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Okay, get this. I get like, four new games yesterday, and I couldn't play any of them yesterday. None! I really was anxious to play Halo because it's not my game and I am going to have to give it back to him soon enough. Hopefully he'll let me keep it till the end of next week. I have jazz after school, then I have to go workout, so I won't be able to start playing till well after five. Then there's homework to consider. Meh, I never do it anyway. No, bad Jazz, bad. You must do you're homework. You are behind on Spanish. Spanish needs to get done. After a couple of hours on Halo. Yeah, yeah, that'll work. Heehee, you know, Spanish is the only course that I am taking that I seem to have trouble with? Mostly because it's by distance ed, boring as hell, and all I get to do is look stuff up in the dictionary to translate everything in the lessons, and then do the oral stuff. I really have trouble with the oral stuff. I just can't roll my 'r's. Anyway....

I need to change my now playing stuff. I'll be playing probably Halo, and Jak X. Like I said in my last blog, I think I might need to revise my opinion on that game, because no body seems to agree with me that it was a slight disappointment. Ah well. So I'll play it again, and if I'm still not happy with it, then I'll leave it. I got Amplitude back from Sirquacksalot, so I'll finally be able to beat that 26th song and get a halo on my Freq. Oh yeah. So yes. We're good. We're fine. Now I'm gonna go check up on my union.

new games!

I went to the City yesterday and picked up a couple new games, RE4 (for the PS2 because I wanted the extra features), Destroy All Humans (actually, Mother-Dear picked that one), and Deadlock. And, to top things off, my friend has lent me Halo! The first of course, because I have never played any of the Halo games. So after the first one, I need to convince Mother-Dear to buy the second one because 'friend' won't let me borrow the second. He still plays it too much. Well, I suppose he should, he has Live so he get's to play with everybody. Darn him all to heck.

And again on the upside...looks like we are getting an XBox 360! Oh yeah, cheer for me! It looked like I was going to have to choose between the 360 and the PS3, but Mother-Dear like what she heard when she asked about the 360. So, delemia is no more. Goody goody. With any luck, we'll get both Live too. And, with any more luck, I will be able to take both systems with me when I move out. Cross you're fingers.

I looked up Guitar Hero, one of the games that I wanted to get, and they got 9.0. This brings me hope. I really wanted to pick up this game, so maybe when Mother-Dear see's the rating, we might be able to pick it up in the semi-near furture. We did just buy three new, so it might be a couple of months before we can. But hey, I can live with it.

And, on a last note. I might have to revise my origional thinkings on Jak X. You see, I read some more reviews, not only on GameSpot, but in mags and stuff. It seems I am the only one on the planet who thinks that game is a slight disappointment. So...I am forced to play it again. See if I can revise my opinion. Actually, I was thinking about it on the way back from the City, and I decided that I really really love the racing part of it, even if it does get slightly repetitive. I still love the actual game. But...I guess the cinematics just brought me down. The intro looked so damn good, and I guess that's what brought most of my hopes up. Ahh! I hate knowing how things work, it makes my life as a gamer difficult because I poke and pry and break it. Sigh. Ah well.

i'm fine, i'm fine.

Now that my little rant for Jak X is over, I feel so much because it's Halloween, and two, we get to pick up Ratchet Deadlock tomorrow. Yay! That makes me happy. They won't let me down. They won't let me down. Just keep swimming. Anyway, yeah, I won't get to do LightWave till, like, Thursday. No, wait, Friday. No, wait, freakin' Monday! Damn, that sucks. My day just took a turn for the worst. Ah, well. I'll live. I'm playing Ratchet and Clank, the original again. Mother-Dear is going to want to play Deadlock first, so I am just taking my sweet time on it. I know that I can finish all three games before she finishes Deadlock, but I'll slow it down and let her enjoy it. I kind of abandoned PoP. Amplitude I lent to a friend, Sirquacksalot. Don't ask, he likes ducks, so that's his designated user name for when I talk about him. I should really ask for that back. He's right beside me fooling around on Dark Throne, but I'm just so immersed in my blog that I can't find the energy to open my mouth and say something. Yeah, right.

