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Setsuka13 Blog

3rd Day Of Christmas: Best Visual Design

Hey everyone. It's my 20th blog post and to celebrate, I... did nothing at all. :P Well anyways, it's my Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 edition of this super, duper blog and that means that I continue the countdown till' Christmas, today bringing you the Best Visual design award! Wooooo! (This is an 08 release, yes, but I said that i'm counting 08 releases as well, because I played a lot of 08 releases throughout 2009, so yes. Shoosh)

Mirrors Edge (X360)

By far the most visually striking game of the year, Mirrors Edge takes the cake quite easily. It has a beautiful bloom effect applied all throughout the game and everything is detailed excellently. "Mirrors Edge was a diamond in the mother freakin' rough." - Me This game, in my opinion, stands out as a true artistic beauty. There were other good looking games this year, (Tekken 6 and Dead Space looked very nice) but Mirrors Edge was a diamond in the mother freakin' rough. It is gorgeous in every aspect and even if you don't like it's awkward gameplay, it is undeniably pretty. So, to that, I give it my best Visual Design Award. Wohoo!

Anyways, until tomorrow, see ya everyone.




2nd Day Of Christmas: Best RPG

Hey everyone. Tuesday, December 15th, 2009 is here and that means # 2 on my list of my on-going awards till we hit christmas, in which i'll announce my game of the year. So until then, here's my best RPG.

Borderlands (X360)

It was either this or Fallout 3: GOTY, but in the end, I felt that Fallout 3 was more of a FPS than an RPG. Borderlands, however, was more of an RPG than a FPS and so I choose this instead. I was considering Lost Odyssey, but the gameplay was not good enough for me to choose it. Amazing story, yes, but not a very good game overall. Anyways, you all might be wondering why I chose this over Dragon Age: Origins. I did because I've never played Dragon Age: Origins. So, to be fair, giving it this award would be unjust. Maybe it will take next years? Anyways, Borderlands is great because it has a nice leveling system, a good loot mechanic, varied characters and you can play with your buddies in a drop in/drop out ****of play. I loved that Borderlands took elements from a bunch of good games and made it into this awesome package. I know you don't all agree, but that's my decision. ^_^

Well tomorrow's # 3 and I will catch ya'll later. Peace.


1st Day Of Christmas: Best Deal

Hey everyone. Just your typical Monday, December 14th, 2009 edition of this little blog and to kick things off, here's my first award. Best Deal.

GTA: Episodes From Liberty City (X360)

It was either this or the God of War collection, but I went with this instead. Why? Because The Ballad of G4y Tony was a fantastic game alone that could have easily been sold for $60 as a standalone because it included so much content. The Lost and Damned was a weaker point in this deal, but TBoGT more than makes up for it. Plus their both still great either way.

Anyways, 2nd day and 2nd award comes tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Peace out.


My 12 Days Of Christmas Awards

Hey ya'll. Setsuka here bringing you your Sunday, December 13th, 2009 edition of my gracious little blog and i've decided to count down twelve awards that i'm handing out to my favorite games this year. These catergories include: (Although are subject to change at any given time)

  • Best Soundtrack
  • Best Graphics
  • Best Visual Art Design
  • Best RPG
  • Best Shooter
  • Best Xbox 360 Game
  • Best PS3 Game
  • Best Deal
  • Best XBLA Game
  • Game Of The Year
  • Best DLC
  • And More

My canidates won't just include games released in 2009. Since some games came out late last year, I played them all throughout 2009 and thus, my awards will be a little different. Any game that I have personally reviewed in 2009 will be a canidate. This includes some 2008 releases.

Anyways, my first award comes tomorrow and Game Of The Year will be announced Christmas day, so until then, see ya all later!


My New Icon, Among Other Things

Hey everyone. This is Setsuka13 (Which, by the way, for those who don't know, Setsuka is a femme fatale from the Soul Calibur series, making her debut in Soul Calibur III. Anyways, that's enough history. For now) bringing you your Friday, December 4th edition of my blog and I just have a few quick things to say. So, let's goooo!


You may have noticed my new icon. My icon has primarily always been Zack Fair from the Final Fantasy VII series, but i've decided to branch out and choose other Final Fantasy characters as well. Right now, it is Lightning, the protaginist of the much anticipated game, Final Fantasy XIII. I went with her to start preparing myself for what will be the GREATEST. GAME. EVAR!! Not really. But hey, maybe. :)


In other news, everyone is sick and tired of hearing about Modern Warfare 2 blogs, (Myself included) but i'll make this simple.

