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Setsuka13 Blog


Hey everyone. It is...*checking*...Tuesday, December 29th, 2009 and do you know what that means? Well nothing for me, actually. Just perhaps a new episode of Scrubs is all. Lol. But regardless, I just have a short update.

I now have two blog based accounts set up. One here at good ol' Gamespot and one over at Now don't fret. I'm still going to be FULLY active here at Gamespot and continue to post blogs. However, they will essentialy be all game related with maybe a few twists thrown in here and there. My Wordpress account will be mostly about my personal life, friends I know in person and so on and so forth. So yes. I will still be fully active and posting on all your guy's blogs and I ain't going nowhere. I just wanted to share that with you. So until later on, peace.


Last Day Of Christmas: Game Of The Year + Dante's Inferno Demo ROCKS!

Hello and Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you're enjoying your gifts and spending time with your friends and family. It is Friday, December 25th, 2009 and this edition of my blog has what you've all been waiting for. Game. Of. The. YEAR! WOOOO! Now you're ALL and I mean ALL GOING TO DISAGREE WITH ME, but my decision is final. After spending over $30 dollars in maps on it (I got the disc itself for Christmas last year) and well over 300-400 hours of 2009 on it, writing and ranting SEVERAL blogs on it and its various map packs and obsessing about it for months and months, this is my 2009 winner. Go ahead and yell at me. I probably deserve it. :P

Call Of Duty: World At War (X360)

SAY WHAT??!?. World At War?! Modern Warfare 2, maybe, but World at War?! This game sucked! It was awful! I hate Treyarch! Yes, well, while that's all fine and dandy for you, I spent well over 300 hours playing this game. I also spent an aditional $30 on the map packs and obsessed over all the map packs, making sure I got each one the day it came out and played it till I mastered all of the maps. Yes this game was my number one played game for 2009 and it was so for two reasons. One, it had great online play. Two, it had Nazi effin' Zombies and three, the campaign was great and intense. Would I choose Zombies over Spec-Ops? Yes please! Anyways, I love this game and still play it and I thought it was fantastic. I will surely be playing this game and Nazi zombies many years to come.

  • Fantastic Multiplayer
  • Nazi Zombies!
  • Good batch of achievements
  • Tons of replay value
  • Best WWII game out there
  • Intense and well done campaign
  • Nazi ZOMBIES!!!

Well there you have it. 12 straight blogs. It sure has been a journey. Anywho, i'm probably gonna take a few days off from making any blogs, but i'll be sure to keep up on all of your guy's blogs. So thank you to all of you who commented all the way through and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Years as well. Enjoy your evenings everyone. See you soon.


(Oh and I almost forgot. The Dante's Inferno Demo is AMAZING! Closest thing you'll get to God of War without actually getting it. Too similar perhaps. Hmmmm.:roll: Maybe.)

11th Day Of Christmas: Just A Really Fun Game

Yay! I'm not late to my Thursday, December 24th, 2009 edition of this mixy blog and today, it is Christmas Eve! (Duh!) So today, I don't really have an award, (Tomorrow's my game of the year) but I just want to say how great this game is. I beat it last night in the orange box and here it is.


Yes. We've all heard of it. I just beat this marvelous game last night and it was fantastic. Short, but still. It was awesome. It has wonderful dialogue, a great puzzle mechanic and it one of the best endings/boss fights ever! If you don't know what i'm talking about, go out, get The Orange Box and play it! Or just buy it off of the XBL Marketplace. Or just buy it for PC. Or off of Steam. You have no excuse not to play it! It's totally awesome. Trust me. It's great in every way.

Anyways, GOTY tomorrow! Stay tuned! Have a great Christmas Eve everyone!


10th Day Of Christmas: Best Game Based Off Of A Movie, Book, TV Show, etc.

Well it's actually Christmas Eve right now, (Since i'm late to getting this blog out) but i'll be sure to post one late tomorrow night. Anyways, it's supposed to be your Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009 Edition of my blog, but things got kinda kooky. Anyway, here's number 10.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game (X360)

Well I believe I only played two games based off of a movie or book this year and that was this and Quantum Of Solace and since that got my worst game of the year award, I guess this one takes it. Anyways, I very much liked this game and found it to be very fun. I wrote an extensive review on it and why it is so good. If you haven't played this, I suggest doing so, because it's pretty sweet. I can't speak for the Wii or PSP versions, but I can safely say that the 360 version of Ghostbusters is excellent. The controls were nice, the dialogue was funny, the story was well written and the graphics were pretty. Overall, this game was a joy to play.

Well that's all for today and until... er... later today, I guess, see ya'll!


9th Day Of Christmas: Most Anticipated Title Of 2010 + I Got Tagged (For Once)

It is the Tuesday after the Monday of your Winter Solstice, meaning today is your December 22nd, 2009 edition of this infamous countdown towards Christmas and today it is my most anticipated title for 2010. Now normally i'd save this for the end, but since I was tagged by Out-Of-Ammo (T-H-A-N-K-S) i've decided to announce it today, so without further delay, here it is.

Final Fantasy XIII (X360)

EXTREMELY obvious, but still, it is true. This game I am looking forward to more than any other game next year. More than Bioshock 2. More than Dante's Inferno. More than God Of War III. More than anything, really. This game is already promising to look excellent. The story looks strong. The graphics look gorgeous and the gameplay looks improved and just as fun as ever. I am very much looking forward to this game and will try to get it as soon as it beccomes avaliable.

