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Video Game Character for a Day - Choose your Destiny!

Who would you be? I have two choices, because I said so, so there :P


Solid Snake : Super Soldier/Spy, Ladies Man, and an all around nice guy. Ladies love him and Men want to be him.
Ok, so if I couldn't be him and jump off of missles my genetically identical brother shot at me or blowing up tanks with just a few hand grenades or shooting down 4 story tall assault mechs, well, I'd go a very different route...

She's is probably the most attractive female in a video game in my opinion, she's intelligent, dresses nice, and has a whip instead of a cliched sword. Her contemporaries look up to her, even though they are the same age, and I can relate to that.
Also, you know who else has a whip and kicks ass?

Yea, that's right. So next time you think whips are just for hot video game vixens, think about Mr. Harrison "Indiana Jones" Ford and how he's saved the world at least 3 times by my count using mostly a whip.

So who would you be if you could be someone from a video game for a day? Tell me why too, that's half the fun.

I've come to this realization...

I am probably going to buy a PS3 tomorrow or shortly. If you saw me in System Wars, you might consider me a Lemming (Microsoft Fanboy). I would deny that, as I express nothing but love for my PS2, even though it's the only system that's ever crapped the bed on me.

I realize I hate Sony and the executives that make stupid decisions and issue edicts such as "You will buy a PS3 because it carries the Playstation name on it"... or "You will experience the 4th dimension"... or any of the things that Ken Kutaragi or Kaz Hirai says. I hate how they think it is 2x as powerful as the 360 when it is clearly not, it's much closer and it's not the hardware, but the developers that will cause the games to be great.

I want the PS3 because...

1.) I've played my 360 to death, and there isn't a lot of good games coming out for probably a good 3 months or so for it.
2.) The price WON'T drop for a long time. Sony is losing 200 to 300 dollars per console now, so don't expect to see a price drop until they refine their technique of construction.
3.) Only a stupid blind fanboy would deny that the PS3 won't have good games either.
4.) I plan to have an HD TV in the future.

I don't want one right now because...

1.) Most of the games do suck... in fact all suck besides probably RFOM, but that doesn't fire my rockets. (Read : MGS4 and FFXIII aren't out for example)
2.) The backwards compatibility issue. I love my PS2 and have always fought to the death for it, but if I can't play my PS2 games without keeping my PS2 forever as well, I don't think Sony has lived up to their 100% BC claim.
3.) Buying a PS3 would sink my HD TV aspirations. Right now I barely have enough money for the TV (This means I wouldn't eat for a week if I bought it). So, if I do buy the PS3, my HD TV will have to wait a good while.

I'd say that point 2 of why I am not buying one right now is holding me back the most.

Level 21 Rescue Ranger

No I'm not Chip n' Dale, but I did enjoy that show.

This is a much easier level to pass, I got like 7% increase in one day yesterday. I hope level 40 doesn't suck as much as level 20 did.

Pizza, what's your favorite kind?

Simple question, what's your favorite kind of Pizza?

For me, its Mushroom, Onion and Pepperoni. Can't beat that with a stick. Although there are a lot of other good things, this one takes the cake.

This message was brought to you by my insatiable hunger for something to eat for dinner that I hope is Pizza.

Calling all Technophiles, what HDTV should I get?

I'm in the market for a nice LCD HDTV, preferably 1080p 40+ inches.

Samsung makes a nice 1080p LCD TV with 6000:1 contrast ratio at 40 inches for 1999 at Best Buy.

Although I prefer Sharp for the LCD TVS. They make a 1080p TV with 42 inches for slightly over 2000, while a 52 inch is just under 3 grand. Those have 10000:1 contrast ratio.

Should I just stick with my crappy Cathode Ray SDTV for a little longer to get a Laser TV later this coming year?

First time in 10 years it hasn't snowed for Christmas

Well, thats kind of a lie. The reason it didn't snow on Christmas for me 10 years ago was because I was somewhere off the coast of Miami Florida.

