i need some help, i beat deux ex last night and noticed that nowhere did the missing link DLC kick in.. wtf??? all the other DLC worked perfectly just not this one.. the MOST EXPENSIVE one! any advice would be appreciated, i'm out almost 20 bucks on this DLC.. needless to say i am highly pissed.. :x
ShangTsung17's forum posts
i liked the challange it gives you, when playing this game u can't just expect to run, hide, pop shot, hide again, ect, and win like most fps games.. no, on this one u actually have to plan a well devoloped stratagy, the game is called *sniper* for a reason, you're not john rambo.. and another feature i loved was the realism, unlike most games where u can take quite a bit of punishment, on this one its realistic to the point that if u get shot u pretty much die, hit or two and you're down, imo all fps games should be this way..
where is this review??? cause i can't find it on this site..[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
[QUOTE="Kurushio"]From the review i read it was too linear and the enemy could spot you 1000ft away and could hit you with their Ak's as if they were snipers.Legendaryscmt
Theres reviews for the 360 and PC. Knowing this site, the 360 one would be identical to the PS3 one.
oh... there's just a 360 review.. k thanks..i prefer manual save on games anyway, can we actually play this game without the studdering bs if we do this???[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
I haven't noticed any freezing or lag since I turned off ALL the auto-save's in the options menu. There are 4. make sure to uncheck all the auto-save boxes and then scroll down one more for "character menu saves" and disable it. Save all your progress manually from there on and you have a few less issues.
I started doing this around the 30 hour mark and deleted the autosave files. Now at 37 hours, the only problem I had was after 3.5 hours of play there was some slowdown in the towns/cities. However, I just turned off the system for a little bit, went back, and it was smooth again. I suggest turning off the autosave anyway to eliminate the risk of freezing that it seems it may lead to at times.
yea i read a few youtube comments on a lag demonstration vid where some people were saying that the only problem they were having was at the towns and heavily populated area's.. maybe they just got auto save turned off.. i just don't wanna spend 59.99$ plus tax and the game do exactely what so many have said it does.. cause not one place i know of will refund you're money once its opened..From the review i read it was too linear and the enemy could spot you 1000ft away and could hit you with their Ak's as if they were snipers.Kurushiowhere is this review??? cause i can't find it on this site..
sure it has mp bro, you're not gonna find a fps game anymore that doesn't but its simply a second option.. in other words the actual campaign is the main focus which is why its not lacking in anything, a friend of mine recomended it after he bought it by impulse at wal mart, he's all into mp so he wasn't too impressed but he knows i'm all about campaign, bought it yesterday and i gotta admit i been addicted ever since, its one of those games thats hard to quit playin once u start.. any idea why it didn't get a proper review or rating?except it has mp, so maybe you should take a note of that. Regardless, this game has looked interesting since most fps games are fast paced, this looks like a good change of pace.
Edit: is it anything like the Operation Flashpoint games on the PS3? I'm just asking because they too look rather interesting.
just wondering why a game this awesome didn't get reviewed.. graphics are awesome, sound is some of the best i've heard, story is epic, and the campaign didn't get crippled by mp.. simply put- ITS BAD ***!!! if you're like me and fed up with every fps game being only about mp i highly recomend this one! so why didn't gamespot give a review on it? hell it didn't even get a freaking rating..
oh u fixed it.. i was about to say you're battery in it could've died, happened to me awhile back, expensive as the are they don't last forever..
i prefer manual save on games anyway, can we actually play this game without the studdering bs if we do this???I haven't noticed any freezing or lag since I turned off ALL the auto-save's in the options menu. There are 4. make sure to uncheck all the auto-save boxes and then scroll down one more for "character menu saves" and disable it. Save all your progress manually from there on and you have a few less issues.
[QUOTE="VHEISU"] yeah thats what i plan i doing. i saw a sweet package on amazon that comes with uncharted 1 and 2 with a dual shock 3 in blue for 59.99 =]Swift_Boss_A
Well well well. Looks like you bagged yourself an excellent deal man.
my gosh.. its so depressing that multiplayer is even rearing its ugly head on the metal gear series now... even this great franchise isn't safe from being eaten by the mp monster... :(
So you hate everything online gaming related? I guess you just have to ease into it, not right to downright hate MP though I can see where you are coming from. If MP/Co-op takes away from the SP experience I would hate it to but MGO did no such thing to MGS4 and likewise with Uncharted series. In fact the latter IP did a lot to warm me up to MP. Now I will never get into FPS/COD type experiences but Im all for TPS, and Fighting MP mayhem. You just gotta find one that clicks. Next year there's Anarchy Reigns, SSX and Twisted Metal!
twisted metal... :cry: don't remind me.. i've read all the reports.. mp has completely and utterly destroyed this series, the new one isn't even gonna have a challange mode and the drivers no longer even have story lines... all cause of mp.. you're right, i most definately hate mp, why? because it takes ALL the fun out of gaming.
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