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Setsuka13 Blog

Lost Planet 2, Call Of Duty And New Purchases

Hello, hello, hello all my good people. I am here to bring you some news and updates about what's going on with me. I just got done playing a demo for over an hour, i'm still playing both Call Of Duty games for the 360 (Modern Warfare and World At War) and I just made a purchase and I am going to make another purchase in another month or so. So let us get started, shall we?

Lost Planet 2 Co-Op Demo (X360)

I downloaded this demo earlier today while trying to knife every enemy in the 'Mile High Club' level on Call Of Duty 4 (On recruit difficulty of course) and failed miserably. But regardless, my Xbox Live friend (Whose name will not be mentioned because I don't him throwing a **** storm my way if his inbox suddenly gets filled with nude pictures of, oh I dunno, tomatos and rabbits) and I played this demo together (After having to go through some annoying matchmaking process') and we both heavily enjoyed it. Now, I never played the first Lost Planet, mostly because it looked very mediocre. Well maybe it is mediocre, I dunno, but I do know that Lost Planet 2 is a great game. (From the demo) It looks great, plays great and there's this freedom to it that most 4 player co-op games often seem to lack. (Left 4 Dead. *Cough, Cough*) It's like two games... no.... 3 games I very much enjoy. Left 4 Dead, Ghostbusters and Gears of War. Left 4 Dead because cooperation is key to staying alive most times. Ghostbusters because you're all working towards a single objective and Gears of War because this is an action heavy 3rd person shooter with giant monsters, over sized shotguns, close to ground sprinting mechanics, etc. But we all know those three games have their fare share of flaws. Lost Planet 2 takes out the repetitive'ness of Left 4 Dead, the lack of variety in Ghostbusters and the lack of variety and repetitive'ness in Gears of War. It is an exceptional shooter (From the demo, mind you) and I highly suggest all of you PS3 and 360 owners check it out. It's loads of fun. :)

Call Of Duty 4: World at War (X360) (Yes. I purposely made the mistake to combine the two games into one title)

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Hmmmmm. I didn't know whether to use a Modern Warfare pic or a World at War pic, so I just went with World at War. Anyways, I was just letting you all know that I am still playing both Modern Warfare and World at War because they are both exceptional games. On Modern Warfare, I am second prestige and I am going to stay there. I have no interest in going any further then that. On World at War, however, I am 5th prestige and I plan on going all of the way, just so I can get all 10 custom create-a-*Gamespot won't let me say it for some dumb reason* slots. :D


I just recently bought a used 120GB hard drive for my Xbox 360 as an upgrade from my 20GB one. Now i'll be able to store anything! Yay! But yeah. It cost me about $95.

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Also, I am switching phone companies. Currently I am on Verizon, but i'm switching to AT&T and my new phone is going to be...

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Yep. I am hoping to get my hands on an Apple Iphone 3G. (I can't quite afford the 3GS, but meh. I don't need to record video) Anyways, I hope I get it. :D

Thanks to all of you who read this short blog. Please leave a comment if you wish. :) Till' next time, peace!


EDIT: This is my 10th blog. Wahooooo! Lol. Yeah. ^_^

Call Of Duty: World At War Map Pack 3 (X360)

Hello everyone! Here is a mini update for you. I have decided to post a blog about the third map pack in Treyarch's most recent WWII first person shooter, Call of Duty: World at War. Now I have downloaded and played all of the 4 maps included within this pack and it is arguably the best map pack yet. The multiplayer maps are great and varied and the new Nazi Zombies map is equally fantastic. I will list all of the levels and my first impressions below.


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Battery takes place on some type of Japanese mine field making island... type of thing. Haha. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but all I know is that i'm not a fan. This is my least favorite level in the bunch. Although it has a unique setting and looks pretty, it's not very fun. The level design feels complex, awkward, cluttered and bland. Search and Destroy + Headquarters were the two game types I tested on this map and neither of those were fun or enjoyable. I dunno. Maybe I just need to give it more time and a few more tries. But still, this one wasn't all that great.


