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SgtHydra Blog

No chapter 4 yet. Why? Blame Valve.

I can't write my fanfiction right now. I've become addicted to Half Life 2 and anything related to it. After I beat the game (which is not a major feat) I spent the past two days watching videos made using Half Life 2's "G-mod." Here is some. Watch them all, they wouldn't be posted here if they weren't funny or cool.

Funny: is also the Song of the Blog, "Holiday" by Green Day.


Random: Did you really think that was rick rolled?

-Sgt. Hydra

Avatar in Space, Chapters 2 and 3!

Here they are... quite a bit of dialogue. I had fun with this. Left a few little suprises for ya. Enjoy!

Chapter 2

Book 1, Chapter 2: "Two Riders Were Approaching"

"To bend is not to move water from point A to point B. To bend is to extend your soul outward and touch the mother Ocean, thus becoming one with it."

-Master Pakku, "Moon and Ocean: Waterbending for Tomorrow"

"The Fire Nation is not a nation of conquerors. We are simple businessmen, securing our... assets."

-Commander Zhao, "Glory: A Military History of the Fire Nation"

"For the last time, Katara, stop practicing that stupid magic and give me a hand," Sokka screamed at his sister.

Katara ignored him. She bent the water into an almost living ribbion of ocean; the auroras in the night sky brightened the water into an amazing display.

Sokka, looking up from his opus, screamed at Katara once more: "Get your lazy *** over here and help me."

Katara let her bending water crash down on the ice. She walked over to Sokka and his large anti-orbital cannon (from here on out called an AOC). The cannon was meant to be a measure of last resort against Fire Nation raids, but Sokka was modifying it for an offensive weapon.

"Those Flamers will never know what hit them." Sokka bragged from inside his AOC. "Use OUR moon for THEIR mines... they'll regret that move. Oh, and hand me the Philips..."

"You know, Sokka, we only have two rounds of ammunition for this... right?" Katara was always nagging Sokka about their supplies.

"We'll just work around that."

"We can't 'work around' everything, Sokka. We can't 'work around' having no food. We can't 'work around' having no supplies."

Sokka knew what Katara was implying. "We would never do that."

Katara clutched at her necklace, as she often did when this subject came up. "They've traded with other villages before. Gotten them food, even ammunition. We could get the same deal."

"I will never allow this village to trade our warriors for food. They'll just become slaves in their mines. That is what happened in the other villages." Sokka was dead serious. Ever since their mother died, the Fire Nation was a weighted subject.

In the distance, a Fire Nation warship was slowly descending towards the village spaceship docking bay. It was not as big as some others Katara and Sokka had seen, not nearly as big as the ones that were owned by the miners.

"If you won't do it, I will." Katara said as she leaped into the speeder, riding off towards the village, some 6 miles away.

Sokka had enough time to poke his head out of the flak gun. "Katara, wait!"

But she was gone.

Chapter 3:

Book 1, Chapter 3: "Tourists"

"To some, after Ba Sing Se, General Iroh had gone insane. But I think the man has found what really matters and grown wiser from that discovery."

-Admiral Jeong Jeong, "Unseen Success: Learning from Defeat at Ba Sing Se"

"For even the most advanced civilization, just barely surviving off the frozen tundra is a miracle. I'd say the Water Tribes' ability to thrive in the most brutal environments is a no accident. Any people that strong and that determined will change the world."

-Professor Zei, from his television show "Exploring the Universe with Prof. Zei"

Katara had arrived just in time to see the warship's hatch open. The entire village, all 50 individuals with the lone exception of Sokka, had gathered around the Fire Nation ship. An elderly man, wrinkled with age, stepped out with two bodyguards. Katara greeted him.

"Welcome to our village. What is your business?"

The wrinkled man spoke in a voice that sounded like anyone's grandfather. "We wish to acquire volunteers to help a tired old man explore the countryside." The old man motioned weakly towards the frozen wastelands that surrounded the village.

"You're a tourist?" Katara was mildly shocked. She had lead Earth Kingdom travel show hosts into the wastelands before, but never a citizen of the Fire Nation.

"What is wrong with an old man wanting to travel the known stars before he dies?" The old man made a good point.

"What are you offering to trade?" Katara got back to why she originally came here. They might not be the miners she was looking for, but they were rich.

"Maybe... some food? And a little support in the defense of this planet... four thousand AOC rounds perhaps?" The old man was talking like he read her mind.

Katara was convinced instantly. "I'll guide you through the wilderness personally. Which direction into it are you interested in?"

