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omg wtf bbq

I'm all excited and stuff because I got to play a few video games over the past was a rush. You try not playing for three weeks, and then cram ten hours into a day. Man oh man, I got my first migrane. But it was worth it. So yes, I was so out of practice on everything, Amplitude especially. I couldn't get above 2500 on too much...on the upside I did improve one score. But really it was wow. I was so disappointed with myself. Ah well. Jak X I felt like a newbie. RE is still hard...I still really need to work on the shooting. See, Leon stops everytime you draw you're gun to shoot, so I keep forgetting to allow myself more time. Anyone know if you can change that, because it drives me absolutly insane. I looked on options and I couldn't find anything to change it. I probably can't with my luck.

What else can I yell about. Oh, I cut off like, all my hair so it's all short, and for those who follow my blog and don't know, my braces are gone and it feels weird. I'd like them back now, please. I also feel really light headed and I can't really concentrate. Icky. I got some new gutiar picks too, it's great. I don't know why, but I prefer the hard picks rather than the ones that have a little bend. Don't know why. Anyway, I'm gonna go dress the kitty. Heck yes!

life is evil

It has been so freakin' long since I have looked at a game, touched a controller, and felt the rush of killing many minions at once. I cry. I tear. I cry again. I cannot wait till Christmas break, I'll be done my math by then and as long as our teacher's don't give horrendous homework, I'll be able to play! But that is like, a little more than two weeks away.

And the reason I haven't been on as often. My computer is stupid, as you all know, and at school there has been a no-internet rule. How freakin' stupid is that? So now I am not allowed to go on the internet unless it's school related, so that means sometimes, sometimes I get to go on the net for English because we get these nifty-doody laptops. Other than that I'm completely screwed in every way. So yeah. Hopefully I'll be back to normal soon. As a side note I've had this close to migrane headache that hasn't gone away in two days. GO AWAY *****!

honey, i'm home

It has been....a week...and more...since I have laid a FINGER on a controller. I've started going into random convulsions in the middle of class. It's been too long since I've been on GameSpot, but my school has gotten rid of internet access completely...something about the server not being able to handle it. So the only time that I can go on the computers either at home, or in English when I am lucky enough that the teach is out of the room and I can go on the net. You know, this laptop in schools is all an experiment, right, so we got like thUniversity of Some-far-off-location monitering us right now. So they're probably analyzing this, and saying "Oh my goodness, we can't bring laptops in school, they don't do anything but go on the internet!" Aw well.

Anyway, I have a goal. I am going to play a video game tonight, even if it means I'm up till three in the morning getting a damn essay done. I will play something, because if I don't I think my fingers might start to fall off. That's my goal, and I'm sticking to it.

its all over but the crying

It has been, count 'em, A WEEK since I have played a video game! Cry for me man, I haven't had any time for the computer, video games...haven't been out of my house except for school or Gramma's...I'm gonna die. I need to play something. Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze something in this weekend, but no promises there either...Spanish is a killer. Sniff.

So I have no updates on what I'm gaming at the moment, but I can tell you that I need to play Ninja Gaiden: Black. They sent out a challenge, that they predicted only five gamers would be able to beat the game on the hardest level. I say screw them, a little Canadian girl is going to show them who's boss. Heck ya. So I need the game. Must pick up. But at the rate I'm playing, I won't be able to play it until the new year anyway. Sigh. Ah well.

okay, you win

I replayed Jak X over the weekend. Okay, okay, now that my obsessed reasoning is over and done with, it really is a great racing game. Just plain fun. So I'll go...edit my review.

