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attention: fanatics//

For those of you who like the Necrosis Angel series, here's a tag....but it was made with the intent to cure my boredom.

And for those of you who still enjoy reading it, here's the fifth drama. I've decided the series will run longer than the nine intended installments. So I guess the tag would have more meaning this way and having more fans in my journal would motivate me to keep 'em comin'. So you can expect the sixth drama by Friday at the latest. Enjoy!


[Necrosis Angel: The Fifth Drama]

‘This is she. Who- Who’s down there?’

‘This is,’ lying to ensure his entrance, ’Mike, from,’ still lying, ’down the street.’

‘Oh, Mike. Why do you have to scare me like that?’ she paused to sigh and giggle a bit. ’Come on up, then.’


He rapped on the door, and she plucked it open. ’Oh my God!’ was all she could say.

‘Hey, sis. How about you invite me in, and we can share some tea, reminisce about the good ole days, and gee, I dunno, explain to me why you sold me to those madmen?’

She was stupefied gelatin and she had no choice but to release her terrified hold on the trim of the door.

’Do come in,’ she choked. He looked around the gaudy and disorganized habitat, searching for the mother’s young.

‘Where are the children?’

‘I sent them to Mr. Gordon, a floor above me. I was expecting Mike, we,’ stopping to configure her exegesis, ‘usually spend our time alone when we’re together.’

‘Oh, I see,’ he said in reluctance.

Seven and a half years of feeling remorse, and before she had the proper chance to explain herself, she had already been humiliated.

‘How did you recognize me anyway? I look nothing like I did before.’

‘They told me what they’d be doing to you, I figured if one day a man came in a black, skintight suit who towered over me like the brother I used to have, that it’d be you.’

‘Not irrational, I suppose.’

He sat on the coarse, ripe-green couch.

‘I also suppose this is a sin you didn’t report to Father Kerry.’

‘You can hardly call it a sin. Besides, Father Kerry passed away about two years ago. Just about the time Jenna was born.’

‘I guess I could’ve expected so many things to change while I was…gone.’

‘Okay, we have to stop ignoring this. You came over here for a reason, right?’


‘And that is?’

‘I’ve already told you. Why did you turn me in to them?’

‘Right- why did I turn you over to Chipke Limited? Why did I let them make something unnatural out of you?’

‘Yes, get on with it.’

‘You killed mom-’

‘I did no such thing!’

‘Hey, hey! Are you going to let me explain or not?’

He was flustered beyond placidity.

‘When I moved back here, I trusted you would stay living where you were. Okay, so she lived in a nursing home, but how do you expect her to have a reason to live when she’s all alone?’

‘It was a choice I made for my family!’

‘You can’t keep decent, can you?’

‘What are you implying?’

‘You know exactly what I’m accusing you of. You left mom alone in Maine, and those men came-’

He nodded, ‘Those men came? Is that all?’

‘Jimmy- shut it!’

He leered like a canine at her.

She continued, ‘They explained that they’d been studying you and needed you. They’d tracked you down in Maine. They thought you discovered them, and that’s why they asked me where you moved to. I was so mad that I became too dense to realize the consequences of this.’

‘ “Let us mutate your brother, please. We just need to know where he is.” What the hell justifies that?!’

He pushed her. ‘What justifies it? What? What?!’

He pushed her again. Ankles over the plastic, worse-place-to-be fire truck, her tailbone hit the coffee table. Like nails to a chalkboard, she fell against the window, and then through it.

In disbelief of his rash behavior, he conjured up a few redeeming words, ’Bound to happen.’

sadists for parents//

So during practice tonight, it's probably about 30 degrees out on the field and I borrowed my jacket to a freshman trumpeter. I didn't mind a whole lot, but then it started raining and it became rather cold. But I just sucked it up and marched, so all went well. Then I tell my dad about it because he asked if I was warm. 'You can't keep doing that. You always try to help others before you help yourself,' he says. He was ticked, too.

Since when is courtesy wrong?

I'll never understand my parents, which is why I'll never let them understand me. Other than that, school's going great and.......and I haven't heard from Outback today, so I'll call tomorrow when I'm actually at the house and not the school from 7:00am-9:00pm. Ummm, that's all I have to report on for now.


Necrosis Angel: The Fourth Drama [re-issue]//

Left, right, left. Nine days since he’d walked or breathed air. Seven years since he’d been his normal self. Just seven and a half since he struggled to keep up with the Jones’, watch his children learn to read or learn heartbreak, and file trivial taxes. He used to be James Dunson. He used to be a man. He used to be, and once again is, free.

