[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]Liar!!! You can not pause Dark Souls and you know it:-p lol yea but i bet if u could it wouldn't take an hour to switch out weapons.. it was a metephore slim.. calm down, point is skyrim is a glitchy cluster fvcked disaster, pathetic game programming.. and its sad too cause i had really high hopes for this one.. :(yea, dark souls may be hard as balls and not have the visual appeal of skyrim but atleast its playable! best part, the characters don't glitch twitch and look like there having siezures and i can pause the game without waiting an hour to change sh!t.. lmfao but honestly tho i'm addicted to demon souls and dark souls, dunno why but these games never get old to me.. :P
ShangTsung17's forum posts
after reading the review i was disapointed to see that obviously an AI versus mode has still not been added *player vs computer in versus mode* am i the only one upset about this? don't get me wrong, i know this game is geared toward online play but why would it be so hard to add a simple AI option in versus mode? past sf games have done this before and it was really fun, its a shame this is now a thing of the past.. i mean, sooner or later the online community of a game either gets bored or moves on.. so why not have mode's like this for those who wanna keep playing it after the online experience dies? afterall, simple 1 player arcade mode is so damn bland and repetetive, plus they almost never give u interesting opponents to battle.. seems like a no brainer to me.. :(
yea, dark souls may be hard as balls and not have the visual appeal of skyrim but atleast its playable! best part, the characters don't glitch twitch and look like there having siezures and i can pause the game without waiting an hour to change sh!t.. lmfao but honestly tho i'm addicted to demon souls and dark souls, dunno why but these games never get old to me.. :P
[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]*raises hand*Yeah you with the beard in the corner. ah.. don't worry, soon as you're a man you'll grow one too.. :lol:[QUOTE="naju890_963"]
With all the skyrims and COD'S, dark souls got overshadowed. Are you guys still playing ?
ya just keep playing, its the dumbest sh!t i've ever seen in a game.. like i posted tho, there IS a way around it.. gotta be smarter than the game designers. :D
Lol, agreed, maybe they were trying to compete with Dark Souls or something. Will you still be able to counter in NG+ even though the counter icons are turned off? Also, I've seen players beefing about not being able to free roam with Robin or Nightwing, is that true also?
yes! not only can u still counter but its much more realistic without the icons, and its not as hard as some claim it to be, ya just gotta pay more attention and choose you're fights, you're looking for actual attacks now and if u jump into a crowd ya better be sure ya got a plan.. this is how the game should've been designed originally imo, and once u start playing this way you'll wonder why they ever had *counter icons* to begin with.. you can't go through the story with robin or nightwing but this is understandable cause if that were the case they'd have to create a seperate story, besides... i'd rather be batman! lolITS NOT WORTH BUYING! trust me dude, watch some playthrough's on youtube if ya need further convincing, i too nearly bought this game last week till a friend of mine returned his and told me the reason.. save that 60 bucks for something actually playable.. rent it if ya just have to see for yourself..I was planning on buying Skyrim all week for ps3, but now that i'm hearing all this crap about glitches and unplayablity i'm getting really skeptical about spending 60 bucks. today was the day i was gonna buy it, but my mind is starting to change. can you guys tell me your problems, and if its worth or not worth buying?
*raises hand*With all the skyrims and COD'S, dark souls got overshadowed. Are you guys still playing ?
ya just keep playing, its the dumbest sh!t i've ever seen in a game.. like i posted tho, there IS a way around it.. gotta be smarter than the game designers. :D
yes! absolutely! or atleast give *manual save* as an option in EVERY game, that way u can save whatever in any slot.. hell, on batman ac for example, the only way i could enjoy its new game plus was by literally tricking my ps3, we shouldn't have to do that! auto save is the most annoying, irritating feature ever concieved in gaming.. get rid of it!
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