[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"]That's not really true with this game. You'll get more than enough points to unlock all the augmentations you're remotely interested in. If an augmentation has multiple levels then it's usually no more than 3 which isn't that hard to get to. The point is, a new game + option just doesn't feel like a missing feature when it comes to this game.dude u obviously have no clue just how hard praxis points are to get on this game.. so NO, u can NOT just unlock what u want with little effort, again.. the problem is once u have the really cool *fun* sh!t there's nothing left to do.. deep down u know i'm right, admit it and quit kissing the game designers ass.. jeez..yea well.. i hate games that do this for one simple reason- by the time you unlock all the really advanced techniques the games over, so how can you really enjoy them??? this is why ALL games should have new game plus! thats what it was designed for! bottomline... HAVE NEW GAME PLUS!!! i freakin hate game designers nowadays...
ShangTsung17's forum posts
yea well.. i hate games that do this for one simple reason- by the time you unlock all the really advanced techniques the games over, so how can you really enjoy them??? this is why ALL games should have new game plus! thats what it was designed for! bottomline... HAVE NEW GAME PLUS!!! i freakin hate game designers nowadays...
damn... man that sucks so hard, wtf are so many games doing this now??? if somebody doesn't want to play new game plus its not like they're forced to! thats what *start a new game* is for... son of a... that means this game is gonna get really boring really QUICK.. :( one playthrough and you're done, omg that is so fvcking LAME!!! least they could do is provide a DLC for new game plus like bioshock did, it would suck i'd have to spend money but hell i'd buy it! gaming companies are really goin to sh!t nowadays.. oh well, thanks for telling me, guess i'll rent it now instead of buying it.. stupid selfish game designers.. :evil:No there is no new game plus, which was a bit of a bummer for me. Having that option would've made subsequent playthroughs more fun & certainly wouldn't ruin the game imo.
When I played through the game a second time I found myself choosing the exact same augmentations as the first time, because even though it might seem you need to take different upgrade paths to explore all solutions for each area, if you spend your points carefully enough & gain as much experience as possible from side quests etc, you can explore every available path in one playthrough anyway, & after 2 playthroughs I found that one particular path is usually better or more efficient than all the other options.
Also even if you are maxed out at the start of the game, are you really so over-powered? OK so you'll hack every terminal with ease, but the enemy would still gun you down in a few hits if you aren't careful, so I'm not so sure. I never took a run-&-gun approach with the game because it's too high risk / low reward, but if we'd had new game plus I might've considered it an option, since I've already mastered everything else and I don't need the extra xp anymore.
Besides when it comes to non-essential upgrades like running speed, seeing through walls etc, it's just kinda annoying not to have those at the beginning of a new playthrough to make the travelling less tedious early on in the game.
thinking about getting this game next week after watching an awesome playthrough on youtube, was really curious as to if it let u go back through the game with all you're upgrades after u beat it?
ofcourse not, all mp did was ruin bioshock 2, it should NEVER have had mp, but unfortunately this has become an annoying trend with anything fps these days, any game that is released within the fps genre MUST add the irritating mp to satisfy the kiddies, and thus completely destroy any chance of the actual game being any good, if bioshock infinite has mp *which sadly it probally will* i'll have to reconsider buying it..Is the multiplayer on Bioshock 2 very good? Because I have the game but I haven't played multiplayer.
Hi, im new. I signed up so i could get the information straight from the people who know, so RAGE or Dead Island? Which one do I buy/play? I like the idea behind both, but i know both have flaws. Which is the better game in the end? Thanks I appreciate it!fishforme2dude rage is just a game that tried to do what borderlands did but failed miserable at it, i bought a used copy and took it back less than week later, seriously it is so boring it will put u to sleep.. dead island isn't much better but atleast it had some interesting perks.. if u had to choose between the two i'd definately go with dead island.
yea i'm so glad i decided to wait on this one till they fix it.. my advice, try batman arkham city, funnest game i've played in a long time, u won't be disapointed trust me. ;)
thats why mp has ruined most game genre's :(
You mean like Uncharted 3? :P
i mean like EVERY new fps, most rpg's, fighting games, 3rd person, hell even adventure puzzle type games are starting to get the dreaded mp treatmeant..Game companies have literally always been about making money. yea but they used to atleast make a half assed attempt to design a *fun* videogame, now they don't even try..[QUOTE="ShangTsung17"] bottomline- game companies are all about money these days, they could care less if you're gaming experience is entertaining, long as they get paid.. thats why mp has ruined most game genre's :(
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