‘Now you bow to me.’

‘I will not.’

‘C’mon, Sijac’ the dark angel joked, ‘you’ve taken me captive, stripped me of my decency, and morphed me into a mutant beyond recognition of most of my past life.’

‘And that should mean that I demoralize myself?’

‘You’re one stupid, stupid alien.’

In a blaze of purblind and quick breath of sword, the Necrosis Angel mercilessly decapitated Sijac. Vertebra in two, the great imperialist stages a dying stupor in the east corner of the room.

‘You,’ he paused, pointing at Kent Frago, ‘are getting me out of this hellhole.’

The Necrosis Angel walloped the sewer lid back in place, leaving sirens and red chaos below him. He inhaled the freshest air he’d been exposed to in a long time and looked at everything encompassing him. Then he hauled his gaze to the sunrise. He stared in awe at the sight-restricting gas ball.

‘If you think you’re sticking with me, you’d better get a new plan,’ he said, facing the dawn‘s friend.

‘Well, then, I guess I find somewhere to go.’

‘This isn’t a usual gesture of mine, but thank you for saving me back there.’

‘Sure. I’m not sure I could stomach everything that Dr. Edward told me while trying to stay working there. I owe you my gratitude as well for saving me from that place.’

They shared the first silence since they climbed above the crust of Earth. It was an awkward one, since they knew very little about each other’s history. Thinking you know one for only hour, if that at all, and then experiencing an unexplainable dash from below doesn’t ever usually leave one with much to say. They both bled from flesh and fabric, silently standing in an exhausted manner, sharing pain and harmonic rapture.

Frago had to interrupt, though. ‘So I guess we go our separate ways, now. You gonna be okay?’

‘Me? I’m that salubrious character that, if all emulated me, would put hospitals out of business.’

That infelicitous silence had been resurrected for just a moment.

‘Do take care.’


Kent Frago, a man without a road to travel, walked in the shadows in bottomless thought and awe. What to do after this overnight, surrealistic spasm, he did not know.

James Dunson, a thing with revenge to deliver, walked in the shadows in fear of being seen. What to do after this overnight, realistic spasm, he knew exactly.

His finger pressed the button impatiently, waiting out in the cold, until a voice struggled through the wire from inside the building.

‘Can I help you?’

‘Yes, I’m looking for someone,’ James said waspishly.

‘A lover, by chance?’

‘I guess it’s just that obvious. This is 8940 Wallace Street apartments, right?’

‘Last I checked. I-’


‘Sorry, my kids are perturbing the crap outta’ me.’

‘That’s alright. Now, I’m looking for someone.’

‘Oh, right. Name?’

‘Sierra Dunson.’

the most atypical guilt//

I shouldn't, but I feel guilty every time I hear that one of my friends is sick. Without exaggeration, I only get sick once a year. And that's the week before, of, or after my birthday. It never fails, either. So when my friends are sick, I feel bad that...I'm not sick? I guess that's it.

I'm also that kid who doesn't need braces (and gets compliments on how clean/straight his teeth are), doesn't need glasses, doesn't have allergies, doesn't sunburn (ever), and doesn't have any medical complications whatsoever. So I guess I'm lucky, but there's a certain amount of guilt that comes with it- so remember that if nothing else.

Oh, what did I do today? Went back to Outback....again. Turns out Eric told me to come today when Rich had a banquet scheduled, so he couldn't talk to me then. So I'm going back yet again tomorrow, which is hopefully the last time. He said he wants to ask me a few more questions and see what he can do about 'getting me on board.' So I'm guessing that means I'll have the job. Other than that, I had lit and psych homework all day, and I'm still sort of doing it. I had to create the front of a newspaper based on five works of Puritan authors, to which my dad asked me if I had been plagiarizing. What kind of question is that to ask your children? I don't understand him, but nevertheless, I guess he said it looked pretty good. So that's a compliment, sortof. And I think that's all I have for now, folks. G'nite.


life may work just yet//

Not like anything's's just that....everything is great, actually.

