dead space 1 an 2.
ShangTsung17's forum posts
mk9 is by far the best fighting game i've seen in years.. its one of those games i'll continue to play relentlessly intill they release a sequel.. umvc3 had the potential to be awesome had it givin more options..
whats not to hate? first off, all it consist's of is mp.. and honestly how many times can u *kill the opposing team* over and over and over before eventually.. logic prevails, it gets old and u start to wonder *why the hell am i doing this* ??? its reasons such as these why i will never understand why so many are addicted to mp... :roll:
Oh please. Read what you posted. "Addiction"? C'mon, man. You're coloring the situation, to be kind about it. Because you don't find something to be enjoyable, it's an "addicted" player base. You make it seem as if any person who claims higher brain function should know better than to engage in playing CoD. This isn't methamphetamine, or paint huffing. This is a game. It's like Madden, it's like Final Fantasy, it's like Mario. It's a franchise which has found an audience. And "hating" it is patently absurd.
What do you enjoy? Name one thing you engage in for pleasure, and I'm certain you can find another person in an online forum who will find it questionable, laughable, or objectionable to some degree. What you don't find, is anyone else spewing such laughable horse**** trying to justify their position again and again and again in debating other forms of relaxation (with the noted exception of Boston Red Sox & New York Yankees fans). Why? Because most fans figure out early on that matters of leisure are far from, say, matters of human rights being violated. Getting all upset in public about something that you can't control and honestly have nothing to do with whatsoever just makes you look like this:
You can criticize ANYTHING with the above post with very little change in the wording.
I feel the exact same way about baseball, basketball, soccer, football, golf, tennis, cricket, rugby, pro wrestling, organized religion, most political officials in Congress right now, drinking alcohol, smoking tabbacco, most ilicit substances, and keeping company with closed-minded people who feel they're the arbiters of taste for anyone else on this planet. Seriously, you don't hate it. Just stop using that word, please. Unless it's destroyed your life somehow, just... just stop. No one hates a video game. And your observation about repetition is embarrassing logic.
It's a free Internet. Waste all the energy you like on negativity (so many people do). But you'll never change anyone's mind, especially not with the holes in logic & foundation you could drive a Cadillac through... And in the end, Bobby Kotex is still going to sleep comfy on his pillow of money. Wouldn't you rather put that time and thought into something you'd possibly benefit from? Just sayin'.
WOW! :shock: wonder how long u practiced this fine speech before u decided to post it... is it working out as well as you'd hoped? feel better? i'll try to indulge this scrambled mess u wrote the best i can.. first off little timmy, no need to have an asthma attack, its just an opinion.. all be it, MY opinion, so breath... breath.. lol i never mentioned anything remotely related to changing anyone's mind, i quit trying to do that years ago, its futile, afterall like a famous comedian once said *you can't fix stupid* and why u felt the need to mention everything from sports, to politics, alchaholism and cigerette smoking is beyond me, maybe you're having a nervous breakdown, i dunno... only advice i can give u sir is 1. perhaps u should consider getting out of you're room more often... 2. u wanna see embarrising? u only need to look in the mirror... hope this helps. :)used to be bioshock *the original, not the sorry @ss 2nd* now its deux ex human revolution.. game is addicting as hell, especially once u learn the hack glitch..
whats not to hate? first off, all it consist's of is mp.. and honestly how many times can u *kill the opposing team* over and over and over before eventually.. logic prevails, it gets old and u start to wonder *why the hell am i doing this* ??? its reasons such as these why i will never understand why so many are addicted to mp... :roll:
hey story missions happen organically while you play as batman. once you beat the game you can switch freely, but if you just wanna play her episodes back to back you have to do it from the catwoman tab.MethodManFTWTHIS^^ and you're not missing much really.. i hated playing as catwoman, she's way too weak and some of her missions are extremely frusterating, but to get back to batman u HAVE to beat it.. :roll:
psn is really weird about signing in.. i lost my original account cause for whatever reason it just decided to quit accepting my information, tells me its wrong even tho its not.. had to create a whole new account just to purchase DLC, and when it decides to quit accepting this one i'll have to create yet another.. :roll:
the lock is why u can't copy saves to anything.. yes. because game designers have become A-holes about this.. last week i spent over 5 hours building up my exp on deux ex via the hack glitch, and when i tried to transfer the save to my usb it wouldn't let me, i was crazy pissed.. if this save ever corrupts for any reason, that 5 hours will be for absolutely nothing.. all because game designers are selfish d!cks, so trust me i feel you're pain...
usb devices use to work for this type of thing but unfortunately as of late, game companies have gotten really selfish and block us from being able to do this.. dunno why.. it indeed sucks.. i miss memory cards myself, ah.. those were the days... not really sure what to tell ya man, gaming has really gone to sh!t lately...
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