I've seen very conflicting reports on which console has sold the most this gen and overall. Maybe it's how these articles are worded, but it's too bad they don't always show how many are replacement consoles.
If it doesn't come out on PC, sadly it becomes less of a wanted game for me.. mainly because all my gamer friends have PC's and -might- get Destiny, but I likely the only one who gets both a PS4 and Destiny. Doubt there will be local co-op.
I have a headset like that already, also happens to work on any USB compatible device, people tell me I come through crystal clear and cost $15 CDN. I'd like to see them beat that.
I'm surprised he didn't shoot himself in the foot this time, seriously, this is the first time I've seen Don Mattrick not fail in at least a month. Still not buying Xbone, even at $1.
I'm hoping I can play it mostly co-op using either another controller, or an android phone at least. If not, I'll get it when it's come down in price, cuz it looks awesome.
I'll be skipping both of those, my headset should work on PS4, since it works on both PS3 and PC. Also, I'll have charge cables so I can keep playing while it charges.
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