I just went to a VGL website...I've decided that I want to go. I'll never be able to of course, Mothe-Dear would never let me. She'd say it's pointless, doesn't focus enough on gaming or something like that. Yeah, not too happy with her right now. See previous post. Last night I also decided that I was going to run away and become a hermit. In a house. With power. So I can play games. Other than that, it'll be just me. Does that plan not rock? That's what I thought. :D

Look's like my union died though, you know, the one I was so excited over becoming an officer over? They haven't posted in nearly two weeks, and if I could I would totally bring it up to date but I don't got the time. The bell for class just rang (I have a spare, so I'm not skipping), but I have to go do my physics. That I should have done this weekend. But I got really lazy. Not really, really lazy, I did do work. I screwed down my floors. We've had these wood floors for nearly a year, but we haven't put them down yet. Pardon me, we have put some down, so half our floor looks really pretty, the other half looks like drifwood. Oi.

oh my goodness, it's been like...4 days since I was on gamespot

Four days is a long time, and I am happy to announce I am still alive and well, religously playing my video games...though I haven't been able to go on LightWave for like, a week. Oh well, I get a spare on Monday, and then Tuesday is my LightWave'll be good.

Anyway, I am going to rant about the confused mind of Mother-Dear. I lend Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy out to a friend without her knowing. She continues to go without knowing for about four days, and then suddenly she wants to play it after two years of hating the series. So she gets all pissy with me. Fine, whatever, I'll just get it back and right my wrongs. So I get it back, and she get's pissy with me again! She goes on and on how I broke a commitment to a friend when I leant it to him, and how I already broke the rules so why not break them a little more (which really makes no sense to me). So I said to her that I thought my head was going to be somewhere other than my shoulder's if I didn't get it back home pronto. She thought I was being snotty and didn't talk to me for the rest of the night. Sigh, I will never understand the way a parent's brain works. Mother-Dear is more immature than me sometimes.

She also said that I have to give Halo back to Timmy-G because it wasn't fair that I asked for my game back and he didn't have his. Yeah, whatever. So Halo goes unfinished. She refuses to let me play it.

BUT I was able to play RE4 the other I die of happiness. I am not scared to announce that I am absoluty a horrible shot, and it usually takes three or four shots to kill someone when it should only take two, possibly one if I do the funny kick. So that's going to take some practice, but I'll get it. I was so happy when RE4 was a nominee for Best Game of the Year for VGA (which I am totally watching! December 10th, I have control of the TV). Something that really bothered me though was that almost all the nominees were war games, racing games, and sports games. There was a catagory specifically for RPG's which was nice, but still, there wasn't much variety. I don't think I saw a single platformer on there....and the best magazine nominee? Xbox complete or whatever the hell it's called? I totally disagree with that because it's a consol specific mag. Game Pro would be my choice, it gives you a little bit of everything. But nobody listens to She-Geek. Gamespot for best online news though, I was totally in agreement with that and voted for them with a smile on my face. :D

Anyway, gotta go help Mother-Dear with paperwork. Why am I helping her, you ask, after having that fiasco? Because I am getting paid, that's why.

my percent is going up painfully slow

Jeez, eight percent in two days. We're going at a snails pace now. Yeah, I don't really have anything interesting to write about, 'cept that I didn't do my english or physics. Sigh. Ah well. I do have a spare...but I really needed to get some math done. Pooh. Physics I am going to do right soon as I finish my blog.

Halo is a great game by the way, friend who lent it said I was in something or rather of Truth and Recongition. Something like that. A lot of purple. We're gonna see if I can finish it tonight...though that looks unlikely if I am going to Gramma's to help out with the house. I hate having a life.

I did get to play Ratchet: Deadlock on co-operative mode with is so fun. If you have the game and you have a sibling or something to play with, I totally recommend doing it instead of playing it by yourself. It still goest through the same story line, but with another person. Player 2 is like a taller Clank, I think he calls him 'alpha' Clank or something. Can't remember now, that was two days ago.

Played Amplitude for a few minutes after school on Friday as well, and I finally got a pattern that I had been stumbling on for some time, now I can do it without thinking twice. Oh life is good. Other than that, nothing new has happened, and God knows I have to keep you people updated on my day-to-day lives. Heehee, ya right.

i have homework to do

I am in the process of cleaning my extremely messy room, doing laundry, homework, and GameSpot at the same time. I am totally multitaskable.

