want, the Wii needs to get Super Smash Bros Brawl out real soon, otherwise, the only way I'm supporting Nintendo is through the DS.

But ok, now you know that I don't like what Nintendo has to offer, the point of my post is this.

The Regginator is talking about a technological divide. While he really doesn't make a comparison to Sony or Microsoft, his words are quite clear to me. He's essentially saying that he Wii is "More User Friendly" while the technologically superior PS3 and 360 are "User infriendly". I'm sorry, but hell no Mr. Fils-Aime. What the Wii has on the two other guys is a gimmicky controller that hasn't actually been proven as an excellent form of input, let alone reliable (broken connections to the system anyone?), and a cheaper price tag. He's right its new, and he's right it's cheap, but for someone to say that the Wii is so simple that the PS3 and 360 are like Quantum Physics (he didn't literally say that), it just absurd.

Now I've been gaming for a good 20+ years now, and since I've been gaming, you plug the console into the TV and power outlet, you plug a controller into the console, put in a game (whether it be disc, cartridge or otherwise), and turn the bad boy on... I mean how hard is that? It's like the easiest thing to do, and that is the primary function of video game consoles, whether it be the PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, PS3, Wii whatever...

My grandmother (one of the demographics that Nintendo is targeting) couldn't make a "Mii" if her life depended on it. People who want to learn about technology or play games will ultimately figure it out, it's not like there is some magical degree from ITT Tech that you need to play a dang game people.

This isn't to say that Sony and Microsoft don't put spin on what they say, but I'm sick of people calling Nintendo the good guy when clearly they want your money just as badly, and just look at their forms of milkage with the 3 or 4 franchises that kept them alive. Entertainment is milkage, but to call Nintendo the golden innovators and ones that reach out to the masses with simple technology (that's an oxymoron ain't it?) is just stupid.

My 10 Favorite RPGs of all time

This is just something I was thinking about after reading in the GGD forum when someone asked about "what's a good JRPG" and I went off on a huge list of games I loved and even ones I hated just to help the guy along with a gazillion choices. Well, here are my 10 favorite RPGs of all time, in no particular order of importance.

1.) Final Fantasy 7. While I'm not afraid to give a game a 10 out of 10 if it deserves it, I don't do it that often. This game was one of those. If I had to choose one, this is my favorite RPG of all time, as most of my friends in the RPG Temple have read why. One of the most moving visual experiences I've ever seen occurred in this game. I can't sing its praises enough.

2.) Final Fantasy 8. This was a close to perfect game as well. I loved the characters, loved the music, loved the story (I could relate to it going to a private boarding school at the time wearing the uniforms and all), and especially the card game. Why can't games have awesome mini games like that again? The only draw back was the "draw" command to use magic and stock it up, kind of made the game a little tedious at times.

3.) Parasite Eve. This game had a very neat premise and a neat scientific twist that added paranormal/biological aspects to a realistic setting, namely NY. Aya Brea was such a realistic and down to earth character and the gameplay was uncanny for the time, part real time active combat, part RPG. One of the few Square non Final Fantasy games I liked.

4.) Chrono Trigger. Chances are if you didn't play this game, you didn't own an SNES or hated RPGs. One of the most polished games I've ever seen, with something on the order of 15 distinct endings depending how you played the game through. I'm still waiting for a TRUE sequel (*cough* notthisChronoCrossbs *cough*).

5.) Final Fantasy Tactics. There are two SRPGs that are as classic to me as Chess. This is one of them. I was too young to really get into the deep political story when it first came out, but the depth of the gameplay and combat was one of the most strategic games I've ever played. Truly a classic, possibly worth picking up a PSP to get the remake.

6.) Earthbound. If you read my previous blog you'd see what I said. A humorous game with trippy psychedelic enemies and battles, and one of the most unique mechanisms for an RPG ever, the "turning wheel" mechanism where if you could act fast enough, your HP wouldn't instantly drop if you were dealt a fatal blow. That saved me a gazillion times.

7.) Warsong. The other SRPG to me that's on par with Chess. Again you might have read the suggestion of this game if you've never played it. This game was Fire Emblem before Fire Emblem was Fire Emblem. Never has terrain ever played such an important role in terms of combat effectiveness in a game. It was just genuinely fun to play, regardless of the story.

8.) Paper Mario - Thousand Year Door. I liked Super Mario RPG, I liked Paper Mario for the n64, but neither game had the amount of charm and personality or the level of polish that this game has. This game to me is the true essence of what Mario games are about, not jumping from giant mushroom to giant mushroom. The game is a simple combat system with turn based mechanics, but don't let my use of the word simple fool you, this game is more challenging than it looks.

9.) Breath of Fire 3 - Another one of those charming games with amazing characters and a story. One of my favorite anime styled RPGs ever with the sprite based graphics and very Japanese feel to it. The fact you could customize characters with learned attacks and each individual character was useful in their own way set this game apart for me.

10.) Star Ocean : The Second Story. One of my favorite free combat systems with an amazing cast of characters, and like Chrono Trigger, full of different endings depending on your characters interactions with each other. Also, it was the first time I ever became aware of what the heck Iron Chef was... Addtionally I loved that you could create your own weapons, and in fact the best weapons in the game were player made. Also one of my favorite twists in a game was the fact that one of the main characters... [spoiler] She was actually 600,000,000 years old. I'm not kidding. [/spoiler]  

Honorable Mention - Knights of the Old Republic 1. The only WRPG I would ever consider to be on par with any JRPG in my opinion... actually the only other 2 or 3 I've played were Diablo 1 and 2 (if you call those RPGs), KOTOR II, Baldurs Gate, Everquest and Champions of Norrath. KOTOR 1 was possibly the best Star Wars based game ever in my opinion and was like experiencing a 60 hour Star Wars movie. Probably the best reason I owned the original Xbox.

