I didn't read all of the posts, so I'm sorry if the topic has changed or I'm repeating some of the ideas already explained.
The one thing I HATE about LoZ games is that I never get satisfaction out of slashing at enemies. Am I the o.nly one who has noticed that? I haven't played TP yet, but I'll give examples off of the ones I've played. In OoT, they flash red and you'd hardly know if you hit them or not unless they did flash, as not much noise is made. In WW, there was an improvement as you heard a noise, some kind of instrument I think, everytime you hit them, and the final blow was a big WHACkK. Still, I felt like I should be getting more enjoyment out of it. As for MC, same issue as OoT.
I also dislike a lot of things about LoZ's combat. Fighting is pretty repetitive in that game unless you're fighting a boss/mini-boss. They keep you going in combat by throwing new enemies at you in new dungeons, but sometimes you'll go through a new dungeon with the same monsters. Plus, I notice I'm ALWAYS using my sword, and pretty much never using my shield or my boomerang. I just dodge a lot.
Also, a dark triforce is unnecessary. The triforce is neither good nor evil, it just depends on who it's in the hands of. Maybe somebody harnessed all three pieces of triforce and it went from gold to gray, thus sucking out the energy of the world. The three greatest people in that world: Link, Zelda, and Gannondorf, will be fused into one being that changes forms at will. The world is then ruled by the new villain, and the world is going from lush with forest and wealth to barren and desolate. Certain people in the world possess the 10 gems that can be used to create the power that was used in the original triforce. Once you have harnessed all of the power, you choose who will go on to fight the new villain, Gannondorf, Link, or Zelda. These probably won't be their names in the game, however, because...well you know, rpg. Once the villain is defeated, the ending cutscene will depend on the character you chose. Choosing Link will show you a cutscene that shows the world being transformed into a giant forest full of creatures (Courage). Choosing Zelda will show you a cutscene that shows the world becoming a giant field of peace and harmony (Wisdom). Choosing Gannon will show you a cutscene that shows the world being full of wealthy cities (Power).
As for gameplay, it would be true to the adventure genre, no levelling up, no skills. You will need magic to change forms, and all of the forms will look slightly different than the original. Gannondorf's skin tone will be more human, his cape will be gone, and his clothes will consist of more armor than sorcerers' clothes. Link's hat will be gone, his hair will be longer (and in a ponytail), and his clothes will consist mostly of his traditional garments, but 25% of it will be light armor. As for Zelda, her dress will be darker as well as her make-up, and will look a little older than she usually does. Link is now more of a bow and arrow person, but will still be the master of light swords and dodging. Gannondorf will use less of his powerful magic and start using large swords, but will not be highly skilled with them. Instead, he must buff them as well as himself to be skilled in combat. Zelda will use almost entirely magic, but will have to resort to some low-damage ranged attacks when her magic runs out.
What do you guys think?
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