"And yes, we are listening," he asserted. - Seems like they've already found a way to tap in to our thoughts. I hope they decide to tune in while I'm in the washroom, that'll learn 'em!
They must've forgotten that PC's can have all the computations done server side too, for a while now. So, with that out of the way, my PC has higher specs than Xbox One, and can literally do all the same multimedia things as Xbox One is saying to do. With the exception of me talking to it. "Computer On".
My PC is technically a little behind PS4 though, since I don't have 8GB of GDDR5 RAM.. however, I do have 8GB of DDR3 Motherboard RAM and 2GB of GDDR5 in my GPU. As well as 8 Core CPU @ 4.0.
Even if they have an edge over PC, it's not "next generation leap" like they claim. Just sayin'.
Bushnell said PS4 will have a hard system to develop for? I guess he missed the x86 cpu part of Sony's broadcast, even he should know how that cpu works, it was around not long after Atari was created. Either way, I still want to see MS's announcement before I comment on the actual system.
If Blizzard wants feedback about the co-op, then have the PC version support local co-op like the console versions will. Otherwise I'll continue not to own D3. Just sayin'..
Wow, I get Tomb Raider free with my purchase of a new graphics card.. and I think I'm going to give the code away to my friend when I get it. Do not want.
Setzera's comments