LMFAO!!! this^^^ my thoughts exactely.. :lol:You didn't expect the game to be playable only a month after release? Wow, Bethesda must LOVE you :lol:
As others have said, this patch won't fix the lag.
ShangTsung17's forum posts
been wanting to check this out for awhile, basically just wanting a few opinions on it.. don't wanna get duped into buying something pointless.. has anyone purchased this yet? what all new sh!t is there? is the story anything new? is it worth it???
no, noooo.. graphics most certinly DO NOT make a game better.. but c'mon.. mk9's graphics are pure eye candy if i've ever seen any! and as much as i hate to admit it, they looked even more bad @ss on the 360..lmfao for saying a game is better coz of graphics
u seem surprised.. what did u expect? mp was added in this sequel.. welcome to the gaming age where multiplayer must be shoehorned into every single fps regardless if it belongs, takes away, or destroy's the entire concept of a game series, ain't it wonderful??? and this is the result. :roll:[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
I am a huge fan of Uncharted 1 and 2. But for some reason, I just am not feeling it with 3. Is it just me? Am I exagerrating? I am almost 3 hours in (and it says 41% already!?) to the game, and it certainly has some beautiful graphics and epic moments, but seems to be bogged down by framerate issues, too much aim assist when blindfiring, and stupid AI. IDK, I wish I was a bit more enthusiastic about the title, but I just dont feel like playing it, which is strange given how much I loved 2.
Then there's only one explanation of how I played MP in the 2nd Uncharted... Aliens, Ancient Aliens!
But seriously, maybe they just ran out of ideas and that's why they're going to The Last of Us now, to take some time off of Uncharted (Ubisoft needs to do this with Assassin's Creed) and really deliver another excellent game in the series (granted, I thought the 1st one had rather horrible pacing, but that's just me). Though, from the beta of the U3 MP, I must admit I was very disappointed by it, and with a smaller team behind this game than the last (plus the added focus/hype for the MP) I kind of have to agree that this time the MP may have detracted a bit from the SP.
However, the reason it's not really getting many awards is probably due to the fact that once you reach the third game in a series in such a short amount of time it is difficult to actually make it substantially better (again, Assassin's Creed).
:o huh??? uncharted 2 had multiplayer? i'll be damn.. i honestly never knew, always wondered why it was so much shorter than the original... anywho, i wasn't impressed AT ALL with uncharted 3, in fact imo it didn't even feel like an uncharted game, fans of the series prolly know what i'm talking about.. its like it was missing something, i dunno.. but it wasn't the same, i kept it less than a week before trading it in.. felt like a complete idiot for paying full price but hell.. i luv the series.. :(u seem surprised.. what did u expect? mp was added in this sequel.. welcome to the gaming age where multiplayer must be shoehorned into every single fps regardless if it belongs, takes away, or destroy's the entire concept of a game series, ain't it wonderful??? and this is the result. :roll:I am a huge fan of Uncharted 1 and 2. But for some reason, I just am not feeling it with 3. Is it just me? Am I exagerrating? I am almost 3 hours in (and it says 41% already!?) to the game, and it certainly has some beautiful graphics and epic moments, but seems to be bogged down by framerate issues, too much aim assist when blindfiring, and stupid AI. IDK, I wish I was a bit more enthusiastic about the title, but I just dont feel like playing it, which is strange given how much I loved 2.
tho it wasn't anything special gameplay wise, best graphics i've seen so far on ps3 were on metal gear solid guns of the patriots.
i'd wait man, seriously.. i almost made the mistake of buying it last week after the patch came out figuring problems were fixed, then a friend brung it over and gave me a demonstration of how little the patch did to help.. in short- its basically the same game, same lag, same creepy glitches, i saw no change what so ever... i've decided to wait till a greatest hits version or something comes out..
worse graphics!!?? dude u seriously need glasses, contacts, or you're head examined.. stevie wonder could see that mk9 has the best graphics of any fighter out so far..UMVC3 9/10
SSF4:AE 9/10
MK9 7/10i had the regular MvsC3....i can tell you the new ultimate version has even better graphics..look incredible...just as good as SSF4 or better..
MK9 has the worst graphics of the three ...what makes me not like this game is they changed the gameplay a lot from the first 3 MKs...and the changed ALL the Moves!
oh and online is broken on MK9...i bought freddy kreuger from the store and cant even use him because the person im playing against doesnt have him..KBFloYd
don't listen to people who urge u to play stealth like.. thats boring as hell and you'll never realise how fun this game is if u play like that.. i play like john mclane from die-hard, i hunt down and kill all the baddies by whatever means but i don't jump out like rambo.. tho it is equally entertaining to play through as a psychotic mad man, and i have done it on many occasions.. thats the beauty of this game, u can go through however u please.. but i've found to truly enjoy this game u gotta disregard the stealth bs.. ;)Is Deus Ex Human Revolution strictly stealth, or could i play through the game without having to be stealthy :roll:
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