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oblivion is god

We just got a new computer a few days ago, so I can now play...PC GAMES! Cheer for me. See, my computer was a SE98, 128 RAM, Intel III processor, you get the idea. Now we've upgraded to HP AMD 64 Dual, 1GB RAM, and a whole bunch of other nifty features. Reason I'm bringing this up - I'm going to get Oblivion for the PC as soon as I get my video card upgraded, because I know it's not good enough. I can't remember what it is (gimme a break, I've only had the beast for a few days), but I know it needs upgraded because I was beetchin to my mom about it. Indeedy. OBLIVION MODS HERE I COME. ISH EXCITED. OMG I START MY JOB TOMORROW. Yeah, I'm done.

my town is retarded

I swear to god, everything that could go wrong in my town has gone wrong. First it was D&D, now it's makeup. In our school, we have quite a few goth kids and emo kids. Our principal just up and decided one day to try and ban dark eyeliner, black lipstick, black nailpolish (which I wear constatnly, though I would like to repeat I am not goth.), multiple pericings, stuff like that. Honestly, I don't see the problem in wearing this. Most of our goths and emos are the ones who don't cause trouble, it's the preps that go around scuffing up floors, vandalizing, and crap like that believe it or not. It's just a form of self expression, and suddenly we're not allowed to do it anymore. So I'm thinking of being a shirt goth for a couple weeks to support the petition that's going around. Our dean has threatened to expel anyone who comes to school 'gothy' on Monday, but if enough people do he won't be able to do anything about it. My life is no longer boring. And on other news, a friend of mine says he can score Disturbed concert tickets for the end of the month. Plainly, I WANT TO GO. But, it would be me with two other guys in going to the City for a night. Funny how not many females like Disturbed. Anyway, Mother-Dear is not going to like that. Obviously because it's Disturbed, there will be drugs and boos but there's nothing I can really do about it. So I'm trying to think up some clever arguments so I can go.

holy standard batman

I can now play DDR on standard on DDR Ultramix 3. Because I am a video game genious. Two songs I can get through on standard are Sakura, and Candy because they're too damn fast. So yes, I thought I would share my victories with you. I posted my D&D situation on Gaia and I've gotten a few great ideas and a couple articles that I can give parents to try and convince them that D&D is not devil worship. One of the articles someone game me is five pages long, and is from a Christian point of view. I'm not going to write any of them down because the spacebar on this school computer is driving me insanse, so my typing speed is cut in half because I keep having to press backspace to insert a damn space. Barm. SILENT HILL IS GOD, CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE MOVE!! I want that movie to scare the crap out of me.The games give me a thrill a minute, I want this to be the first movie to send me into nightmares. Am I setting my expectations to high? Heck no!

damn religous parents

Heehee, I'm 100% at level seven and I'm not level eight. Found it amusing. Anyway, on to the real rant... I am, was, and avid participant in Dungens and Dragons. Our social teacher, a great teach and a great guy all around, asked if anyone would be interested in getting a D&D club together, he would be the DM. A handful of us said yes. So it began. I should have seen the problems up front, because after the first week one of our players wasn't allowed to play (we'll call him by his D&D name, Talken) because his parents thought D&D was sacreligous and cult like. We stopped playing for a period of three months, and then got it back up again when Talken turned eighteen. His parents still didn't agree with it but they couldn't do much because he was an adult now and was able to make his onw decisions. We had four meetings since then, and then came parent/teacher interveiws for school. Talken's parents went up to our DM and said that he was using his authority as a teacher to imopse magic, and all these seemingly un-Christian things. Our DM is a religous man himself so I am sure he can see where they're coming from, so he promised he would have nothing to do with Dungens and Dragons. So here I am, and here my friends are, totally DMless and pissed off. The D&D club was not being held in school, and not even on school grounds. Teachers are allowed to have a life outside of marking and yelling at students, are they not? What if we had started this club in the summer, when there is no school? Would they make us stop when the school year started? Right now we are writing quite a few letters, one to Talken's parents and many others to parents and students, telling them our situation so we can get some support on our side. We might make it public and go to our local newspaper and spread the word so we can get back to excersising our imagination in the wonderful world of Dungens and Dragons. Our group realized this would have to be done very, very carefully. In doing all these things people will start to jump to conclusions that our DM made us, told us, whatever to fight this and that would make our situation much worse than it could ever become. That would not only get our DM in some major doodoo (because GS won't let me swear) but it would also possibly bring a very big uprising in our school and community about clubs being cults and brainwashing taking place in these clubs. I am debating whether or not to tell my parents about this because it took some major convincing to let me join in the first place. They haven't forgotten about the deaths and obsessiveness that happened with Dungeons and Dragons years back when it first came out. They were very concerned that this would take over my life, but instead of thinking it was devil spawn like some other parents they simply thought about brainwashing. They used the term before when they baned me from our church. Mind you, I'm still supposed to beleive in God and the Bible, but I'm not allowed to go to church. Weird. Anyway, that's not the point. This is wrong. Teachers should be able to do whatever the hell they want on the weekends, not as a teacher but just as a friend hanging out with some young people. Our DM isn't a bad person, he never tries to impose his religion on us like Talken's parents are trying to do to us, he always says that school needs to come before this club so we don't all start failing. This is wrong and I'm going to do something about it.

