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SemiMaster Blog

Upcoming Games

There are some really good looking games coming up in the very near future, and over the next year.

Mostly, Dead Rising in 4 days, Saints Row at the end of the Month. Scarface and Godfather 360 comes out in Sept. I think that Twilight Princess is supposed to be out soon, but who knows, they keep changing the date. Gears of War and FFXII are coming out just before the PS3 and Wii are supposed to. God, my bank account is going to be hurt.

For anyone who reads this, what games are you looking forward to in the near future.

Games I've beaten

I just finished Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty for I think the 5th time now, and that's prompted me to come up with a list of games I have beaten, and from this point on record my conquests, although I wouldn't be able to fathom how many times I've beaten each of these games. All games beaten at least once before 7-20-2006 unless noted otherwise.

Metal Gear (Finished 7-22-2006)
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (Finished 7-26-2006)
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid : Twin Snakes
Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 3 : Subsistence (Finished 8-14-2006)
Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6, 7, 8 , 9 ,10, 10-2,11, 12 Tactics, Mystic Quest
Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, 3
Super Mario World
Super Mario 64
Super Mario Sunshine
New Super Mario Bros
Super Smash Bros Melee
Legend Of Zelda
Legend Of Zelda: Link to The Past
Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Halo 1 and 2
KOTOR 1 and 2
Xenosaga Episodes 1 and 2
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Life Force
Super Contra
Star Ocean 2nd Story
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Cross
Star Wars Battlefront II
Resident Evil 0, 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica
Super Double Dragon
River City Ransom
Double Dragon II
Fighting Force
Megaman 1, 2, 3, 4
Megaman X and X2
Fire Emblem
Fight Night Round 3
Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark Zero
Bubble Bobble
Kickle Kubicle
Mutant League Football
Diablo 1 and 2
Starcraft and Brood War
Warcraft 1, 2, and 3
Duke Nukem 3d
Secret of Mana
Tekken 2, 3, 5, Tag Tournament
Super Metroid
Neverwinter Nights
Unreal Tournament and UT2k4
Golden Axe 1 and 2
Streets of Rage 1, 2, 3
Final Fight 1, 2, 3
Sonic 1 and 2
Marble Madness
Doom 1 and 2
Cruisin USA and World
Dead Rising (Finished 8-20-2006)
Saints Row (Finished 10-15-2006)
Gears of War (Finished 11-11-2006)
Phantasy Star Universe (Finished 11-22-2006)
Paper Mario (Finished 1-21-2007)

Def Jam : Icon (3-20-2007) 

Next on my list of to beat games

Kameo (also working on this)
Ninja Gaiden
Beyond Good and Evil
Paper Mario 1000 Year Door
Metroid Prime

Some reviews I don't agree with Gamespot on

I have a gripe with a few of the games that Gamespot reviews that get lower scores than they really should. In a few cases, I find a few that I feel to be higher than should be.

Games that Gamespot gave lower reviews than I feel they should have.

Diablo 2
Diablo 2: LoD
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart Double Dash
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Beyond Good and Evil

Games that got higher scores than they should have.

Brain Age
Star Wars: Empire at War
Chrono Cross (Perfect 10? WTF?)

On some of these, a lot of the Gamespot Community agrees, on a few, a lot don't. I just thought I would make my voice heard. Check my reviews. A lot of those games are reviewed by me already.

The New England Airshow

Ah the Airshow, makes me proud to be an American and to know that one of our Jet Fighters produces more power than the starting lineup of the Indy 500.

It makes you think, what if you saw a plane fly over then heard the roar. Might suck to be someone like Osama bin Laden hiding in a cave knowing that a depleted uranium slug would not kill you by the bullet impact, but the fact that it vaporizes the air around you, cooking you alive.

I almost joined the Air Force today, or at least felt like it. Maybe the FBI after I get my PhD in Polymer Science.

Nothing like Air Superiority to get the Patriotic Juices flowing.

Level 10, start my own blog and got my first Badge, hurray!

Um, yea, not much more than that. I have added a lot of games to my collection and have quite a few reviews, and intend to review a whole lot more in the future.

I like to hope that my reviews are fair, at least in as much that I give reasons for the way I score things. Anyways, nothing on my mind right this second to rant or rave about.

Oh yea, I should probably get some friends on GS.