The old man brought out a map with a wide variety of coordinates on it. Katara got the feeling he was no tourist.

"Southeast, please. I hear the mountains there are beautiful."

Southeast? That is where a ship landed a few days ago, Katara thought. Oh well, can't be anything on the ship that is THAT important...

End of Chapter

Yup... four thousand rounds is alot of ammunition. Sokka will have fun with that.

I love writing this. Just sucks the AWS right out ofme. Helps with the BSGWS (Battlestar Galactica Withdrawal Syndrome) too.

Fanfiction Vote Results// Earthquake near my house// (foam) Season 3!

Fanfiction Vote Results

Here is the results:





The next two chapters (its a two chapter arc) will be about Sokka and Katara and... well... the rest is spoilers. It will be up tommorow.


While playing Half Life 2 on my computer, I suddenly felt the entire house convulse. It was an earthquake, a relitively common occurance in Oregon, especially near an active volcano (Mt. St. Helen's). I am unharmed and nothing was broken, but it was mildly frightening due to its suddenness.

(Foam!) Season 3!

Avatar: The Last Airbender - Book 3: Fire, Volume 1 box art


Oh man. Too good to be true. Here is the article that spawned all this AWS madness (this is madness! For more madness, don't click here):

-Sgt. Hydra


Oh, and I doubt anyone saw them, here is the original pilot episodes of avatar. Not the boy in the iceburg. Never before seen, except if you bought the complete season 1 DVD...

Part 1:

Part 2:

And if you like Monty Python...

Parrot Sketch:

Argument Club:

Self Defense Against Fresh Fruit:

The Spanish Inquistion:

Ministry of Silly Walks:

And if you like random, here you go: "Its a series of tubes!" "Lets do this... LEEEROY JENKINS!" Love therandom songat 5:08.

Voting Booths are now open!

Here is the new vote:

What should the next chapter deal with?

  • A: Continuation of Zuko's plot (him boarding the EK transport)
  • B: Where is Aang? (I am not telling. Its not the obvious place.)
  • C: Katara and Sokka (doing much of the same things as they did at the begining of "The Boy in the Iceburg," cept with a sci fi twist)
  • D: Tell me your idea. Completly open. I will decide

All these things must be dealt with eventually (within the next four chapters), but which one should come first?

Booths closeThursday at 12:00 AM Eastern (or, for those on the West Coast, Wed. at 9:00 PM)

Also, read the below blog. I liked writing the review. I need to know from the people if I should write another review for another show, or if I should never write another review on this blog.

Ani-Monday on SciFi Channel// Avatar Videos: Original pilot ep// Vote Now!!!

Lots of stuff in this blog. I mean alot. So I'ml going to seperate it into three parts, so you don't have to read what you don't want. The first part is a review of the new Anime block on the Sci Fi Channel, the second is a list of really cool avatar vids I've put together, the third deals with my sudden inability to write the english language in any meaningful way.


As I was flipping the channels one fine Monday night, I noticed a strange commercial. "Its got Ani-balls" the narrator assured me as two riceballs (little balls of rice. Big in Japan.) flashed the screen. "And its coming up next!" I was slightly interested... slightly... I was never big on anime, especially the kind which takes place in Japan itself. But recently I saw an episode of "Ghost in a Shell," so I said what the hell.

First up... well... I really forgot the name. It didn't matter, cause I was confused about the plot. Tasted of Digimon-ish "alternate universe" sub-plot with a main plot that reminded me of sailor moon, the show that made me hate anime to begin with. I give it a 2 out of 5 for showing some neat special effects, an odd concept, and one cute girl. I'll put this one on the "wait and see" back burner.

After that, things got... interesting. Still confused, but I did catch the name: "Tokko." It was about evil monsters (turns out they are demons) that are terrorizing Tokyo and its up to one man and his army of half dressed asian chicks to stop them! 5 out of 5 for kickass fights, an evil demonic horde, and a crowd of hawt asians. I love asian women out of all women... (daydreams about asian girls....)

(Wakes up) Oh! Last, but most certianally not least, is a show called "Macross Plus 4." Unfortunatly, the episode I was watching was the last episode :cry: !!!! This the only one I understood competely: evil computers with naked chicks as avatars (the computer kind) try to hypnotize futuristic world. But only one hotshot fighter pilot from Japan can stop them! And perhaps win the girl on the way! 10 out of 5.This was the highlight of the night. Best anime I've seen in a long time.