Now back in New England, this is the first time ever that I've not had snow on Christmas. And the funny thing is, I've worn shorts like 3 times in the past week... IN DECEMBER!!!!!

Ugh... Well if it doesn't snow now, I don't want it to snow at all this season.

It just feels weird without snow on Christmas. Especially someone who has lived in Massachusetts their entire life.

General RAAM on Insane Difficulty

I have nothing but positive things to say about Gears of War... even on insane mode. But the last boss in this game is stupid.

Ok, his gun blows you to pieces in two hits, literally. That's lame.
His Kryll chew you to pieces... EVEN IN THE LIGHT HALF THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!1111onewtf.
Oh wait, they make him invincible too. Hope you have a ton of grenades, torque bow ammo and what not.
To make it even worse, two reavers fly by you to make things worse. I especially love the fact that Theron Guards on the Reavers have tendencies to land Torque shots in your head quite easily.

Compounded with this fact, Dom is an absolute moron, as are the guys in the King Raven. Sure you can help shoot down the Reavers, but then that wastes ammo to dump into RAAM.

Ok... apparently everyone and their momma has beaten RAAM on Insane Solo mode. I call major BS on this.

While I would believe A VERY few people have, most people do it on coop, and even then every video proving it shows RAAM getting caught in a glitch. I've yet to see a legit non glitch kill on this bastard.

I've tried everything, and by no means do I suck at this game. I guarantee that luck plays as big a part in this as skill, maybe bigger.

Ugg Boots, ipods and Razr Phones

Ok, I don't care who you are, how macho of a guy (or girl? ) you might be, but...

Frickin' uggs are everywhere nowadays. I walked past a line of girls all wearing Uggs, I swear 9 out of 10 of them were wearing them.

Now guys are too!

And also, iPods, although fashionable, really weren't installed in every household until this year as well. It wasn't popular in 2004, 2005 it became popular, but people still didn't rationalize the 300 dollar price, but everyone and their momma has an iPod now.

And Razr phones. I bought my mom one for 300 dollars two years ago, in Pink and it was all the rage, but now everyone has one, actually, two.

The day I see someone wearing Pink Uggs, a Pink iPod and Pink Razr phone I will go nuts and gargle jello while running down the street backwards with my head shaved wearing a barrel. Well no not really, but... you know what I mean?

Xbox 360, the greatest console since the SNES

The Xbox 360 can do no wrong.

Dead Rising
Saints Row
Elder Scrolls 4 : Oblivion
Perfect Dark Zero
Kameo : Elements of Power
and of course...


All solid games for a beautiful system. I'm sorry but from the games I've played on the PS3, I wasn't wow'd like the PS2 did last generation. The PS2 was excellent, as was the PS1, but the PS3 is just pathetic. If what I hear is true, namely that MGS4 and FFXIII are coming to the 360, I will not be picking up a PS3... ever.

And about this controversy of Legend of Zelda, I'm not really into it, I never thought Zelda was the be all end all of the gaming world, as great as Ocarina of Time was, Majora's Mask was mediocre, and Wind Waker was great... one time only. The sailing really killed the fun of that game.

But besides Zelda, there is nothing good for the Wii I see until SSBB (I will buy the Wii for that game alone if I have to). Beyond that, I hope that Mario Galaxy won't blow huge like Mario Sunshine did. I'd also hope that Nintendo would make a new Mario RPG with someone too, and be able to use the Wiimote like a hammer.

Anyways, I'm glad to have got my 360 and am enjoying the ever loving daylights out of it.

Now... only to wait for Lost Planet, Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Bioshock and well... I don't think I have enough money.

System Wars is fun today with Gears of War buzz.

It's amazing to see System Wars now that Gears Of War has garnered a 9.6 from Gamespot. Everyone is in a frenzy, probably not a good time to stick your hand in the blender if you are anyone but an Xbox fan.

I personally felt this game should be good, not because of it being on the 360, but the fact that Epic Games made it. Anyone who made Unreal Tournament is alright in my book.

Anyways, the game should be available tomorrow, seeing as it was shipped today.  More on this when I get it.