my gosh.. its so depressing that multiplayer is even rearing its ugly head on the metal gear series now... even this great franchise isn't safe from being eaten by the mp monster... :(
ShangTsung17's forum posts
favorite gaming experience this year? i'd have to say when i found out that u could use a game glitch on deux ex:hr to get a sh!t load of praxis kits, i was so upset and disapointed about it not having a new game plus feature that i was about to return it untill i read about this secret trick to upgrade almost everything from the begining, gotta LUV game glitches sometimes! especially this one, its the ONLY reason i kept this game.. :D
THIS^^^ simple and to the point.. how great skyrim could've been tho, what a waste, what a shame. :(I'm not buying your games any more.
hard to beleave even after the big bad patch bethesda was assuring would fix this failed mess of a game people are still having issues this severe with it.. i'm starting to wonder if this game even IS fixable...
THIS^^^ my point exactely, it serves no purpose therefore it shouldn't be there.. whens the last time u heard of someone dying from playing videogames???[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
Umm it doesn't matter how short it is, it shouldn't be there, we didn't need it for the last 5 years why now.
I agree, they should have made us check or agree that we've seen the health warning. We've all seen it before, I don't need to see it 500 more times.
If I'm not mistaken, a 25 year old died last month from deep vein thrombosis (causes a blood clot in your thigh) because he sat for too long on the chair in front of his console and didn't heed the 15 minute break advice.
holy crap! are u serious???In your opinion what are some of the best PS3 games that anyone who owns a PS3 much have? Just wanting Ideas in what games I should buy next. Thanks a lot guys!luigiz23lets see... duex ex human revolution, batman arkham city, chronicles of riddick assault on dark athena *oldie but goody* mortal kombat 9, ncaa 12, bioshock 1 *another oldie but goody* dante's inferno was excellent as well, HIGHLY underated! ;)
bioshock 2. had one the saddest endings i've ever seen on a game, even i almost teared up..Well, this may seem like an odd question, but I was wondering if there are any games out there that have a sad storyline. I don't mean depressing like in GTA IV, but rather one where you actually care about the characters. Like in Shadow of the Colossus (yes, I know the last guardian is coming out in 20 years, just in time for the ps7) there was a connection with the main character that made you care about him and the world of the game. I just got done watching Black Swan again, and it seems odd that games don't have that type of dark storyline, or at least not anymore. So basically, are there any games that either have a sad or emotionally engaging story with gameplay that is more than quick time sequences (that's you Heavy Rain).
[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]THIS^^^ my point exactely, it serves no purpose therefore it shouldn't be there.. whens the last time u heard of someone dying from playing videogames??? ur kidding me right? has no reason and pointless? to someone like u and me, maybe, but to others who do experience seizures if playing a game or ppl who shouldnt be infront of a game for too long, need those warnings. u know whats pointless? the fact u think its pointless. im not trying to bash u or be rude, and sorry if i do sound like i am. but its not pointless or as u put it 'serves no purpose'. by all means serves alot more than u think. to the ppl that needs them. its 2secs of ur damn time. if 2secs is too much for u then idk what to tell uyea i suppose i never thought about it like that.. thanks for correcting me man.. i do apologise.[QUOTE="gotdangit"]
Umm it doesn't matter how short it is, it shouldn't be there, we didn't need it for the last 5 years why now.
I agree, they should have made us check or agree that we've seen the health warning. We've all seen it before, I don't need to see it 500 more times.
THIS^^^ my point exactely, it serves no purpose therefore it shouldn't be there.. whens the last time u heard of someone dying from playing videogames???Umm it doesn't matter how short it is, it shouldn't be there, we didn't need it for the last 5 years why now.
I agree, they should have made us check or agree that we've seen the health warning. We've all seen it before, I don't need to see it 500 more times.
thats nice to know, good thing i don't get nervous while playing videogames.. i saw a freakin pink ps3 controller at wal mart today! made me laugh so hard, it was cute.. rotfl I think the pink one is one of the better options actually. Let's not forget about our fellow gamers that are female... girls tend to like pink. OT: As most have said, you can go to amazon to find the available colors. My favs are the Jungle Green (green on top, black on bottom), the new blue one that's transluscent, and the silver... which I already have. I do really like the white one as well, but they tend to get dirty and not looks so good anymore.yea i know.. thats why its so funny, u know the pink one was made for chics and i never thought i'd see the day where we had female gamers.. my gf hates and i mean HATES my gaming hobby, i usually have to sqeeze in some time on my ps3 while she's at work on my off days, only time i can play it without hearing any sh!t.. lmfao[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]
Quick heads up if you plan on getting a white controller, they tend to turn yellow if you've got sweaty palms
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