And Now For My 10 Facts

  1. I'm eating the crust of a piece of pizza right now
  2. I'm watching Nickelodeon while typing this
  3. I'm going to go get a Mountain Dew in a minute or two (RHYME!)
  4. It's 6:37 PM where i'm at right now
  5. Six facts to go
  6. Now five
  7. I have an Xbox 360, but no PS3 (I also have a Wii in my house and a PS2)
  8. My laptop's brand is HP
  9. I just hit the Shift key five times causing the Sticky-Keys message to come up
  10. I'm NOT going to tag any of you, so don't worry

Well that's it. Thank goodness the torture is over. Lol. Nah i'm kidding. It wasn't so bad. Well that's all for today. Until tomorrow, se ya'll.


8th Day Of Christmas: Best Soundtrack

It is Monday, December 21st, 2009 and this edition of my blog is here to give you the award for best soundtrack of Zero-Nine. Ya'll ready? Here it is.

Halo 3: ODST (X360)

Sporting a lovely, melodic, dark, jazzy soundtrack, ODST was music to my ears. Literally. I very much love it and it is only one of two game soundtracks currently on my Zune (The other being Fallout 3's Galaxy News Radio). It fit the game perfectly and this was actually a hard award to choose. Still though. My decision is final and Halo 3: ODST is the winner for this one.

Other notable mentions are Fallout 3 and Episodes From Liberty City.

Well that's it for this one. See ya'll tomorrow. Enjoy your evenings and peace out.

(Oh also I bought Condemned: Criminal Origins today for $20. Good deal? Any good? Please let me know in your comments guys. Thanks. Appreciate it.)


7th Day Of Christmas: Most Dissapointing Sequel

Hey peeps. Sunday, December 20th, 2009 here and I have for you today in my opinion, the least improved upon sequel if 09'. Ready? Good. Here it is.

Soul Calibur IV (X360)

Reviewed just after the turn of 2009, Sould Calibur IV arrived in my mail box touting its cla$$ic weapon based gameplay and exclusive Star Wars characters. But wait? Didn't Soul Calibur II have those? And didn't it suck, because all it really was was compensation for a lackluster fighting game? Yep. Soul Calibur IV wasn't all that great. I gave it a 7.5 don't get me wrong, but 2009 was full of sequels and for the most part, they were all fantastic, right? Well not this one. It was almost like a step back from Soul Calibur III (Which I loved) and it really failed to leave any significant impression on me. Again, it didn't suck, but I felt that it was just... average. Run of the mill. Nothing great. But this is one of the greatest fighting series to ever exist and when it underwhelms me like this. Well I just lose all hope for the series. Sadly, Tekken 6 did the same, but not quite as bad, because Tekken 6's storyline was excellent. Still though. I feel like every other Soul Calibur game is good. One was good, but not two. Three was great, but four was just okay. If you're a die hard fan, you may like this, but for the rest of us, steer clear, even you PS3 owners.

Well that's it for today. Halfway done and now i'm gonna start cranking out the really good awards starting tomorrow. Stay tuned. Peace.


6th Day Of Christmas: Worst Game That I Played

It's your Saturday, December 19th, 2009 edition of Setsuka13's blog and it is here to bring you your 6th day of Christmas award. This award goes to NOT THE WORST GAME OF 2009, BUT THE WORST GAME I PERSONALLY PLAYED MYSELF. Without further delay, here it is, number six. Enjoy folks.

007: Quantum Of Solace (X360)

This game was flat-out lousy. It had unsatisfying gunplay, it had sub-par game mechanics, graphics, music, story, options, multiplayer, oh the list goes on! I really did NOT like this game whatsoever. It did have one single fun level, I will say, but other than that, it really was quite bad. It did not do the movie justice. The movie was far superior to this lousy adaptation. And the worst part about it? They advertised the Quantum Of Solace movie IN THE GAME ITSELF! There was a poster for it on one of the last levels. MAJOR face palm moment. I was disgusted at the poster, the game and everything about. Shame on you Treyarch. Call of Duty: World at War was fantastic, but this. Well this was a big waste of time and an even bigger waste of money. Don't play it. It is not that good.

Well folks that's all for today. I hope you enjoy your evenings and I will see you all tomorrow. Night. Peace.


5th Day Of Christmas: Best DLC

Hey! Sorry for taking a while to get this one out. I went out for dinner earlier. :P Anyways, today is Friday, December 18th, 2009 and i'm here to bring you the award for the Best DLC released this year. I'm sure you can all guess it, so let's move on to it.

Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad Of G4y Tony (X360)

Hands down, no doubt, no competition whatsoever, easily the clear winner of this year's best Downloadable Content is... TBoGT. I mean seriously. This thing packs in so much content that it's practically its own game! I mean it might as well not even be DLC. Rockstar could have put this on a disc, stick it in a case and said 'Here world. Here's GTA V'. I mean honestly. This is a fantastic DLC deal. Easily sixty bucks worth of content all packed into one, cheap, convienent DLC. If you like GTA IV or any GTA for that matter, you must get this. It is a steal.

The Ballad of G4y Tony also takes the award for Best Voice Acting

(Arkham Asylum or Uncharted 2 don't win these honors because I have never played them before. Plain and simple)

Anyways, that's all for today. Number six tomorrow and until then, night. Dream well.


4th Day Of Christmas: Best 3rd Person Shooter

Hello everyone. It's your Thursday, December 17th, 2009 edition of this wacky blog and i'm here to bring everyone award number four, the best 3rd Person Shooter. Not a lot of canidates in this particular category, but still. The winner was easy for me to decide. Here it is, your number 4 pick for 2009:

Dead Space (X360)

Quite easily the winner for this category and the winner for other's as well, Dead Space is an epic shooter that takes standard horror survival games and takes them to the next level. It has a creepy atmosphere, a good story and well balanced gameplay. If you've never played this game, go out and get it ASAP. Then you'll know what you've been missing all this time.

Dead Space also takes award for Best Atmosphere & Best New Series

Well that's it for today. Come back tomorrow for numba five. See ya'll soon. Peace.