Overall, I give Ani-Monday a total score of 7 out of 10. The first show was a miss, but things got better as the sun went down. Ani-Monday airs at 11:00 PM eastern time on the Sci Fi Channel. Do I really have to say which day it is

Avatar Videos:

Avatar Pilot, Part 1: This was never aired on television. All avatar fans (or at least the ones without the Season 1 complete DVD) must watch!

Avatar Pilot, Part 2:

Music Videos:

Parody Videos:

If you want to watch everything I was going to put here, I just put who makes them: GanXingba. All are hilarious.

Intro in vairous languages:




Writer's Block:

You are probably wondering: why hasn't Mikiel posted his fanfiction? Why is he giving some review he just typed up for Film Studies C.lass and posted it here? Well Sparky, I can't decide where my fanficition should go. So its time for you to vote on what you want to see!

Where should the next chapter deal with?

  • A: Continuation of Zuko's plot (him boarding the EK transport)
  • B: Where is Aang? (I am not telling. Its not the obvious place.)
  • C: Katara and Sokka (doing much of the same things as they did at the begining of "The Boy in the Iceburg," cept with a sci fi twist)
  • D: Tell me your idea. Completly open. I will decide

All these things must be dealt with eventually (within the next four chapters), but which one should come first?

For Halfhandedcloud:

Oh, and Halfhandedcloud, what was that idea you where going to tell me? You never said what it was.

Well... here goes nothing...// Avatar Fanfiction Chap 1

Avatar in Space. This is the format for the fanfiction. Each chapter will begin with quotes. Some are real life quotes that I put into the mouthes of made up characters, others are made up quotes that are spoken by made up characters. I had fun writing this chapter. Enjoy.

Book 1, Chapter 1: "All Quiet on the Southern Front"

"I came; I saw; I conquered."

-Fire Nation General Shu-Fe, on his defeat of the Air Nomads

"Oh the horrors of war... It is well this shall only last no more than a single generation."

-Earth Kingdom Military Strategist Dao-Ming Bei Fong, on the then recent Fire Nation invasion

The night, or whatever it could be called in the empty void, was punctured by the singing music of the alarm. The crew quickly dove into the command room and relieved the computer of its endless task of navigating trough the dark sea. The captain, if he could be called that, entered the command room with a silent limp. A restless grudge that followed him as he moved around the ship. Prince Zuko, an outcast in any of the four nations, now only a citizen of the infinite tides, waited for his crew to notice him. After a few minutes, all became aware of his presence, gave a silent salute, and immediately continued working.

"Earth Kingdom transport sighted on the port side!" One crewman reported to the banished nobleman. "Probably the one we chased out of the Kyoshi system."

"And its escort? Where is its Battlestar escort?" Zuko interrogated. "We jumped away after it showed up."

"Gone sir."

"Must of been carrying something important," an old, wrinkled face behind the scarred youth muttered to himself. "Probably gold, weapons, or maybe even... jasmine tea..."

The old man licked his lips in excitement.

Uncle Iroh was growing more and more obsessive about Fire Nation food and teas. The ship hadn't made port in over six months and it was beginning to show in form of low moral of the crew. One man in particular, Ze-Hing, was growing mutinous and could become trouble if left unchecked. But at the moment, all Zuko had to worry about was his mission. His quest to capture the Avatar. He was told again and again: "The Avatar is dead. Even if he was alive, how could you expect to find him in the depths of space? He could be halfway to the next star cluster by now."

Such were common taunts from Commander Zhao, head of the 2nd Fire Marines. Zhao had been their on the day... it happened.

Zuko shuddered and stepped back into reality.

"Whatever was on it, that ship will lead us to something big." Zuko felt more confidant giving orders. He was in control of his life now. Royal Court politics had no place in the great empty. "Destroy the transport's engines, then board it. I will lead the boarding party personally."

End of chapter.

(Breaths in deeply)

Can't you just feel the AWS leaving the body?

And by a landslide victory...// First Ritilin, now this// Worst Cartoons Ever?

In a strange, yet nigh unanimous victory, my new blog will be Avatar in Space!!!! But, I was able to do both A and one idea from C...

  • A: 7 (I almost missed 13parrots)
  • B:0 (I was surprised at this)
  • C: 2 (srry FMA, "Space Thor" will not be in my fanfiction. My associates hated it. They're party poopers :()

And Congratulations to:


xXKarisuXx's idea was accepted for my fanfiction: Aang will not be found by Katara and Sokka. Instead, he will be found by Earth Kingdom citizens.It actually solved the whole problem of the beginning. I'm not too good at beginnings. In fact, everything I write takes place in the middle of my story. Or take place after another story. Fanfiction will begin tomorrow. If not, then I'm probably just too busy playing Civ 4 or NS.

