@Devil_wings00 @the_hunger the thing Nintendo sells their game the hole year not just the first month, that is why they are able to sell games at 10millions rate with out price drop
@Coldpain @ziqi92 a japanese show last month when the dramatize the type of Sylveon, They showed week to Fighting, Strong against ice and week to poison nothing more
@thekazumalord The WiiU version is actualy better than the PC version (acording to the developers, i am not kidding watch the video). So the WiiU is the definitive version to get
@spank555 the problem with Tom is that he reviews not by what the game is but how the game he would like to be. That is why he gave Mario Galaxy a 10, Zelda SS 7.5, and the Last of us a 8.0
@horizonwriter i agree only with the blue shell but the other items are not problem. The ink was never a problem to me, the POW and lightning neather. I am ok with items that help the people that are behind (not just mushrooms) but not ok with just punish the one is winning the race.
I do not like the visuals but it's a 3D Mario and until now there are no such thing as a bad Mario game. I will pick it up for my WiiU. The bes thing is multiplayer so i can play it with my son
Shadowmax889's comments