Now that this is finished, I need to look into getting a copy of Parasite Eve, Star Ocean 2 and Breath of Fire 3 again...

See guys, I'm not just about Final Fantasy.

Where was I this weekend?

Back home helping my dad completely redo the yard back home for his birthday. 9 to 5 both days, full manual labor of pulling weeds, cutting aberrant shoots and branches from the numerous trees and bushes around the yard, raking like I'd say a good two tons of pine needles and "dog by products". Anyways, that's what he wanted for his birthday, that's what he got. I was so busy and tired with that and such that I didn't log on.

We did go down to see a movie at the mall, and I did pick up Pokemon Pearl. Only played it for like 5 minutes last night, but it seems essentially identical to any GBA version.

Other than that, I'm back, if anyone cares/knew I didn't pop in. 

The Gospel of *TheTop 5 Games no one played* according to SemiMaster

Well, first let me say its not like no one has ever played these games, just very few people who missed out on a good game. I have something for everyone in my teachings, RPGs, Beatemups, Puzzle Games, etc. So read what lies within these scriptures for some classics.

1.) Fighting Force (Playstation, 1997)

Simple premise. Madman tries to take over the world. Two cops, the madman's daughter and a criminal have to defeat him using literally anything they can get their hands on. Let's just say a game with multiple varieties of attacks, grabs and such coupled with the most weapons I've ever seen in a game prior to Dead Rising, this is a fantastic fighting game, and possibly the best and ONLY good 3D beatemup ever. I won't lie, even for the time, the production values were HORRIBLE, but what matters is the quality underlying gameplay, I highly recommend this game for anyone looking for an epic beatemup.

Review for those interested in more detail.


2.) Kickle Kubickle (NES, 1990)

This game looks rather kiddie on the surface, but underneath lies a challenging and fun puzzle game like NES legends such as the Adventures of Lolo and yet hard to find reproduced on today's high definition technologically advanced consoles. To any fan of good puzzle games, I really suggest this.

Review for those interested in more detail.


3.) Warsong, A.K.A. Langrisser (Genesis, 1991)

Most hardcore Sega fans and fans of importing games from overseas would have heard about this SRPG masterpiece that was way before it's time. This game is a progenitor to things like Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem and a contemporary of Shining Force. It essentially plays like this. You have an army made up of up to 8 commanders who are more powerful than other units. Your troops are dependent upon what type of unit their commander is, and if they are within range to recieve bonuses from that commander, they are more powerful. What however was one of the biggest and most important features to this day was the influence of terrain. A unit in a castle has higher defense and attack than some schmuck outside in the water. Logic and tactics won the day in this game. A true SRPG masterpiece that should be missed by no one.

Err... I've yet to write a review about this yet, but I'm going to very soon. If I had to give it a break down of scores in relationship to it's release (which generally effects only graphics and sound in terms of score, gameplay is timeless), I'd go

Gameplay - 10, Graphics - 8, Sound - 7, Value - 9, and Tilt - 10. This game is that good, it's a shame that it has been so overlooked in the states. I'd kill for a high def sequel to this game with the exact same type of play.

4.) River City Ransom (NES, 1989)

At first dismissed by some as a blatant ripoff of Double Dragon (made by Technos as well), this game offered a rich combat system for the NES, great graphics and sound, but most of all it was one of the first games to ever try including elements from another genre of games into it's own. Namely, it is indeed a fighting game, but it had the function where your characters could eat to increase their stats like power, punch, kick, speed, weapons etc. It threw RPG elements into the game where your stats carried over each level, you could carry weapons and hold extra potions (actually tonics and drinks from a drug store, but you get what I mean). This game had real type shops where you could power up from buying stuff with the money you earned for beating down bad gang members. Again another unknown progenitor of future games that people don't pay proper respects to. This is truly a full blown AAA Gamespot game.

Review for those interested in more detail.

Why I didn't give it a 10 for value too is beyond me...

5.) Earthbound (SNES, 1995)

Again, a ****c RPG that more people have played, but not enough. This game has some of the most quirky off beat humor (A giant puddle of puke that belches? Trout Yogurt? A bee from the future named Buzz Buzz? MR SATURN???!1?!1?!??). If you are an RPG fan and you've never played this you missed out. Aside from the off the wall story and humor, the gameplay itself is unlike anything I've seen. It's a traditional turn based combat, don't get me wrong, but every character has a different variety of play. People harken back to Final Fantasy 4 and long for individualized characters. Well this game has them. One is the main character who is the strongest in terms of overall power. Next is a healer/magic attack traditional caster type, next is a non magic user but a brilliant scientist who can make junk into incredibly powerful and reusable items, and then an eastern martial artist who is a potent melee attacker and magic user, yet he can mimic enemies attacks to boot. Possibly the best thing in this game is if you say have 700 hp, but you get hit for 800 hp, your life drains quickly, but not instantaneously. Assuming you can finish the turn quick enough, you can actually heal and surive (also some enemies self destruct, and this kills you but you basically finish the fight prior to fainting). I've never seen any type of mechanic like that before or since in a game, and it's too bad, beause it is an excellent feature.

Again no review yet, but I'd give Gameplay 9, Graphics 10, Sound 9, Value 10, Tilt 10. Another must play for any RGP fan.


And that my friends is that, I put a lot of time into this blog post and hope that you've discovered some previously unknown games that have been sadly overlooked by the majority of the gaming community for any number of reasons.