I had something really interesting to say. Oh yes, Mother-Dear said that I can get all these books that I want (specifically for game design, game programming, stuff like that) if I raise my physics, Spanish and something else. Nutbunnies, I'll have to ask her what else. So that's all big and exciting. She said that the books would interfere with my schoolwork, so I gotta raise it before I get them. Hey, I can totally live with that. Give me something to live for, and I'll get a freakin' 4.0.

Something else big and exciting...though not for me. I want to rant about that stupid EA contest. Something about programming an AI engine for them, and then getting to work for them? These are all students, eh? But you have to be US resident, and from one of the schools that they posted. What's with that? Why couldn't they have picked some of the people up north here, like, Canadians? (Frezzing my ass off by the way, it snowed last night. And the night before. And the night before that.) Moving on. It wouldn't affect me anyway because a) I know jack about AI programming and b) I'm three day's too young for their requirements. Pardon the spelling. But it still bothered me.

Another thing that bothered me is Gamefly. Hello! What about us up here living in igloos! LOL just kidding. We don't live in igloos. We live in houses with heating, but it still gets damn cold. Gamefly has all this crap for the US but nuthing for us. Sigh. Maybe I gotta move.

I haven't got to play all this weekend, and I only got to workout once last week. The world is coming down on me. I had all this stuff to do for Gramma last week, plus the Halloween party that I had to attend, and then...what else did I have to do? Oh yeah, Mother-Dear needed help with booking, then I had the volunteer stuff to do yesterday...the gym isn't open today or else I would have gone. Ah well. Be able to start fresh tomorrow. No, wait, I can't. I have an appointment in the City tomorrow. Joy joy. Hopefully we'll get back early enough so that I can go let off some steam. Yoink. I'm gonna go see if I can annoy my parental units.

i can play guitar!

Well, more or less. I borrowed on of Grandad's guitars so I can learn how to play, and slowly, it's all coming together. But I'm still, obviously, a major amature. Maybe if I get good enough, UFO (that's me Uncle's nickname) will let me use one of his electric guitars...all I got now is a six string acoustic (pardon my spelling). Grandad also has a twelve string, I tried playing that over at Gramma's, and it sounded great. The one that I have isn't even in tune, so that's gonna be my first chore.

Anyway, haven't played Halo, Jak, Ratchet or Destroy All Human's today, been busy doing this voulanteer crap for band. On the upside, I might get a job out of it. Band Teach asked me if I was up-beggin for a job, and I said yes. He didn't say anything else on the subject, but my hopes are high.

What else can I blabber on about. Oh, I have to go clean my room today. Yay. But even I have to admit, it's getting pretty bad. So I'm gonna go blast some Kazzar, a little bit of Switchfoot, and off we go. I'll bring in the snow shovel from outside.

jak doesn't get posioned

Okay, because that stupid Mythology of the Ottsels union is so slow, I am going to vent here. JAK DOESN'T GET POSIONED! At the end of the game, we see Krew on that virtual journal telling everyone that in order not to get posioned, drink the vintage three seconds after it's poured. Everyone else drinks. Rayn drinks. Then Jak drinks. He doesn't get posioned. I wonder if ND did this on purpose? Possible. If so, why did they, and if not, how did they miss that? Yes, this came to me yesterday when I started a new game to somehow revise my opinion on how good Jak X is. So yes. Thought I would share this with you all.

On a high note, I got to play Halo yesterday, and for my first first person shooter, I thought I did not bad. And I also found out that I really really enjoy it. There's a lot of strategy involved with them. It's really cool. You can always tell that I am really getting into a game when I start talking to either myself or the TV screen. Yeah, I was talking to myself.

I also played Deadlock yesterday, and my god was that fun and amusing. I enjoyed it. When you start out, it's like the first ever third-first-person shooter that I have ever seen. I know, it doesn't make much sense, but there it is. It's called something like lock-on strafe mode, but that's essentially what it is. Third-first-person shooter. Yeah, I changed mine strictly to third person because I didn't like the first.

Moving on. I finally have Amplitude back, and I am rusty. I need to work up to the 26th song again, because when I played it last night on practice mode, I didn't even crack 1000 points. Disgraceful. Ah well. Gotta go now, read some news.