Uh, let's see...oh, yes, besides getting Deadlock, Mother-Dear said I can get another game, just because. Haven't decided what to get. heck I dunno. I'm gonna have to analyze my wishlist. Ooh, ooh, guess what peeps? My other geek from out of town said that she was going to buy me a game, and get my Advent Children, directly from Japan. She had connections. Heck yeah, I love my life. So my Christmas present is all set. Now I have to get her something. I told her to send me her wishlist and I'd go game shopping for her, and she said that would be peachy. Anyway...I'm gonna go review games, add some to my ever growing wishlist, and see what I want to buy tomorrow.

 ADD ON: I just read GameSpots thirteen spooky games or whatever for Halloween, and I woul like to point out that they left out Silent Hill. I don't care what you people out there say, that is an awesome game, and a real rush. Like they said about RE4, you get the feeling that every where you go is exactly where you do not want to be. The first one is my favourite, mostly because I haven't finished all of 2, 3 and 4, but also because, let's face it, almost always the origional is the best of the series. So yes, I just thought I would rant a little about that because Silent Hill definately should have been on the creepy list. Now I have to do all this Remembrance Day crap...the only upside to this is that I get a break from Shakespear, namely that traitor Macbeth. Yeah.


I finished playing Jak X on Friday (two days before this post), and now that I have had a chance to sit on what I have played, I have to say that I am extremely disappointed.

This is what I liked.

The racing itself, and the multiplayer. The multiplayer, for me, is a rush, even if I don't have online. Mother-Dear and me play for hours at a time on different modes, both of us screaming at the TV and getting really into it. I loved that. The music to go with was awesome, I'm glad of what they picked. The different modes that we played in (such as Capture, Assasain, and Turbo) were more or less innovative and were fun to do. And the customization was really fun. The physics of the actual driving I was impressed with, so I was actually paying attention to my powerslides, how fast I took a corner, and the terrain I was racing on. I liked the witty voice over's that you got to hear while you were racing (such as Sig saying "Wanna go boom? Haha!"), and it wasn't too much like you get in some racing games; I thought it was a good balance.

Here's what I didn't like.

EVERYTHING ELSE. Naughty Dog had given me such high expectations for this game because of Jak I-III. The storyline was origional, the animation almost flawless, and the gameplay was well balanced. So I had extremely high expectations. Adventure mode for me just didn't talk to me the way it should have. After the first six hours or so, I was starting to get board with it, and it seemed that the only incentive for me to finish it was to see the ending. Even though about half way through I thought I had figured out who Mizo actually was and more or less how it was going to end. That bothered me, because never before have I been able to guess the next cinematic, or be able to guess who was going to say what. If you've read my reveiws, you would know that I am big on having a good script. This one, to put it bluntly, sucked. There were numerous glitches as you got farther into the game; such as if you took a turn too hard and flipped your vehicle, the screen would black out and it would be like you died and respawned. That did't happen often, but it happened often enough to be annoying. I did not like the fact that we only got sabbatoged once. People are out to kill us for crying out loud! Jeez, we should be looking at different challenges left right and center!

Here's what I would add and improve.

A coulple of idea's would have been to bring Vin back, maybe to hack into opposing vehicles and sabbatoge them like they did to us, or too look up information on the next track for tips and tricks. Jinx would have been nice to have back too, he's one of the coolest underrated characters in the series. He could have rigged a track or two with explosives that only you knew where to find and avoid. At the beginning of the game, G.T. Blitz says no cheating, well wouldn't it be fun to burst his bubble and bend, nay, break the rules? And then there is the poison. On the last race, people finally begin to say that they're not feeling so hot. Now wouldn't it be cool if at random intervals in the game Jak suddenly had blurred vision, or his motor skills were slightly hampered so it would take more to turn and brake, with a slower reaction time? That would make it more real to me. Oh, and one more thing. What ND should have done was made you pay for inspection of your vehicle before every race. Can't afford it? Then there was a fifty-fifty chance that you're vehicle would be tampered with. Just those little quirks would have made the game so much more enjoyable, not to mention the top-quality cinematics and animation. There we go, I feel better after ranting and raving on how ND let me down. If ND makes another game (which they probably will because there are so many holes that they need to fill in), they had better get their act together and do something worth the fifty-bucks that I would gladly pay. It seems one of the only good things that came out of this game was that it gave me some new idea's for my fan fic. :D

Now, Mother-Dear plans on buying Deadlock on Tuesday when we go to the City, so when I'm done playing that, hopefully it won't disappoint me as well. GameSpot gave it a good rating, so my hopes are high, but we can see what high hopes can do to you. Put you into mild depression for a couple weeks.

happy freakin' news!