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I think Revolution would have to be my favorite level of the three standard multiplayer maps included within map pack 3. (That of course not counting Der Riese, the Nazi Zombies level I will soon get to) It is a very well made map and is probably my favorite map across all the map packs and maybe even the whole game. It is a fairly large map, but it's not all that complicated. It is excellent for sniping, rifle'ing, SMG'ing and n00b tubing. (Which I hate, but hey. Lol. Just sayin') It seems to be fun on all types of modes, including War, S&D, Team Deathmatch, Headquarters, etc. It looks good, easy on the eyes and the fact that it does so much and it does it very well, Revolution an exceptional and unique map and it is a very good reason to pick up the map pack if you're looking for more than a reason then just Nazi Zombies and 10 new achievements. Great map, great addition, great job Treyarch.


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The last standard multiplayer map included in map pack 3 is called Breach. It takes place a distance away from the Reichstag and you can actually see the level Dome in the distance. It's a pretty cool sight. Anyways, Breach is another fairly large map and it's actually pretty fun. There are some great sniping spots and playing CTF on this one is fantastic. Headquarters felt kinda cheap and un-balanced in this one, but overall, Breach is a good all round map. Not the greatest, but still pretty good.

The Rundown:

My 3rd place map:


My 2nd place map:


My 1st place map:


Nazi Zombies: Der Riese

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Ahhh yes. Everyones favorite. I saved the best for last. Der Riese. This new Zombie map puts you in a Zombie factory in the middle of Hell, Germany and you once again reprise your roles as the four survivors in the previous map, Shi No Numa. Since we all know what Nazi Zombies has in it, i'll just include the new features in Der Riese. One of the newest features is the Pack-A-Punch Machine which allows you to upgrade any of your weapons for 5000 points. (In game, Zombie killing earned points mind you) I actually haven't had a chance to upgrade any weapons yet, considering the fact that I die around round 10 or so, but it's safe to assume that it kicks butt because of the high price and trouble you have to go through to activate it. Which brings me to another point. This map also features teleporters. Once activated, you can pay 1500 in game points to warp back to the Pack-A-Punch Machine, which is where you start your game. This is useful for not only upgrading your weapons quickly, but for regrouping to take on a new plan or a horde of Hell Hounds and such. Overall, it's pretty neat. Other basic additions include a new weapon. It's obtained through the random box and it is 3 monkey grenades. Yes, sounds ridiculous, but they're actually very powerful. You throw one and every Zombie surrounds it and after about 6 seconds, it blows up. So yeah. It's JUST like the pipe bomb in Left 4 Dead. Very handy indeed. Another weapon addition is the Bowie Knife. It's 3000 points and it makes your knife a one hit kill. Pretty useful early on, but loses its luster in the later rounds. Hmmm. A new pick up has been added. (Pick up meaning Insta-Kill, Double Points, etc.) It's a hammer and you can probably figure it out just from that. Haha. It instantly repairs every board on the map. VERY USEFUL for buying a little more time. Other than that, same basic stuff. Perk machines scattered about, random boxes that move, Hell Hounds, etc. So I think that's it. Yep. Very fun map. Probably the best one so far. 10 achievements have been added and some are easy and some are tough. The map pack costs 800 MS points or 10 real dollars.

So I guess that's it for my rant. This map pack is my favorite one so far and is very much worth the 10 bucks. So until my next major update, c'ya!

Burnout Better Watch Out, Because In 2010, Split Second Arrives!!