What is Civ 4 or NS? My new addiction! "Civilization 4" is a game where you rule a civilization and pwn the Greeks for about two hours until you want to kill something directly, not just watch someone do it. So then I dust off "Natural Selection," a mod for Half Life 1. If you've ever seen the movies "Aliens", "Alien 3," or "Alien: Resurrection," then just think of that as a video game. A online, multiplayer video game. Yes you can be the aliens. Yes EVERYONE is another person. And yes again, I do kick@$$.

In other news, thinks it has found the worst cartoons ever: link. Some examples are Pokemon, the 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo, Goof Troop,and... Captain Planet. I watched all four when I was but a wee lad and I look back fondly at all of them... well... looking back, Pokemon was the most boring half-hour of my life, but it was WAAAAAY better then anything that any other channel had on. And Captain Planet is #1?

"You'll pay for this!"

Oh, and the song of the blog is "Highway to Hell" by ACDC: link. This is my new theme song.

Thanks for voting. May Democracy flourish in! ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!

-Sgt. Hydra


In Soviet Sparta, Madness is YOU!

I couldn't resist adding that...

Edit: Joke of the day: link. Jibjab c.lassic. Not "This Land" or any other in that series. Warning: potty humour.

OMG! just saw this: link. If you love Monty Python, you'll love this.

Keep Voting// Funniest thing on the internet

Remember to keep on voting for my fan fiction. Voting Booths close at 9:00 West Coast time (around 6:00 on the East Coast).


  • A: Avatar in Space (I will have fun with this one)
  • B: Normal Avatar fanfiction (taking place just after Crossroads of Destiny. I've got a pretty good story already typed up for this one)
  • C: Free Choice (if I like it, I'll do it)

Current Poll:

  • A: 3
  • B: 0
  • C: 2

On another subject, this video is the funniest thing on the internet: Ventrilo Harrassment. (click me)

Oh the fun that can be had with a simple soundboard... Whoever makes these is the God of the Internet. YOU MUST SEE THE WHOLE THING!!!! Friggin hilarious. Oh and warning: its got language.

-Sgt. Hydra

We all got to say goodbye sometime...

Well... I never thought it would come to this, but this is pretty much my goodbye blog. Don't freak out or get all sad... its just until avatar airs in september. You just really won't see me on the forums as much, perhaps not at all. Things I will continue to do:

  • Recieve the red pill every sunday from HHC ;)
  • Update my blog
  • Push for a democratic TV.Com
  • Post my fanfiction and comment about the great job everyone else is doing with their fanfictions.

Speaking of fanfictions, mine will be... starting over. The people have spoken and I will not be updating my Rise of Legends (not legends of rose... :roll: ). Instead I will be attacking my AWS with an avatar fan-fiction. Unfortunately, I am having trouble deciding on what to write. That is where YOU (yes, YOU!) come in. In order to make a freer and more enjoyable place, I will let YOU (yes YOU!) choose how my fanfiction will go. The outcome of the story depends on YOU! Majority rules on the voting, of course.

Today's vote will be on the manner of my avatar fanfiction. Will it be...

  • A. Avatar in Space (yay genre-bending!)
  • B. A normal avatar fan-fiction taking place right after CoD.
  • C. Or tell me your own idea.

For C., I will do it if I like it. I hold executive veto, so I get to decide if C. is a good idea. If your idea is accepted, your name will be on the top of the blog!

So... goodbye for the most part. See you in September.

Oh, and Happy Capitalist Infidel Independence Day.

-Sgt. Hydra

Oh, and as a parting gift, here is the joke(s) of the day:

Quote of the day: "They mostly come at night... mostly..." -Some little girl from "Aliens"

I was wrong// Vote On Fanfiction// More cartoons// Vidquote about

The Avatar forum is back up. I thought it might be gon for good, but I was wrong. So sue me.

On another matter, I don't think anyone heard about the voting for my fanfiction. Should I switch to an avatar one, or go on with the Rise of Legends one? Leave your vote in my comments.

And I have cartoons for Nazi Germany and Iran. Both are highly anti-semantic and should be viewed maturely. This is high end propaganda, even if it is in another language.

Nazi cartoons:

cartoon juden:

cartoons for the third riech:

Iranian Cartoons:



Bush is an Israelii puppet:

Bush is a Nazi

Disclaimer: I believe nothing presented in the above videos. I support Israel in their struggle for peace in the Middle East.

Now, for those of you wondering, the quote of the day is a vidquote. It has to do with and the internet. Enjoy: