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Shanarah Blog

PSU 3-0; Next up, Northwestern

After 3 weeks of home football games, PSU is now 3-0. Makes me very happy, but I'm not going to assume the season will be a breeze because the first 3 games are always warm up, non-conference games. Our offense looks pretty damn good this year, despite the deficiencey in the O-line. We'll see this week how it works out against a Big Ten team. The 2nd and 3rd string offense are also looking pretty decent, so we have the depth there. The defense is a different story. The 1st string D looks pretty good, but they don't seem as strong as they were last year. Hopefully they'll get it together and become a wall again, forcing low scores for the opposing teams.

In other football related news, the Beav is getting new turf grass again. It was just replaced a year or 2 ago and this year's hot summer did a number on it so it's been tearing up every game. My 'rents could use a little of that turf though, cuz we have nothing but dirt and weeds in our backyard. XD

Classes are driving me insane. The visiting artist teaching my painting class seems really kewl though. He's all excited about my dragon/cat idea and wants me to try gold leaf in the painting. I despise business writing already. I'm not good at "selling myself" in writing, but I'm going to hope I do a good enough job to get a decent grade.

I've painted a portion of a Vincent drawing I did a few weeks ago. I'm not sure how appreciated it would be by male FF7 fans, but us chicas seem to like it. O: P Dunno if I'll post it here or not. I really wanna make a sig out of part of it, but I'm not so hot at making good ones. XD

PSU v. South Florida. And new sig?

Well, the football team pulled off a win on saturday, but the offense still looks shakey. I can't be sure if it's the O-line, MRob or both that need to get their act together or be replaced. I'm leaning more toward it being the O-line as Zack Mills proved he was a good QB his first year playing for Penn State, but never had enough time to pass especially last year. The defense is looking good as it was last year thankfully. Hopefully the O will step up and carry it's own weight next weekend.

Instead of doing the homework I was supposed to do I decided to make a new sig. I'm not sure if I'm really happy with it or not. Comments, crits or pointers would be appreciated.

Now I must go finish my business writing assignments which I've neglected all weekend. XD

Classes start

Well, I've finished both Kingdom Hearts and FF8 now, just in time for the semester to start. I figured I'd have a hard time w/ Ultimecia but she wasn't too bad. Much harder than Sephiroth was in FF7 though. And I've been reminded that I absolutely love the ending to FF8. I feel like replaying it now, but I really shouldn't since I'll be pretty busy with thesis work and getting ready for the 'real world'. >.>

Anywho, I probably won't be around much at all now w/ classes. If I have time I may post entries about how the football team is doing, since that'll be my priority on weekends again. I'm praying for a winning season. The guys seem optimistic so I hope that's a good sign. It would be nice to graduate in a year we had a good season. WE ARE...!

Back w/ Dirge of Cerberus Desktop!

I wasn't around too much for the past week or so because I was home and playing Kingdom Hearts. Had a lot of fun doing that. I haven't finished it yet cuz I wanted to run around doing most of the side quests. But my mum got me a copy of it as a "going away gift" so I should be able to finish it before the semester starts. Yay!

I was home for the Backstreet Boys concert in Hershey. I'm sure most of you don't like them, but I'm allowed to be girly once in a while, so nyah. I went w/ my roommate and we actually managed to get Kevin's autograph on our extra free tickets. So now I can finally say I've met a real celebrity, even if it was at their concert. I enjoyed myself. Oh, and btw, their new video is just hilarious if anyone's interested. It's a spoof of (or tribute to, as Kevin put it) 80s metal videos and anyone who's seen them will understand. It's not very high quality, but then again it's only meant for a laugh, though I don't really agree with their song of choice. I am still trying to decide who everyone's pretending to be in it though. I'm guessing Nick is Bret Michaels and Howie is Nikki Sixx, but I'm not sure of the others. AJ as the Stryper drummer maybe? If anyone actually cares to help me, please tell me your guesses. But don't just be an arse about it.

I decided I needed a desktop change again today so I made a wallpaper for Dirge of Cerberus. Made the wallpaper from 2 images here on gamespot. If anyone knows where I can get a nice red winamp skin or how to get more color themes for the one I've got please let me know. If anyone's interested in using the wallpaper tell me and I'll upload it too.

DC: Vincent Desktop(large image)

Edit: I found a color editor so I'm happy with the winamp now.

Arting Again

I came home today with every intention of playing EverQuest for a few hours. Instead I started painting my drawing of Chris. I've been painting it since hmm... 6 or 7. Finally had to stop cuz my eyes are ready to fall out of my head. I have the skintones down, eyes, lips and the hair looks finished right now, though that opinion could change. I love how his lips look, but the rest needs a good amount of work. I'll post it when it's finished. If I like it enough I'll have a new sig shortly. :D I could kick myself for making the background blue... I use blue way too much! Should've used purple or something for a change. Oh well, a little late to realize that now.