I just got promoted in my union to an life has meaning! That and my mark in English raised 7 percent, and I passed my Physics exam. AND I am doing LightWave today. Sigh...sometimes I love life. I didn't get to blog yesterday because I got kicked off the computer three times, two at school, three at home. Hoses. I don't really have time now, it's 8:05 in the morning and I need to get some work done...namely my PDA. I made one in LightWave, finishing it up now. Joy joy.

I found another site: yoink. Go here later.

something is really wonky

I have been trying to update my profile delio, right? Every time I go to My Preferences, it brings up another account entirely. And not just any account, my best bud's account. I don't understand it! We don't use the same computer, not the same IP adress, is this possible? I got to email GameSpot and see what's up with this, because I am at a total loss at what to do. Hopefully it will stay changed to my stuff now that I have changed it...but I have no doubt that once she changes hers that mine is going to change. RAAH!

Anyway, I would like to inform you that I am 73% done Jak X...I should have been able to finish last night, but it was Mother-Dear's b-day, so I had to share. So we raced for a couple hours before we went to bed. Hopefully, hopefully, I will be able to finish it tonight. If I'm lucky, Teacher-Of-English won't assign homework. She can really be a b with an itch, but sometimes she's pretty cool. As soon as I finish Jak X, I gotta finish Prince of Persia, and Ratchet and Clank series. Deadlock looks like fun! I want it. Heck ya.

NOTE TO SELF: Go here. Now, dammit.


i'm a paper boy!

According to my rank, I am a Paper Boy. Go me. Oh yeah. No idea what it means, but it must be good. Alright, let's see...I am now at forty percent in Jak X, go me again, and I plan on finishing it tonight to tomorrow. Hopefully tonight, but depending on when Mother-Dear get's home, I might get kicked off. Though she has been pretty good with letting me play mindlessly lately. Okay, I gotta vent here. I think this is the funniest thing I have seen in the Jak games since Daxter got drunk. Torn, wait for it, says 'sweetheart'. Oh my freakin' god, it was hilarious. It took all I had to keep breathing, I was laughing so hard. They have made some pretty big character changes, as in personalities throughout the game. From the second one, you got the feeling that Torn was this bad-ass sort of character that didn't take crap from anyone, and now in Jak X, he's saying 'sweetheart' to his love interest. That in itself, Torn having a love interest, is really funny. Anyway, one more thing I want to rant about. The scrip for Jak X sucks, they could have done so much better. It has it's moments, sure, but for the most part I don't like it. Since I am a writer, I am all about having a great script in a game. If it doesn't have a great script (take Star Ocean for example. More the animation in the beginning that drove me up the wall than anything, but I didn't like the script either.) my sanity flies out the window.

What else can I rant about? I am supposed to be doing some Macbeth questions, but I decided to go on here instead. Yeah, we get like, laptops in English with wireless internet, so we can fool around if we don't get caught. As of yet, I haven't got caught. There is only another twenty minutes of class left, then I go home and finish Jak X. I hope to goodness I can. So booya. I want to see the ending, and I have to beat it on Hero Mode. Don't ask me why, it's a thing with the Jak games, I need to beat it on Hero mode, and with everything (down to the last Precursor Orb) compelted. Actually it's like that with every game. I need to complete it completely, and if there is a higher level, I take it. Yeah. Geekiness. I am pretty sure I am not the only one who does this, so cheer's to all of you who do. Anyway, I'm gonna go browse games and RE4 for the PS2. Oh yeah.

EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed something. I am going to mail Gamespot and say that they should have 'Paper Girl' or something for the chicks, because I think this is terribly sexist. Just my opinion.

EDIT AGAIN: I forgot to mention that Ratchet and Clank is out TODAY!! JOY TO THE FRICKIN' WORLD!

jak freakin' x!

Oh yeah, I kind of disappeared from my blog because I was overly consumed in Jak X. Mother-Dear bought it for me and I was bouncing off the walls. Yeah. I dropped everything on the spot and played it for an hour and a half, then I had to go to bed. I needed to get up early the next morning to go to the City and help my granddad move out of his apartment and crap. So yesterday, Sunday, I was already twitching out because I couldn't play until I unloaded two trucks and a boat full of his stuff. But, I did it in an hour (oh yeah, super speed), and for an hour I got to play, blow stuff up and kick Torn's scrony (though very pretty) white ass. Oh yeah, I got the mojo. When I get home I have stuff to do so I won't be able to play for a while...but I'll get there. Damn, I wish I had online so I could race with whoever the hell reads these things...but alas, I probably won't get online until I get the PS3, and even then, it looks dodgy. Yeah, it looks like we are getting the PS3 eventually, XBox 360 I'm gonna have to buy myself. Maybe I can bugger Uncle to buy it for me. Nah, he'll buy one for himself first. He's a geek. And he makes a whole load of money that he get to spend on himself because he got a divorce and his kids (my cousins) are all grown up and stuff. Yet more incentive to stay single the rest of my life. Oh yeah, more games for me. So yes, now Ratchet and Clank: Deadlock comes out in TWO DAYS! If I'm right that it's the twenty-third today. I think I'm right. How much time to I have left...*leans back on the computer chair to see the time* Like, one minute. Crud vapours. Well, I'm gonna log off for the time being and go do LightWave. I made a hand and an arm the other day, took me bloody forever to get the hand to look like a hand. Before it looked vaugely like a it looks like a hand. Well, you can distinguish it as a hand. Yeah, this blog got kinda long. I'm gonna add Aziera to my friends, and go poof.

NOTE TO SELF: Go here.

jak x comes out tomorrow!

Read this article, it really makes you think and is relatively deep. Whoosh, way over my head. I got to come back to that later on when I have more time to actually disect this. Right now, am distracted. I found out that there was a 26th song on Amplitude, drove me nuts. Here I thought that beating Komputer Kontroller I was done, but NOO, Harmonix had to put in another song. Fine. Be that way. I'll beat it, and then get 100% on it. So there. I win. Take that Harmonix!

Alright, now if anyone happens to read this, I need ome adivce. I am going through Ratchet and Clank with only my Bomb Glove, right? Well I get to the planet with the Planet Destroyer. You know those yellow helicopters that shoot missiles at you? Is there any way that I can defeat them using my Bomb Glove? I've been trying, and I can get close, but I keep falling off, or dying, or it will move and I can't reach it is driving me absolutly insane. What to do.

OH OH OH. Guess what tomorrow is. If you guessed Tuesday you are absolutly correct. Do you know what happens on Tuesday? Yeah, that's right Jak X comes out. W00T! Exciting. And then six days after that, Ratchet and Clank: Deadlock comes out, and then twenty-two days after that Guitar Hero comes out. What else comes out in the semi-near future? Oh, well, the XBox 360, of course, but I'm trying not to count down to that because I don't have the cash to get the hyped-up version, which I want. I also want the PS3. Fine, flame me later,but I want the PS3. That is one my priority list. I love the XBox, don't get me wrong, but the PS3 just has more games that I play. Though, I need the 360 because there are a lot of games that I want which I didn't know I wanted until I read my freinds XBox mag. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna go check out Quake, and then Jak X...again...then scamper off to English.

i found a union!

Yay! I finally found a union that I can really relate with. Booya. Got to do a lot with game designing and stuff, which is what I plan on doing when I get out of school and crap and stuff. I picked up some links and stuff that I want to look at later, right now I gotta do LightWave like I am supposed to be doing.

ChrisAvellone's artical

Alright, we're peachy fine now. I'm gonna go make bullet holes in doors now!