[QUOTE="jks22112"]I don't know about Adon. From that video it seems like he'll be pretty Gen like. Where it doesn't seem like there is initially much, but can do some killer combos if you really work with the character. Maybe a high level favorite, but I don't see him being a general player favorite. But you never know. Juri does look dangerous too. MetamaniaIt may look different now, but if Capcom play their cards right with Adon, then Shenlongbo may be right - Adon could very well be the next Sagat in SSFIV. Someone that's dangerous and possibly top tier.If he's anything like A3 Adon, I don't see how I could be wrong.
The thing with this character's moves is that theyare easy to do, they're safe, and they have a good payoff. There's an instant gratification factor with Adon - very much like you see with SF4 Sagat and Ryu - so it only makes sense that people will cleave to it. Granted, I'm basing all of this on the presumption that SF4 Adon will be like old-school Adon, so if he's not, my prediction goes right out the window. That said, I'm still willing to make the call that Adon will be hugely popular in a pool of 35 characters, if only during the first couple months of Super's release, and Sagat will take dip in popularity.
His normal pokes and walking speed will determine his tier standings.
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