Burnout better watch itself, because Split Second is already looking incredible and it's not even slated for release until 2010. The built in HUD ala Dead Space (and more recently, GhostBusters) looks pretty slick and you of course can't ignore the amazing sound effects and pretty explosions. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! (Oh and i'm sorry for the poor video quality) :P

Split Second, True Achievements, The Lost And Damned And A Free Bioshock Treat

Hello, hello readers! Here is one of my major blog updates! (I generally do 2-3 mini updates in between my major updates) Anyways, I am here to bring you news on several different topics. They include a game that I am hyped up about, a cool website for all you 360 achievement hunters and my first impressions on some good ol' DLC. I'm also gonna brake it down chunk by chunk and picture by picture so you all don't get a migraine from reading this. :P Oh and there's a free treat for all you who read this to the end. ;) (Well I can't actually make you read this to the very end, but oh well. The fact that you clicked on my blog is good enough for me. Haha) So without any further interruptions, I proudly present, my blog!

Split Second:

This is probably going to be the shortest section of my blog. Lol. But yeah. Split Second is a racing game that is currently being devloped by Black Rock Studio. (The team who brought you the racing game 'Pure') It looks beautiful and BRS (Black Rock Studio) said that it will make use of destructive enviornments, as you can probably see from the picture above. Anyways, this game looks really pretty and destructive. Sound familiar? Yep. This game is probably, whether it likes it or not, going to compete with Burnout. Now, i'm not saying that this game will beat or 'kill' Burnout, but still. I love the Burnout series and if someone else wants to dabble in that destructive, thrash racingtype of game, I say let them. I think it will turn out great. Plus from what i've seen of it, I really don't think it's, in any way, going to rip off Burnout. It looks too unique. Anyways, this game is scheduled to be released in 2010 and is slated for release on the PS3 and 360. Oh and yes. Online play is included. :P

Split Second Links:

Gamespot's 360 page for Split Second can be found here.

All current information on Split Second can be read here.

To add the 360 version of Split Second to your list(s), click here.


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Sorry everyone! I searched my butt off, but alas, I could not find a picture for TrueAchievements. :( Anyways, I would still like it if you all read this part, because this is cool. (And just to note. If you are a non 360 owner or you don't care about achievements AT ALL, skip this part) Anyways, True Achievements is really quite simple. You go to their website, you sign up with your current Gamertag and the website calculates how much your achievements should be worth, just based on how many people have it. For example. The 'Key To The City' achievement in GTA IV requires you to complete the game 100%. That means find every hidden bird, complete every stunt jump, everything. It is worth only 100G. That's really low for such a large task, as we can probably all agree. Well True Achievements doesn't actually change your Gamerscore, but instead it just shows you what your 'True' gamerscore is. It changes that measly '100G' to a whopping 337G! It's really not necessary or anything, but I think it's pretty cool. It has a nice, simple, clean interface, much like Facebook, and you can add friends and talk on forums and a bunch of other cool stuff too. Oh and also there's written guides for every single achievements for thousands of games, so if you're ever stuck, just consult a guide. It's quick, easy and fun. So, if you like achievements or you just want to see your True Gamerscore, you should check it out. :)

True Links:

A direct link to the site can be found here.

The Lost And Damned:

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And last but not certainly not least, my gaming updates. Now just a few hours ago, I purchased the latest GTA IV add-on, The Lost And Damned. (Or 'TLAD' for short) Now, after experiencing it for about half an hour, I gotta say. It was totally worth the 1600 MS points. I almost feel like I bought a whole new GTA game. There's so many changes, tweaks and additions. New, totally bad @$$ weapons, new bikes, better handling on bikes, new multiplayer modes, new mini games, radio music, NPC's, an awesome protagonist, gah! The list goes on! I was expecting a lot less from this, but boy was I wrong. TLAD adds so much stuff that for $20, you don't care! It's totally worth every cent. So if I had to rate this add-on based on about half an hour of play, i'd give it a solid 9.8. Nothing wrong with it so far, really. Truly excellent Rockstar. Truly excellent. As far as my other updates go, i've just been playing the usual. Call of Duty: World at War with some Fallout 3 and Blue Dragon thrown in for good measure. Nothing huge. Lol.