nearly level eight

Okay, funniest thing ever. I ranted about Mother-Dear in the last post, and I'm going to do it again this post. So Mother-Dear asked me a while ago if she could use my laptop for work, she wanted to copy some stuff on there and then take it for teaching and blah blah blah. I said sure. She said great. Then the other day she asked me where my ehternet card was so she could go on the ineternet and download something on to here. I told her I don't want her using my laptop on the internet and downloading stuff onto it because I didn't have a firewall. See, going on the internet without a firewall or protection of somesort is like going outside without an immune system; there's always a chance that you'll catch a cold or something worse. Oh, wait for it, guess what her reply was? "Fine, you won't let me use your internet, I won't let you use mine." *blink* . . . *coughcough* In effect I'm banned from the home internet until she cools down. And she says I'm immature. Okeydokey then.

rant rant rant

I'm considering a career change. Of course gaming is my ultimate obsession and I want to do it for the rest of my life, but I now know I don't have the support of my parents, and even a couple of my friends don't think that I'm right. I take gaming seriously, is it really so bad? The people that I am close too and need the most support from are abandoning me on this, and they are the ones I need it from most. So the life altering question is should I tough it out on my own or should I comply with the rest of the world? Maybe that's why we don't see many women in the gaming industry, because we don't get the support. We're expected to go onto respectable jobs, you know like a nurse or something, marry a good guy and have three dozen kids. That is no where in my plans. Was nowhere in my plans. Now I'm reconsidering. Instead of paying attention to the quiz about the French Revolution I had today I was thinking about what I could see myself doing, and nothing is coming to mind. Every career I've ever considered has been computer related since I first saw my mom take apart the guts of one. Gaming has always been a part of my life since I've been three feet tall. It seemed natural that I put the two together. See, this all came about last night. One of my girlfriends blurted out that I needed a guy in my life when I mentioned that I couldn't go over to her house on the weekend because I had a Dungeons and Dragon's meeting on Sunday, and one of Friday. Then we got into this discussion on how D&D can really take over your life, and I said it sure as hell can but what's so horrid about it? One of my friends even said that they couldn't so much as read any of the books because it's like devil spawn or something. WTF? Am I destined to go to hell because I like role playing? Am I destined to go to hell because I would rather sit in front of the TV and blow up some zombie fiends instead of go to church? Mother-Dear piped in and said she agreed with everything in moderation. Ri-ight. Scenario for you. If I was doing my homework, and studying a minimum three hours a day, she wouldn't have a word against it. When I said I need to practice gaming, programming, moddeling and whatever for three or more hours a day, she thinks its obsessive. I know this for a fact because she told me so, do don't ya'll go saying that I don't know what she's thinking and she's looking out for my best interests. Well, that's not entirely true. She is looking out for my best intersets but I just don't like it. Is my best interest dropping gaming entirely and living my short miserable life in an office? So to change my dreams? Maybe I'll go be like,a preist. Nah, I don't really beleive in God. Not really. I beleive in higher beings, but the Christian God is a whole other rant. Saved for another day because I think I've just used up my blog space. I wonder if this one is going to reacht he bottom of the page.

