@jcouch2020 yes we do but i think you dont. The Sega Saturn failed becasue of the bad release stretegy. (on E3) with out informing publishers so it only have 6 games at launch. The Ps1 not only was less powerfull but also a lot cheaper than the competition that is why PS1 won the 5th gen. Guess what the XBO in 100% expensier and less performance than the PS4 so it will tank even lower than the Vita or the WiiU
@Dannystaples14 @ArabrockermanX there are a bunch of good games on the 3ds and the system have planty of 3rd party and 1st party support. Maybe they are no good for you and prefer Mobile games but you vcannot deny what nintendo ofers is quality even if you don't like it.
@Gatts1978 well that happen when you buy systems at launch. The can have drought, delays of games, proble with software, etc. I bought a WiiU knowing perfectly tht this will happen. I will buy a PS4 later but i know that not all the games showed on E3 will be on launch or launch window
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