The Lost And Damned Links:

Gamespot's page for TLAD can be found here.

To add TLAD to your lists, click here.

Bioshock Freebie:

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And of course, everyone's favorite part, the good stuff. Basically as a little thank you, i'd like to share with all of you a link discovered. It will start a download for the Bioshock soundtrack! Now, you can listen to the melodies of Rapture wherever you go. Haha. Anyways, this link is totally legal and can actually be found on 2K Boston's official website. But, i've cut out the middle man for you guys and have provided for you the download link. Clicking it will start a WinRar file download for it. So, with that being said, I hope you all enjoy that little treat and I will see ya'll on my next blog. Look out for an upcoming review or two! Peace!

Here is your prize. Enjoy!

First Impressions On An Old Game: Blue Dragon (X360)

Hello readers, writers, gamers and ranters! I'm here to bring you a small update of mine on a game that I am currently working on beating and that game is Blue Dragon, exclusive to the Xbox 360.

For those of you who may know, Blue Dragon is a game that is about 3 years old and is a JRPG produced by Mistwalker, the company behind another JRPG titled 'Lost Odyssey'. Now, if you look up Blue Dragon on Gamespot, you will see that it recieved a score of 6.0. Now, I hope you guys don't only check just Gamespot for reviews, because Blue Dragon has an average score of 78%. (That information can be checked and read here.) It's actually not a bad game at all in my opinion. It's a typical RPG, yes, but that doesn't mean it's bad. The graphics have a nice cartoony, cel shaded feel to them and let's not forget famed DBZ creator Akira Toriyama designed the characters himself. So in the graphics area, I give praise to Blue Dragon. The music is really great as well. It's not typical Final Fantasy music, which is great. I mean don't get me wrong. I love the music and composure in the Final Fantasy series, but to have a change of pace from that in Blue Dragon, is actually quite nice suprisingly. :) So for music, Blue Dragon is a winner. The story, well, i'm not totally sure. I just started playing, so i'm only a few hours in and still on the first disc. (There is 3 of them, for those of you who are unaware.) It seems good so far, but I have yet to be sucked in to the point where I can't put the controller down. So if I had to judge based on about 4 hours of play, i'd say it's not bad. Not good, but not bad either. The gameplay. The gameplay is good so far. There has been a couple problems for me, but it is definetly good! You see. You have the option to search nearly every nook and cranny of the game and that's good and bad. It's good, because you'll constantly find gold, exp, items and other goodies. But that's also very bad, because if you get tired of searching everything in a big room and you decide to stop because all you are getting is gold after gold after gold after gold, you could end up missing a really good equip item or even a new spell or something. So to dominate this game... well it takes perseverance. A whole lot of it. Even for hardcore JRPG veterans such as myself. But combat is very fun, even though it's basically traditional JRPG. The spells and attacks that your characters use look great and they've thrown in a small little timing game when you're casting spells to reward you if you've done it correctly. It isn't much, but it helps make it a little more interesting. I've never really been bored by JRPG combat though, so if you're one of those people who is or has, well this shouldn't be too bad for you. Haha. But uh... yeah. That searching thing and the not so strong story are my only complaints to be had so far.

So as of right now, Blue Dragon gets about an 8.5 from me. That is very much subject to change though, especially if the story really starts to pick up. Expect a Blue Dragon review from me sometime after I finish it up. I'll keep you guys updated. So yeah. I hope you all enjoyed my little Blue Dragon rant and I look forward to seeing you all on my next major update. Thank you all for reading and for those who comment, THANK YOU! You guys are great. Truly great. :D Happy gaming!


A link to Gamespot's review for Blue Dragon can be read here.

A link to Gamespot's video review for Blue Dragon can be seen here.

A link to Gamespot's HD video review for Blue Dragon can be seen here.

A link to 'Add' Blue Dragon to your tracking or wish list can be found here.

A link to purchase Blue Dragon from, brand new can be found here.

Call Of Duty: World At War Map Pack 2

Hello everyone. Now this isn't one of my major updates, but instead, it's just a little one. I'm just here to tell you about the second map pack for the Treyarch produced video game Call of Duty: World at War. Now for those of you who own and play the game and enjoy it and are thinking about buying this, i'd say go for it. I got up out of bed today and the first thing I did was purchase this, because well, i'm a fanboy. Lol. That and the first map pack was great. It includes 3 standard multiplayer maps. Banzai, Corrosion and Sub Pens. Banzai is sort of similar looking to the level Knee Deep in the first COD: WaW map pack and it also resembles the level 'Creek' in the Variety Map Pack for Call Of Duty 4. Anyways, this level looks great and plays great from what i've experienced of it and it does not disappoint.

Corrosion is kind of like that one part on the movie 'Enemy at the gates' where they're hiding and crawling in the pipeline structures. I didn't really like this level at first, but after a little while, I started learning the ropes and started owning some noobs. Lol. Anyways, this is a good medium sized level and although is the worst in the bunch, it's still fun.

Sub Pens is a small level fought on Japanese submarine docks and I loved this one right off the bat. It's small, but not too small, it looks fantastic and best of all, it's raining! Haha! Yes! I love rainy levels. Anyways, this was my favorite in the bunch and it's really good.

And finally let us not forget the absolute, hands down best part of this package, the new Nazi Zombies map, Shi No Numa. (Well technically they're Japanese zombies, but oh well. Who cares.) This is the best zombie map so far in my personal opinion. You can now go outside and fight the zombies if you want. There's more death traps. A new lethal weapon. Several different locations you can move to. And also, there's achievements! Yes there has been 10 new achievements added just for Shi No Numa. A few are easy and a few are tough. They add 250G to the game for you to earn. Anyways, this map is so freaking amazing. It's worth paying 10 bucks for just this alone! I love it, love it, love it. Highly recommend it.

Anyways, I suppose that's the end of my rant. I highly recommend this to anyone who loves Call of Duty and I also recommend the first map pack as well. They are both very good and they are both $10 which is about 800 MS points if you're playing on the 360. Hope you all have fun and i'll see ya in my next blog!

My Call of Duty: World at War review can be read here.

The trailer which showcases all of the new maps included in map pack 2 can be found here.

News, Updates And Quite Possibly The Greatest Game Critic Of All Time

Hello, hello readers. I'd first off like to thank everyone who's reading this blog. Even if you don't comment, it still means a lot to me if you just clicked. Lol. So with that being said, let's get down to business.

First off, i'd like to say that I was promoted to officer in CSPEG. Yay! I've been here for, I believe, a little over a year and I am very proud to hold that rank. It means so much to me and i'd like to thank a bunch of people for helping me get there. But we'll save that for the end of the blog. Haha. But yes, I am very excited to be an officer. It feels good. :D

Uhm... oh yes. Next i'd like to share what games I am currently playing. (For those of you who don't know, the Xbox 360 is my primary console. So, i'm generally always playing 360 games.) I am playing two games right now. The first is Gears Of War 2. Now, I didn't know what to expect going into it, but one round of playing against bot computers in local multiplayer and I knew that I was in love. Lol. Not really, but overall, i'm liking GoW 2 a lot. It's not a deep game, no, but it is good. Expect a review from me in the next month. Now the other game that I am playing is Call Of Duty: World At War. Now, you've all heard different things about this game and have different feelings about it, but I still love it. I got it at the end of 2008 and i've been hooked ever since I picked up the controller. It is an excellent multiplayer game with a solid campaign mode. Oh and of course Nazi Zombies is always fun. No matter what the occassion.Anywho, I think i'm gonna go all the way to 10th prestige in this one and hopefully have fun while doing so. (For those that are unaware, prestiging in Call Of Duty: World at War means that once you hit the max rank/level when earning experience for playing online, you can choose to start over in exchange for a new badge icon that everyone can see and, in most cases, getting an extra custom weapon setup slot, which is very, very good.)

My personal review and thoughts on Call Of Duty: World at War can be found Here.

Oh and a quick little note before I talk about the next subject. I am moving, so during the next few weeks, my activity here on Gamespot may be a little wobbly. Sorry for any inconvience folks.

Okay now for the good stuff. My friend showed me this game critic who talks really fast and does online video reviews for games. It's really entertaining because:

1. Almost everything he points out about the flaws of the games that he reviews are true

2. He speaks his mind and doesn't give a crap about anyone else

3. He uses cartoons to make his reviews a whole lot funnier and better

4. Overall, this guy's a blast and I really encourage you to watch at least one of his reviews, because after one, you might get hooked on them like I did

Anyways, I love the way this guy talks about the flaws of games and I really hope that you all please check him out. He's absolutely hilarious.


Anyways, that's all the news that I have for now. I hope you enjoyed reading and thanks to everyone who comments. Really, it means a lot to me. You guys all rock. Until next time, peace out.

Thanks go to:

Combatsoldier - Without you, I wouldn't even have my friends, so thanks bro. Thank you for everything.

Mars25 - Love you man. Like a brother. Lol. But yeah. Thanks for all the good times on XBL. Looking forward to more of them soon hopefully. And thanks for the personal siggy. I still have it. :)

Fatjoe400 - We be JRPG nerds for life!! Haha. Thanks for being a good friend man.

PolskaKing - You're a cool, nice person. I'm glad I know ya.

Daxter223 - Your a cool guy Dax. You make some killer stuff. Keep it up and you'll be big one day. I know it.

A-a-a-a-2-24-5- - Dude! I'm STILL happy about the fact that you used my Bioshock logo that I made a long ass time ago. It made me so happy. Still does. Thank you!

Snake289 - You always speak your mind ya crazy person, you. I always liked that about you.

Mowmoocowcoo - I'm glad you tracked me cause you're a cool guy. I'm glad I know you and i'm glad to be your friend.

Shifty-Sniper - You're a nice guy. Australia, right? Yeah. You're from Australia. Anyways, i'm glad I helped you on to Gamespot. You're really cool.

Beatz - Almost forgot you man. Lol. You're awesome as well. Keep on being cool.

To anyone else I forgot, i'm sorry, but you know I care about you too. You've all helped me in one way or another. Thank you all so much. Truly.

Hello Everyone Who Still Has Me On Their Friends List

I just wanted to let all of you know that I have gotten a laptop, so since I can now post, blog, rate, comment, review, rant, etc. on the go, I will be on much, much more. I look forward to joining unions, writing reviews and posting comments on ALL of your guys' blogs in the next few days. So sit tight, becuase I am back!

Gamefly Just Made A Giant Mistake!!

Wow. Ok. I have a subscription to and I chose it to where I could have 2 games out at once. I currently have Soul Calibur IV and Mario Party DS. Now here's the weird part. I just got an e-mail saying that they had recieved Mario Party DS!! That means I can keep MP DS and take out another game!! Haha!! I was really suprised!! I didn't think that Gamefly could make such a huge mistake, but they did! Anyway that's all I wanted to say. If there's any changes or if they fix the mistake, i'll be sure to keep y'all updated. Happy gaming!!

A Cool Looking Cake And A Happy New Years Everyone!!

Hey!! The cake in the bulletin that Z-blood posted in the C.S.P.O.E.G. about CS's birthday (Click Here to visit that bulletin) was pretty cool looking and it made me want to show you all one that I found. (I didn't make it by the way. I found it on google.) It's a pretty sweet looking bloody mess perk recreation if you ask me. Haha. Anyways, Enjoy and I hope you all have a wonderful New Years!!