Fun with Resident Evil in the Library

So, I'm sitting at a computer in the library. Came with a friend who needed to get some stuff done on a computer. I sat here and finished the last bits of RE: City of the Dead, and since the library doesn't have RE: Underworld I decided to get on here.

I made a really quick wallpaper from one of the Resident Evil 5 screens, so I'd have a different wallpaper on my network than I have on my own PC. I guess I can upload it someplace if anyone really wants it, but I warn you, it's not anywhere near graphic design quality (especially since I'm not very familiar w/ Photoshop CS2). Maybe I'll make a better one when I get home.

Resident Evil and Art

The Resident Evil 5 trailer has successfully gotten me into Resident Evil mode again. And the excitement got me drawing old school Chris. Of course no one can be sure who's in RE5 yet, but I'd love to see Chris and Jill back, especially if they decide this is the last one. I think they're about my favorite video game couple ever. I also wish they'd play out the tracking down Umbrella in Europe scenario which I've been waiting for for so long. But it seems like they threw that one away like so many of the games they scrapped.

I'm also back to wanting to finish reading the books. I started reading City of the Dead years ago, but never finished it. It can't keep my attention very long at all, but I'd like to finish it before I move on to the next book. I guess it just draws out details that I don't really care about. I've read The Umbrella Conspiracy twice already because it was a very good and interesting book. I liked the way it handled the inconsistencies between Chris and Jill's games, while still covering the story pretty accurately (not so much can be said for George Romero's RE1 script). I liked being inside Wesker's head as well because you seldom really get a look at what makes the villains tick. And his "death" was so giddily gruesome. I was also happy with the treatment of the more minor characters, particularly Forest since he's one of my favorite characters and the book gives him a personality which we never actually get to see in the game. I know there's a lot of critics of the books, but I happened to like the two I've read in full. And hey, Capcom must be pretty happy with them if they keep hiring the same woman to write them.

Arts Fest, LFL, & Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Recap of the last 3 days of Arts Fest. I hit the other Juried Art Exhibition in the HUB on saturday as well as all the stalls on the festival route. I only saw two or three pieces I liked in the Exhibition. There were a few stalls that had kewl stuff, but I didn't buy more than funnel cake. Some of you might be interested to know that one artist was selling Harry Potter brooms.

Friday I attended the 3rd annual Lift For Life. LFL is an event organized by the Penn State Football team, in which members of the team compete in a grueling workout in order to raise money for the Kidney Cancer Association. This year they raised $30,000. It was definitely different. For more information check the website at

Friday night, my friend Patty and I decided to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. What an awesome movie! This is one of the few cases where some of the best parts of the movie weren't in the previews, a complete opposite from AitD. Johnny Depp made me laugh so hard. I do like this version more than the original, though I loved the music in that one a lot. I think Charlie's surpassed Episode III as my favorite movie this year so far. I want to see it again! I'd recommend it to anyone. Tim Burton is such an awesome director. He can take almost any story and make an incredibly enjoyable movie out of it. And I've now added The Corpse Bride to my list of must sees. O: )

I'm not sure if any of you play Everquest, but if you have characters on Maelin Starpyre and you wanna group with me sometime, let me know. :)

And my favorite painting from last semester has officially been stolen. :evil: I'm flattered that someone liked my work enough to want it that bad, but I'm very POed that it's gone. I don't even have a photo of it, and I'm too lazy to repaint it. It was pretty darn big too, around 4ft x 6ft. So I'm not in the most jovial of moods right now. I wish I could find the tard that took it and ring his or her neck.

Arts Fest Day 2 & FFVII Art

Today I saw very little at arts fest. I woke up sick and so missed Dan Kamin's other programs. By late afternoon I felt better and Patty and I went to see Galumpha. Not to be confused with Umpa Lumpas. They were pretty entertaining. If you wanna check 'em out, their tour schedule is on their website,

And as promised, here is my drawing of Cloud and Tifa. Very much not finished, but not really sketchy either. I have 2 different backgrounds in mind, so I'd appreciate your input! :) I'd either like to put them by the Nibelheim well or basically turn it into the scene from the end of disk 2. The well was the original idea, but after I saw the other scene I thought maybe I should just do that. Sorry the scan's not so hot. :?

Arts Fest Day 1

So it's time for State College's annual Arts Festival again. It's a pretty fun time here with all the art, entertainers and concerts. Today was the first day of the festival which runs through Sunday. I hit up the Zoller Gallery to see work that is part of the juried art exhibition. Some of it was nice but most I didn't care for.

Then I dragged my friend Patty to see Dan Kamin. I don't think many here will know who he is. He's a street performer/magician/mime. He taught my Johnny Depp all his moves in Benny & Joon(greatest romantic comedy I've ever seen and the only one I like). Dan's a real hoot. This was the second time I've seen him perform(first was also at Penn State). Patty was very happy afterward that I made her come with. It was a very enjoyable night. So if any of you ever get the chance you should see him, he's really great. :)

Beings as it's arts fest, I probably won't be doing too mch gaming this week. But look! I have a new icon! Yay! Sephiroth owns me.