It pwns.



That is all. Enjoy your crisp December evenings everyone.


A Quick, Random, Short &... Well... Fairly Useless Update

Hey everyone. This is a quick one. I think I accidentally glitched Gamespot. If you check out my review for The Ballad Of G4y Tony, Here, and you read my introduction thing, (The brief explanation before the actual review, where the character limit is 120 characters) it's more than 120 characters. A lot more. Lol. I don't know how that happened and it may be fixed before you get the chance to check it out, but I thought it was pretty odd myself. I dunno. What do you guys think?

Here's a picture for your amusement and for taking your time to read this blog:

This is from some type of comic strip series titled 'Toothpaste For Dinner'. I found this to be hilarious myself. :)

A l R a n d o m l Q u e s t i o n ?

Z u n e ? O r i p o d ?

Blue: Zune for sure.

Red: Ipod ftw!

Green: Uhhhh. Do I have to pick???

Blue: Yes. You have to pick Zune.

Red: No. Ipod is the way to go.

Green: Uhh. Which one is better???

Red: Ipod. Duh. It has a huge supported marketplace for millions of songs, thousands of videos and loads of games!

Green: Oh wow. Sounds nice!

Red: It is! And, best of all, you have a huge line up to choose from! The Nano, the Shuffle, the Touch, and more, all ranging in price and features!

Green: Oh boy! Sounds wonderful!

Blue: Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast. The Zune may not have the BIGGEST store around, (Wal-Mart *Cough, Cough*) but we still have a pretty dang big selection of music and videos. Plus not to mention, all of our games and 'Apps' are free of charge.

Green: Oh nice!

Blue: Nice indeed. We also may not have as many models, but do you really need an Ipod touchy, speaky, nanoshuffle mind reader 2.0 phone?? No, we keep it simple. Zune HD touch screen and just a good ol' Zune 80 and 120. And for you light music listeners, the Zune 8 and 16.

Green: Sounds simple. I like it.

Red: But what about our apps! We have thousands!

Blue: Oh yes. Because we all know that it's compensating for something that it lacks. Or rather THOUSANDS of things it lacks.

Red: Oh here we go again. Well at least people actually BUY the ipod. I mean really. What the hell's a 'Zune' anyways?

Blue: Oh sure, sure. Attack the name of product, yeah that'll help your case, you stupid red apple eater.

Red: Oh you wanna go punk?

*Red and Blue get into a huge fight creating the largest fight dust cloud you've ever seen. Green just shrugged his shoulders and walked off*

Here's the question. Which one do I own?

Tekken 6, The Ballad of G4y Tony, & Two New Guides

Hey everyone. I'm here bringing you your Sunday, November 8th, 2009 edition of my blog and we have a few things to cover tonight. We have the new Tekken game to discuss, The new GTA IV add on and a couple guides I purchased over the past few days. Sooooo.... let's get to it! (Gamespot censored the word 'g*y' so that's why it says 'G4y' instead. Sorry!)

Tekken 6 (X360)

I got Tekken 6 from Gamefly a few days ago and I must say that it is pretty dang good. It's definitely a step up from Tekken 5 (Although not by much) and it's an excellent fighting game, probably still the best series on the market. I've been a fan of Tekken ever since Tekken 2 and this is definitely a worthy addition to the series. There were some annoyances, but overall, the game was pretty dang good. Here's a brief good and bad list for all you list people out there.

The Good

  • Best roster to date. Includes all of the standards
  • Campaign scenario mode is a ton of fun and is the best Tekken adventure/action mode to date
  • Great graphics and enviornments
  • Plenty to unlock and do
  • Solid online play and modes
The Not So Good
  • Pretty dang hard. Might make you very angry and return the game
  • Newcomers to the series might be a tad overwhelmed
  • Might not be enough content here to justify a $60 purchase

So yeah that's a rough list. I already completed the game essentially so expect a full on detailed review in the next week or so.

