@sheemy You are right and wrong. In the 80's and 90's the incremental in graphics means also an incremental in gameplay, without mod7 you cannot have mario kart or f-zero, without blast procesing you cannot have Sonic. These last two gens the imrpove in graphics did not make improve in gamepaly in the same way as the first gens, and because of that, today, graphic are more secondary than gameplay and speaks less about the quality of the game. That is why Xenoblade owns FF XIII with inferior graphics being both games in the same genera. Also Minecraft rocks with retro graphics
These idiots wouldn't survive in early gaming generations when the tech restrictions were much severe than today's. It is the job of a good developer to workaround those limitations and make a good game. Bitching about the tech do not speak well about you developing skills
@philMcCrevis @franzito except that gamestop is not a world wide store and is not the only one selling the wii u. Ford dealerships is a world wide store
@Thanatos2k @abHS4L88 @Shadowmax889 may be if you said it 3 times more it can become true. The Wiiu IS NEXT GEN. But lets play by your logic, a truly "next gen" system (xbox 360) sold way less when it came out than a "current gen" sistem released later and expensier than his competition
It is interesting that they said it was dissapointing when the WiiU sold more than the 360 and PS3 combined by the same time period. This is just cheap news reporting, shame on you gamespot.
The WiiU currently has sold more than 2.2 million units in only one month, i do not see how this is disapointing in any way
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