School is easy, thus far, and it's not too much for me to handle. Marching band is crazy-awesome. I've been able to hang out with some friends in the past week, like playing hide-and-seek (so childish, I know, but it's fun), I bough MK Deadly Alliance, Tony Hawk's Underground, and Soul Calibur II yesterday for my Xbox, and it cost me a little over $40, so I was happy with that. Let's see...what else? Well, the GS purge isn't too cool, but it'll be fine soon, so there's no reason to fret.

I think that's all, so far. I've slowly been becoming more lax. Don't get me wrong, I'm not lax with my responsibilities, but I'm learning to take it easy more often and just...enjoy life, lol. I don't have to be spending every second actually doing something of importance and I don't have to feel like I'm contributing to something all the time. Which is odd because lately, I've been thinking of becoming a:


Mostly because I've been thinking about 'speciesism' and how it basically, well, it basically sucks. I mean, it's hard to back my beliefs about it right now, 'cause I've only recently started thinking about it, but my friend showed me some stats that, today alone, 1,490,745 animals were saved thanks to vegetarians/vegans. I'm not totally serious about it yet, but I'm really considering it. So, that's all for now. The next two re-issues of Necrosis Angel will be posted soon and then I'll have new chapters. [Fett out.]

Necrosis Angel: The Third Drama [re-issue]//

‘She and the two younger bleed in silence- understand?’ bellowed a groggy and ominous voice.
‘Yes, sir,’ was the polite answer.
‘They are a past; a history.’
‘Because we have morphed your fainéant life, given you rebirth, and started you anew. You’re nothing without us anymore.’
‘I guess I understand.’
‘Then this is conversation is over, then, James.’
‘I won’t remember my name soon, will I?’
‘For the best reasons, you will not.’
‘Thank you, sir. Goodbye.’
He turned to face the door, and swiftly made his way out, the door locking.

Knocking on steel came the voice of Dr. Edward Windon: ‘You requested my presence?’
Nothing echoed back to him but the grinding bolts of the door swinging it wide open.. He squinted, and if from inside, one could see none but a silhouette of a well-aged in a stance of instability.

‘I- I didn’t mean to, I just thought I’d skip a couple weeks and tell him now. If you just-’
‘- follow the rules that this citadel has functioned by for over forty years, you will be lifeless in the chamber.’
‘But, but I-’
‘But you didn’t follow protocol. You didn’t ask permission on advanced information. You didn’t let him make his decision to stay with Chipke and you annihilated my trust.’
‘Sir, if I may-’
‘You may not,’ silence, and then, ’Windon, we go back about, twelve years, do we not?’
‘Y-yes,’ said Windon, trying to force some saliva down his dry esophagus.
‘But you broke the rules, and for that, you deserve the proper, and most bittersweet, reward of law-breaking here in this facility.’
‘You can’t.’

The voice paused and the vacuums in the room seemed to freeze. Windon’s lip trembled and he tightened his grip on his shirt. What the Hell did I just say?! he breathed only in his mind. A form emerged from shadow and into the light. It outlined his glossy eyes, lidless, and his head, bald. It outlined his stretched arms and bony fingers, and his thin body and glistening muck that stuck tight like a thumbtack. Windon fell to his knees, clasped his hands together, bowed his head, and tried to beg for mercy, but was inadequate to speak.

‘So this,’ Sijac said sternly,’ is the man behind the glasses. The man whom I gave most respect and sheer trust to. The man begging for his life in front of me, who can’t seem to beg at all. Have you seriously been afraid your whole life,’ he paused, ‘of dying? You entrusted your life to everything we created here, and to me, and that- that monstrosity. And I gave my trust to you. Law breakers get their comeuppance.’

‘Sijac, you are not a god! You can’t demoralize me like this!’ he choked on the noxious, blue smog. ‘Si- cough- Sijac! Now I wish I’d sent Frago on his way to tell the world about you extra terres - cough. ‘He stumbled around the small chamber and met the small six inch by six inch by eight inch window crested in the center of the door. He pressed his face into it and acknowledged the situation. ‘I’m going to die.’

‘As do we all,’ Emperor Sijac shut his eyes in disappointment until he heard glass shatter.

Water cavalcaded like wind from the holding cell. With only an unidentifiable cadaver in the room, the Necrosis Angel walked coolly from the tank. Like a flash, his wings burst onto scene at wingspan of nine feet. He reached over his shoulder and retrieved frosted, merciless steel.

He spoke as gently as one could with a smirk, ‘As do we all, your highness.’

Necrosis Angel: The Second Drama [re-issue]//

Winded and confused, Frago opened his eyes. Windon stood above him with a smile. He turned to the crowd around them both, ‘He’ll live.’ Every employee laughed a little and a couple helped Frago to his feet. His head still swimming, he managed to put a few words together, ’Where-mmm,’ he scratched his head,’ umm, happened?’ This only dragged a few more laughs out of the audience.

‘You freaked, kid.’

‘Well, that’s just most comforting,’ he squinted at her badge, ‘Ms., I presume, Katelyn.’

She gave him an aberrant look and left the room.

‘So when does my sarcasm get me brownie points?’ Frago asked.

‘When you start working here...,’ Windon rifled through his thoughts. ‘Perhaps it’s best if I explain what you saw in the other room before you endeavor to stand before him again.’ He smirked and motioned him out of the room.

Frago murmured, ‘Everyone’s a comedian.’

Deep in the underground citadel, two figures talked and gestured for a brief while. Windon kept pointing to a blackboard, all the while, a monotonous exegesis flowing from his mouth. Nothing he described actually put Frago into shock considering he had suffered much trauma in his youth. Something Windon said triggered one such emotion, though irrelevant, and he drifted. When he came to, Windon was still rambling, ignoring the fact that his pupil was in a haze. ‘…and so the modification hasn‘t been changed to date.’ Windon finished. ‘He’ll be out of holding by Tuesday, then you can see him in action.’

‘O-okay,’ came the dumbfounded Frago. ‘Umm,’ he came, remembering something Windon had mentioned only briefly.


‘I, uhh, was wondering something. To what effects the radiation had on the subject?’

‘Well, it mutated his brain, allowing us to jack in explore, if you will. We were able to submit ‘courses’ by brain wave, preparing him for high levels of combat like sword and rifle technique.’

‘So, then, what’s he armed with?’

‘Two J-799 silver pistols. He carries these on a belt, and since the mutation was very irregular, as if a mutation couldn’t be,’ he paused to laugh at his comment, but sternly resumed his seriousness. ’Right. Anywho, there came six ‘holsters’ in his back that we filled with whetted, steel blades. He holds two throwing-daggers below each calf, too. He’s undoubtedly impervious to gun fire.’

‘That’s really, very unusual, but impressive and unmatched, I presume.’

‘I suppose.’

‘What’s wrong with a mutant built like that?’

‘He doesn‘t run quick enough. However, we’ve no intention of ameliorating that one aspect and risk terminating any other quality.’


‘Like I was saying, that’s why we kept the wings.’

The couple’s small-talk in the break room was interrupted with a very rough and rancoric voice on the intercom. ‘Dr. Windon, please report to sector 16-B, quadrant 3. Failure to appear will result in termination as your matters with Him are most severe. Report immediately.’

A flustered look flashed upon his face. ‘****! They were watching me!’

‘And?’ said Frago, anxiously.

‘And I told you specifics that noobs aren’t to know. Things that come with in time with our trust in you.’

‘But didn’t I need to learn those certain things about the Necrosis Angel?’

‘You should, but I leaked something more than that,’ he paused, contradicting himself in his mind.

‘I’m afraid I was in a daze when you told me,’ he came apologetically.

‘His opposite. His antidote.’

Necrosis Angel: The First Drama [re-iussue]//

I've decided to, finishing writing the rest of my short story. So for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, here is the first installment, and then four to follow will be re-issued accordingly. For those of you who liked it, you can refresh your memory here and anticipate the next eight installments to finish the story. I haven't tried to finish it in a while...but I'm encouraged to now, so I hope you enjoy it.

Surgeon in training Kent Frago cupped two moieties in his left palm. He concentrated on them, blind to the rest of the room. His jaw hung lower than ever as he tried to pull his gaze from their Circean beauty.

‘And these are- these are souls?’ he asked, bewildered.

‘It is one soul,’ the voice paused, ‘and it is not a toy.’ The man’s withered forearm stretched forward and his palm took the spheres.
Dr. Edward Windon was chief analyst at Chipke Limited. He was also a man with little patience and compassion, which cost him his family and prior life. He walked back to a vacuum setting upon the table and entered a code. He spoke, ‘You look piqued. And perhaps I’m right, no?’

‘Well,’ Kent strained his mind, ‘it’s just that, in my studies, I’ve never witnessed such, such a… conspiracy? I don’t mean to be rude in saying so.’

Windon opened the vacuum chamber and replaced spheres ever so gently. Closing the case and re-entering the code, he retorted, ‘We do not test, nor do we generate, conspiracies here, Mr. Frago, we merely, how shall I say, operate in an unfamiliar manner? We’re not necromancers of any kind, if that‘s what you presumed. Am I not making sense?’

‘Well, sir-’


‘Yes, of course. Well, doctor, I just don’t understand what kind of government allows this.’

‘You must’ve made your way through some sort of piping and appeared in the lavatory if I’m not mistaken. Didn’t they tell you anything?’

‘They said this wasn’t a government operation, and so, I really don’t understand where you have the funds or, or the-’
But Windon held his finger to Kent’s lips to silence his rambling. ‘Walk with me.’

Several corridors and twenty minutes later, they sojourned briefly in the break room to take some coffee and resumed their walk.

‘That’s what I needed,’ he mumbled glancing at his watch. ‘It’s nearly 2:30 in the morning, and you’re still working,’ came Frago.

‘In Chipke, there isn’t ever enough time, so we must work continually.’

In his mind, Frago was nervous as never before and he began panting, as if there were some shortage of air. This didn’t help him one bit. It’s not easy for one to keep his cool when one in dire need of oxygen.

Windon chuckled, ‘I’m not laughing at your gasps, it’s just that I always forget you newbies aren’t used to going so deep below into Earth.’ That phrase pulled at Frago’s heart. They both halted in a winding hallway. ‘Take this.’ Windon grappled through his pockets and retrieved a lime-looking pill. ‘It should make you a bit more lackadaisical so you‘re not so flummoxed.’ Frago downed the pill quickly and was immediately calmer; this surprised him. ‘We can perform miracles here at Chipke. ’

‘So,’ said the student, palms sweaty and mind eager, ‘you have a lot of new trainees, then?’

‘Well, there have been accidents, but that doesn’t mean you will fail where they did.’

‘And where might that have been?’

Dumbfounded, Kent Frago dropped his mug. Its shards raced across the floor to meet a three-foot-thick glass prison of beast and water. It towered over him and mocked his cowardly self.

Windon laughed and smirked, ‘For now, he can’t escape.’

‘W-W-Who?’ whimpered the trembling, pale boy.

‘The Necrosis Angel.’

the fourteenth hour//

Oh, yuck. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to sleep...ever. It's really pointless, so maybe once I get my 360, I won't have to sleep. Seeing as last night, I played Halo 2 at my friend's house for 14 hours straight. So as you can imagine, I'm just a little tired, as I never went to sleep. But we played a variation of games, unfortunately no Ninjanaught, but oh well. Mike and everyone else went to bed around 3:30 and Caleb and I just stayed up playing...and playing....and playing and I only went to the bathroom once. But I'm seriously excited to get my 360 now so I can play online- it's a totally different experience.

In other news...nothing. It's Dion's (my eldest brother) birthday today, so he's coming over in a bit. And I have HW to, start...tonight and then it's back to school tomorrow. Other than that, not much is new, but I have this new found love for games. Like, I want to play whenever possible, I want more great games, and I want to talk about them/get excited over them even more, if that's possible. Video games are somethin' else, they are, and I don't know who I'd be without 'em.

Not white or wheat, but Rye.

send my resignation to the bride and the groom//

So I seriously had this long journal entry that's now going to be about thrice as short since I don't feel like retyping all of it after AOL decided to disconnect me out of nowhere.

[friday] Went ice staking with Jake and Kim, ran through the fountain four times and stayed soaked the entire night. We bought tickets for the Brothers Grimm at 10:45pm to sneak into 40 Year Old Virgin. Hilarious, hilarious, hilarious. I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time. 9.3/10

[saturday] Went to G-Unit (Greeley) to watch the UNC marching band, featuring Sammi, and I guess they were playing a game of football, too, but I wasn't paying attention. Such is the band geek, right? Anywho, her dorm room is awesome, though I'm making some more posters for her to put up, and we went out to dinner. On the way home, her sister and I had a magnet fight and it was awesome! It was pretty much a draw, but she got me one good square in the lip, so because of that, I have to say she won. It was my first every magnet fight, though. And my first ever in the back of a night, too. Sorry I had to be so brief, but you know AOL. I need DSL ASAP. LOL. ROFL BRB!! TTYL WTG, GG. OMG. BBQ W/E TY. WB. I mean....G2G.

Not white or wheat, but Rye.