The Ballad Of G4y Tony (X360)

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I have also rented TBoGT from Gamefly. (As part of the Episodes from Liberty City disc) I rented it just for TBoGT, because as all of you probably know by now, i've beaten TLAD and talked about it on more than one blog and blah, blah, blah you're all sick of hearing about it. Anyways, this add on is a lot different. It centers around someone named Luis Lopez and Luis works for a g4y man named Tony. What makes this add on a lot different than TLAD is that it focuses on the night life of Liberty City rather than the biker life. You go to clubs, dance, drink, etc. You do crimes involved in this sort of life and it's all really interesting to say the least. There's lots of new weapons. There's some new vehicles. There's lots of new music and there's plenty of extra activites to do outside of the main storyline. So if you're asking yourself 'Is it worth the $20 bucks?' then the answer is yes. It is very much worth it. The content included is enough to justify it as a full $60 game. Believe me. This is good stuff people. Now I haven't really gotten too far into the story, (Due to me playing Tekken 6) but it's really good so far and it only seems like it's gonna get better. So yeah. Expect a review and another update from me on this in my next blog. If I don't review it by then, i'll remind ya'll.

Two New Purchases: Strategy Guides (X360)

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First off: Fallout 3: GOTY: Collectors Edition. This is a limited print book and it seems like they made about 35,000 or so. Each book is unique and it is 752 pages. Yes, it is hardcover and it has glossy pages. It cost me $23.00 on


  • Limited print
  • Glossy pages
  • 752 pages + Hardcover
  • Covers all 5 add-ons
  • Pretty cheap
  • Includes an Index, a census of everyone living in the Capital Wasteland and a bestisary for all of the weapons and equipment and enemies in the game

Overall, this is a really nice guide and is the absolute best guide you can get for Fallout 3. If you're looking for a strategy guide for Fallout 3, look no further.

Here's a link to where I bought mine.

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The other guide I bought earlier today was the guide for Call of Duty: World at War. Now I don't really need it, but i'm a big fan of the game and it was only $10 so I thought 'Eh. Why not?'. It includes a lot of information on the multiplayer component of the game (Which is great) and it includes maps for all 13 shipped maps and includes maps and strategies for each specific mode as well. (HQ, Team Deathmatch, S&D, CTF, etc.) It's really nice and you really couldn't ask for more. I was also surprised to see that it covered the DS version as well. Anywho, here's the highlights:


  • Covers online play in depth
  • Covers all weapons, perks and attatchments
  • Covers all achievements/trophies
  • Gives you plenty of tips and create a cla$$ suggestions for each map and mode
  • Covers first Nazi Zombie map and the DS version of World at War

Well that is all folks. I will try to have that Tekken 6 review out this week and a BoGT review out later on. Hope you all enjoyed and until another Sunday, see ya!

Xbox Live Update, TLAD, And Nazi Zombies!!1!

Yo, yo, yo everyone. I'm here to bring just a few minor updates for you. They include the November Live update, The Lost & Damned and moar NAZI ZOMBIES!!1! Anyways, if none of these things interest you, oh well. Go back to sleep now. It's Sunday. You deserve a good rest. :)

Xbox Live Update (X360 Duh)

Yes, yes. I was indeed chosen for the preview program. (Which doesn't really surprise me considering they chose thousands of people) Anywho, this, from what i've tested so far, is a fantastic update. If you're a gold subscriber, (Which you should be, anyways) you can experience a slew of new features, which you probably read in that header above. But just for the heck of it, i'll list them again:

  • Facebook - You can now do everything you do on Facebook on your Xbox 360*
  • Twitter - Send, read and respond to Tweets right on your 360. You can also view people's profiles*
  • - A radio station that, over time, learns to play music that you like.**
  • Zune - Lets you browse the Zune video marketplace on your 360 and even lets you stream full 1080p videos
  • - You can watch Msnbc news on your 360 and view Dilbert and The New York Times comics as well

And that's basically it. There may be a few more minor things, but that's generally all of it. If you have any questions about the features or any questions about this update in general, drop a comment and i'll try my best to answer it.

* Must already have made an account on your computer before you can use it on your Xbox 360 and also must have parental consent

** If you've ever used Pandora radio, it is VERY similar to Also, you don't have to make a account on your computer first. You can make it right on your Xbox 360

The Lost & Damned (X360)

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Now a few blog posts back, I wrote my first impressions on this DLC and I was really impressed. Now that I have completed and reviewed it, I have a slightly different opinion on it. It's even better than when I began it. The story is absolutely fantastic and it never lets up. The new gameplay mechanics are subtle, but great and the overall work that went into making this was a lot and almost every moment of it was great. Yes, it was short, but alas. Who cares? It's a fantastic game on its own and it has an awesome story, one of the best of any GTA game i've ever played. So yeah. This is a brief section of the blog, but I just wanted to say that this is definitely a must buy. The story is sad, but fantastic. (Here's my review for it, incase you're interested)