ddr is teh bomb

I played DDR at a Sirquacksalot last night...I beleive he's on gamespot now. That's not his username though. Anyway, played it straight for four hours with three other guy friends and its the funnest game that burns calories that I have ever played! I already have a fav song, Pump it Up and (don't flame me for this) Get Busy by Sean Paul. So yeah, I'm going to the City this Thursday and Mother-Dearest said there's a good chance that we can pick it up...if it's in stock. Down here you're lucky if it is. This game is so freakin' popular the games are almost always sold out, but the mats are usually in good supply. Anyway, yes, that is my recent gaming adventure. OH, no, wait, I also played Need for Speed Most Wanted...awesome frickin' game. I'm going to pick it up on XBox seeing as I don't got a 360. So when I get some cash, which probably won't happen for a long while, I'm going to pick it up. See, I'm saving up for a dream gaming PC. I want to get it ordered and in my hot little hands before I move out. If you want to know what the general specs are go to HERE and check out the Assassian. I definately can't afford anything bigger than that it looks like unless I'm willign to build my own. I've been thinking about it but it takes a lot of time because you got to put it together, boot it up and then debug it, install the all the separate drivers...not my idea of a good time. More of a headache really. Thought before my timely death I would like to build a PC just to say I can. So yeah, the specs for that baby are mostly what I'm going with, but apparently they have a new AMD processor out there already from what they've posted, so that'll go in there. I can't remember the RAM reading on it but I think I'll make it at least 1GB. Yep. Anyway, I gotta do physics and then head over to my dear friend of the DDR mat.

woe is me

I am really missing my video games. Like, really missing. Damn chem with all the memorization, and damn social with all the more memorization...oi. I'm done with school, so sick and tired of it. I'm having one of those many days where I feel like saying SCREW THE SYSTEM. I'm gonna stick it to the man, yesirree bob. LOL, nah, I'm too much of a good girl to do anything more than complain about the school system. I'm just going to get it done and over with so I can go somewhere interesting and get into the WGC, or something game related. Prove all you boys out there wrong, girls can rule at games. You know, I watched a couple segments of the WGC last year, and not a single one of the champions were women. How sexist is that? Well, it's not really sexist I suppose, but it sure is disheartening. And when I watched the launch of the 360, there were women there but I was willing to bet that they were there either because their boyfriends were there, or they're loaded. It's really unfair of me to stereotype like that, but I'm in a cynical mood. So nanananabooboo. O-M-G I have almost created my dream gaming PC. Until yesterday, I knew near nothing about the new processors out there, top vid cards, and the works, but I took a crash course for a few hours and I think I have the general gist of what I want. It's excellant. I know I want the AMN Athlon 64 Fx, dual if I can afford it. I know I want at least a gig of ram. I also know I want the nVidia (sp?) [insert numbers I can't remember here] vid card. I'm also thinking that I might want to build it on my own too. I know, I know, distaster waiting to happen? I PROVE YOU WRONG! Timmy-G's dad is a comp expert, and he loves me so I'm going to get him to help. Well, actually, I think I'll probably get him to do most of it and I'll nod and make encouraging noises when needed. Yep. I also posted in my union, which is dying *sniffcry*, so we got to get it back up and running. It's a great union, just a little deactive. Inactive, that's the word I'm looking for. LADEEDA gonna go play guitar.

omfg Must keep in mind to check this out when parental units are in veiw...dude, it's the gaming symphony! Never mind see it, I want to play in it. I'm an experianced player, right? I should have fair chance when I get out of high school, right? Damn, I want to go when it comes to really want to go. That would be educational. Maybe if I stopped complaining about symphony they'll let me borrow money for a ticket. I'm gonna hope like heck they do. HEEHEEHEE can't wait.