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#1 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts


this is probally a stupid question, but i've honestly never had to download a patch for a game.. will somebody explain how i actually do this? cause i figure i mine as well buy the game next week..


if your ps3 is hooked up to the internet, the game will patch itself. You won't have to do anything

so just hook my ps3 to the internet when i first play the game.. gotcha. thanks man, didn't know if i was gonna have to download some DLC or what not..

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#2 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

We shouldn't have to be doing these things in the first place. This patch better be a damn miracle, or else I might seriously consider selling my copy.Just-Breathe
^^^ this.

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#3 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

this is probally a stupid question, but i've honestly never had to download a patch for a game.. will somebody explain how i actually do this? cause i figure i mine as well buy the game next week..

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#4 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

i just get aggrevated at it because these days its like mp even destroy's great franchises like the twisted metal series for example, this new one coming out is a completely different game all together thanks to mp.. challange mode *the mode i always played* was completely done away with, hell the cars don't even have driver biographies anymore.. but anyways, far as deux ex goes, disapointing it didn't have new game plus but atleast it wasn't raped by multiplayer..

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#5 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

lol yea i was gonna mention killzone 2 as well.. bioshock *the original* had pretty decent AI, the chronicles of riddick assault on dark athena is another one that comes to mind..

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#6 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

i kinda feel you're pain, though my issue is a bit different, my account name and/or password is no longer accepted by psn for whatever weird reason, whenever i try to sign in it tells me my info is wrong even though its not, i even tried calling sony and telling them of the problem, no help givin... it wouldn't bother me so much except ALL my saves are on this account and i'm getting a new slim model ps3 next month, so i'm likely gonna lose EVERYTHING all cause of a stupid psn screw up.. :(

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#7 ShangTsung17
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well you can think what you want to, but after beating the game and being halfway through a 2nd play through I have yet to run into any problems in regards to not being leveled up enough to complete any mission, whether main or side.

But aren't we forgetting the major downfall to the game? Where is the mp? Seriously, stealth/slowpaced fps mp, where is it at? Come on devs, what were you thinking? Oh well, maybe next time they'll learn their lesson, don't you hope so?


omfg are we back on this??? FVCK STUPID ASS DUMB FVCKING GAME DESTROYING MULTIPLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the ONLY thing about this game i liked! the fact that it didn't shove the internet down our throat the second we pop the game in! is that all you no life having, virgin, loser, dumb founded immature morons ever think about when it comes to a videogame??? YOU people are the reason why GAMES SUCK nowadays! damnit i wish u retards would just get another hobbie... i got a question for all u mp obsessed geeks- what gives you the right to completely ruin something that people like me once enjoyed? especially when u consider that i was playing videogames when u were just a nut stain in you're mommies pants! what gives you the right? just cause u got an endless amount of allowance from mom an pops! everytime a new game comes out i no longer get excited, instead because of idiots like you, i have to say to myself *please don't have mp, damn i hope it doesn't have mp* why should gamers have to do that??? it makes me so mad because its so unfair, some people may think i'm going a bit too far with this, but no.. its not right for the REAL gamers like myself to lose something we enjoy just because u whiny selfish bastards won't stop throwing temper tantrums just cause u can't play every single game in the entire planet with you're stupid nerdy little loser ass online butt buddies... FVCK MULTIPLAYER! I WISH I COULD INVENT A TIME MACHINE SO I COULD GO BACK AND MURDER THE UNBORN PARANTS OF THE DOUCHE WHO INVENTED IT!!! :evil:

But MP started in the 80s in arcade games, so that means gaming was almost never good. That should be a Snapple fun fact, "Why Gaming Was Never Good."

i'm talkin about ONLINE mp.. an u know this.. man!

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#8 ShangTsung17
Member since 2011 • 839 Posts

Sorry about my spelling ButtCracksBro
dude don't apologise to that troll, case u didn't notice, he was being a smart ass... i honestly didn't see many in my short time of playing the game as i really didn't like it, i thought they could've done a much better job with it.. sorry i couldn't be much help..

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#10 ShangTsung17
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blue- problem with that is, in case u haven't noticed, most side missions REQUIRE u to have certin levels and abilities such as hacking levels for example, practically ALL of them do matter a fact, in other words u must power up before u can even attempt most side missions otherwise its impossible to complete.. try again. lol