Nazi Zombes!!1! (X360)

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What started out as just a simple treat for players who finished the campaign mode of Treyarch's Call Of Duty: World at War, turned into something way more. With over 12,000 Xbox Live players playing daily and millions made from the three map packs, Treyarch has struck gold with their Nazi Zombies mode. It's basically taken on a life of its own and World at War players just can't get enough of it. We love it. It's tons of fun. Even more fun than just the plain online mode, in this player's opinion. It's extremely addicting, it's challenging, it requires a lot of communication and team work and most importantly, it's a ton of fun! I mean seriously. It never gets old. It's always fun and it's always a challenge and it's a different experience each play through. You can't look away from the screen for more than a second or else you're dead. And i'd also say that it's better than Left 4 Dead. And it's a sub-game! It's not even a game! It's just a mode within a game! Treyarch really needs to make a whole seperate game filled with various maps, options and other things because it would sell A TON. I know i'd buy it in a heart beat. Anyways, I better stop before I get carried away. (Which I very well may have already done. Haha) So yeah. That was just my little rant. Oh and just for funsies, i'll post my highest round score for each map below:

  • Nacht Der Untoten - 16 Rounds
  • Verruckt - 19 Rounds
  • Shi No Numa - 24 Rounds
  • Der Riese - 27 Rounds

Anyways, I hope you all got something out of this blog. Sorry for being such a 360 boy, but hey. That's just me. :P So i'll see you all in a couple of weeks! Happy Halloween!

Halo 3: ODST And My New Cell Phone

Hello everyone! I try to put out a new blog every two weeks, but as you can see, I am way far behind. Well that's because I moved to a new town over the summer and me being in a new school takes some getting used to, so I hope you all cut me a little slack on that. :P But with that being said, let's move on to some updates and such, shall we?

Halo 3: ODST (X360)

Now, before you all start moaning and groaning and trolling over why you think Halo is the worst game series ever, well... don't. And just shut up. No one cares. I'm simply here to tell you my impressions on it after playing through the campaign co-op on Legendary difficulty. The review will most likely come within the next few days. So yes. ODST is the prequel to Halo 3. It takes in place between 2 and 3 so this sort of a Halo 2.5 game. Story wise, anyways. Graphics, sound, story and gameplay wise, it is just as good and even better, actually, than Halo 3. The story is more gripping and intense (In my opinion) and I thought that the atmosphere was just far superior to Halo 3. The story especially. The fact that you're a lone ODST member (Well not lone if you have a buddy and are playing on co-op like I did. Haha) makes it a lot more grim and dark, but a lot more interesting. And the fact that the whole game takes place in one night with flashback missions making up most of the game to explain why Mombassa is the way it is in its current state makes it all the more engrossing and fascinating. I personally found the story in Halo 3 to be okay and kind of boring, but the story and atmosphere in ODST was absolutely superb. AND I'M NOT A FAN BOY!! This is the only Halo game that I have ever played other than bits and pieces of Halo 3. So, coming from a non-Halo fan/guru, I must say that Halo 3: ODST is a fantastic game and is a must buy to ANY fan of FPS's. It is an Xbox staple. And if you've never bought a Halo game before, I suggest this one first, because it includes the multiplayer component from Halo 3, but with all of the maps and map packs included, which value at about $20-30 bucks I believe. So yeah. DEFINITELY rent it AT LEAST. It is an excellent game. Expect a full fledged detailed review from me within the next week or so. :)

New Cell Phone With AT&T: Pantech Matrix (Red)

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And in non gaming (But still totally electronical) news, I (And by I, I mean my parents) switched over to AT&T from Verizon Wireless because they were unsatisfied with their phones and the easiest way to get new one's was to switch companies. So yeah. I wanted an Iphone, and I could've gotten one, but in the end, I wanted a simple messaging phone with physical keys, so I went with the Pantech Matrix. It's actually a dual-slider phone, as in it also has a numerical keypad, but this picture just shows the QWERTY keyboard. So far, it's a pretty reliable phone. Seems sturdy. Has a nice battery life. Keys feel good. Looks great. I like the shiny red color too. :D So yeah. Not major news, but it is a pretty hefty upgade from my Samsung Juke. Anyways, I think that's all. Uhmmmmm. Yep. I'll try to have another blog out in about a week or two, now that i'm a lot more settled in. Sooooo..... yep. Peace. ^_^