Well, first let me say its not like no one has ever played these games, just very few people who missed out on a good game. I have something for everyone in my teachings, RPGs, Beatemups, Puzzle Games, etc. So read what lies within these scriptures for some classics.
1.) Fighting Force (Playstation, 1997)
Simple premise. Madman tries to take over the world. Two cops, the madman's daughter and a criminal have to defeat him using literally anything they can get their hands on. Let's just say a game with multiple varieties of attacks, grabs and such coupled with the most weapons I've ever seen in a game prior to Dead Rising, this is a fantastic fighting game, and possibly the best and ONLY good 3D beatemup ever. I won't lie, even for the time, the production values were HORRIBLE, but what matters is the quality underlying gameplay, I highly recommend this game for anyone looking for an epic beatemup.
Review for those interested in more detail.
2.) Kickle Kubickle (NES, 1990)
This game looks rather kiddie on the surface, but underneath lies a challenging and fun puzzle game like NES legends such as the Adventures of Lolo and yet hard to find reproduced on today's high definition technologically advanced consoles. To any fan of good puzzle games, I really suggest this.
Review for those interested in more detail.
3.) Warsong, A.K.A. Langrisser (Genesis, 1991)
Most hardcore Sega fans and fans of importing games from overseas would have heard about this SRPG masterpiece that was way before it's time. This game is a progenitor to things like Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem and a contemporary of Shining Force. It essentially plays like this. You have an army made up of up to 8 commanders who are more powerful than other units. Your troops are dependent upon what type of unit their commander is, and if they are within range to recieve bonuses from that commander, they are more powerful. What however was one of the biggest and most important features to this day was the influence of terrain. A unit in a castle has higher defense and attack than some schmuck outside in the water. Logic and tactics won the day in this game. A true SRPG masterpiece that should be missed by no one.
Err... I've yet to write a review about this yet, but I'm going to very soon. If I had to give it a break down of scores in relationship to it's release (which generally effects only graphics and sound in terms of score, gameplay is timeless), I'd go
Gameplay - 10, Graphics - 8, Sound - 7, Value - 9, and Tilt - 10. This game is that good, it's a shame that it has been so overlooked in the states. I'd kill for a high def sequel to this game with the exact same type of play.
4.) River City Ransom (NES, 1989)
At first dismissed by some as a blatant ripoff of Double Dragon (made by Technos as well), this game offered a rich combat system for the NES, great graphics and sound, but most of all it was one of the first games to ever try including elements from another genre of games into it's own. Namely, it is indeed a fighting game, but it had the function where your characters could eat to increase their stats like power, punch, kick, speed, weapons etc. It threw RPG elements into the game where your stats carried over each level, you could carry weapons and hold extra potions (actually tonics and drinks from a drug store, but you get what I mean). This game had real type shops where you could power up from buying stuff with the money you earned for beating down bad gang members. Again another unknown progenitor of future games that people don't pay proper respects to. This is truly a full blown AAA Gamespot game.
Review for those interested in more detail.
Why I didn't give it a 10 for value too is beyond me...
5.) Earthbound (SNES, 1995)

Again, a ****c RPG that more people have played, but not enough. This game has some of the most quirky off beat humor (A giant puddle of puke that belches? Trout Yogurt? A bee from the future named Buzz Buzz? MR SATURN???!1?!1?!??). If you are an RPG fan and you've never played this you missed out. Aside from the off the wall story and humor, the gameplay itself is unlike anything I've seen. It's a traditional turn based combat, don't get me wrong, but every character has a different variety of play. People harken back to Final Fantasy 4 and long for individualized characters. Well this game has them. One is the main character who is the strongest in terms of overall power. Next is a healer/magic attack traditional caster type, next is a non magic user but a brilliant scientist who can make junk into incredibly powerful and reusable items, and then an eastern martial artist who is a potent melee attacker and magic user, yet he can mimic enemies attacks to boot. Possibly the best thing in this game is if you say have 700 hp, but you get hit for 800 hp, your life drains quickly, but not instantaneously. Assuming you can finish the turn quick enough, you can actually heal and surive (also some enemies self destruct, and this kills you but you basically finish the fight prior to fainting). I've never seen any type of mechanic like that before or since in a game, and it's too bad, beause it is an excellent feature.
Again no review yet, but I'd give Gameplay 9, Graphics 10, Sound 9, Value 10, Tilt 10. Another must play for any RGP fan.
And that my friends is that, I put a lot of time into this blog post and hope that you've discovered some previously unknown games that have been sadly overlooked by the majority of the gaming community for any number of reasons.
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