I want to buy it since MGS3 was my fav MG and I also never played peace walker on account of not owning a PSP. This is prob the number one game on my list to get even tough Ive already spent many hours playing 2 of the 3 games in this collection.caketoono kidding.. they really need to quit making games for psp *Piece a Sh!t Playstation* stupid miniture pocket sized puke device... it is soooooo disapointing when u hear of a game coming out and u get all excited then ya see those 3 dreadful letters.. fvck psp! :evil:
ShangTsung17's forum posts
not me.. haven't posted any threads regarding skyrim.. look bro, i know it seems like i really have it out for this game but u got it all wrong.. i'm just pissed cause it would be so fun to play but the glitch issues completely ruin it, and i seriously doubt that bethesda is really gonna go out of they're way to fix this problem, bottomline- game companies are all about money these days, they could care less if you're gaming experience is entertaining, long as they get paid.. thats why mp has ruined most game genre's :(First mate, I am not surprised at all that you are the first person to post :) Second, not everybody has these glitches. Third, the point of this thread is to help people who are having problems, not to complain about the game which their are many threads about (one of which was started by you I believe.)
well when they finally patch it, IF they patch it.. the game will be a blast to play, but intill then its just a broken mess..
it really does suck that this games broken glitchiness makes it unplayable, cause if it worked properely skyrim would be the funnest game of all time.. :(
oh... well that sucks! why the hell would they do that? technology these days i swear... i don't get it.. oh well, glad i can't afford a plasma screen.. lmao
I was rather upset upon realizing my 2011 Panasonic did not have a simple output. However, after buying a pair of higher end headphones, it does make sense, as an amp to drive a decent pair of headphones will run you around $250. So, because of this people seek the gaming headset route, which runs off the usb from the ps3. I'm still shopping around for an amp to power my headphones.
But get this! Not only are many tvs stripped of the headphone out, but mine only has an OPTICAL out for audio. Now that is just crazy. The cheapest "nice" headphone amp with an optical input I've seen is from NuForce--and that runs in the mid $300s.
i hear ya.. it boggles my mind how expensive those things are, hell there more expensive than the game console! i mean seriously? also the problem i haven't been able to find a way around is that whenever i hook headphones up to my tv i only get sound on one side, its extremely frusterating..
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