You mean 1 4 6 and 7? because that's the order you got unless you got those chinese imports.ive played all the ff's in order as they came out and i have to say 1-7 i can still pick up and replay over and over but all the games after those are really meh to me.
Shockwave-DASH's forum posts
That's not impressive, notice only the outer area was damaged meaning it was probably burned around. If it had got caugt in an explosive that cheap screen would have broke and so would have many others.This gameboy was damaged during the Gulf War. Still plays. (Wikipedia, in case you're wondering where I got this pic)
Not with how the SNES puts sound through the TV, it actually sounds better on an Emulator. (You must own the game however to take my suggestion or it be illegal.)I just wondering nobody here mentioned Secret of Mana.This game has a one of the best soundtracks in the history of video games
You do realize that BR is not and probably will never be the standard right?Looks like someones blog to be honest. However the article does talk about the whole no used games thing, if this article is true than the next Xbox won't play used games, it might not even be BC at all.
Which is going to be really hard to do considering that the next Xbox will have to use Blu Ray (yes Lems it matters, it matters A LOT, it is the industry standard now), and it's hard to do BC with DVDs. Different format kind of thing.
Although the real hint is that guy who spilled the info on Destiny, Bungies next game. He said that a 720 version was planned for next year, if he is telling the truth (and Bungie DID fire him for revealing it, he is going to court) then it's not too far fetched to see the next Xbox next year or early 2014.
If it does launch by fall next year MS will reveal it at E3 along with a few games. Seems like they are trying to compete with the Wii U in motion controls and out run Sony again. We shall see....
InterestingI came across this sensible post from a user by the name of Tybrus over at where this story came from, it was very informative so I'd like to share it.
"A lot of people are failing to understand this, so sorry I'm not picking on your comment especially. This is mainly down to the article not explaining anything or referencing anywhere where people could get a better understanding of what is going on.
Firstly the patents relate to the h.264 codec(iirc). Motorola along with other companies did indeed research and help develop this codec into a standard. However they wanted it to be a worldwide standard which everyone used. Not a proprietary one. So they submitted it as a FRAND patent. Which means if they want everyone to use it, they can't charge ridiculously unfair amounts of money to licensees. So Microsoft and Motorola had a license in place for years, but when it lapses. Motorola said they wouldn't license it again unless Microsoft would pay exhorbitant fees for every single product that uses it. I believe it amounts to about $4 Billion per year from Microsoft.
Thats an absurb demand. It also violates the principles of FRAND and renders the patent invalid. This is what Microsoft is saying. They are saying they WANT to license it, but they want to pay a reasonable amount. Motorola doesn't care.
The reason Microsoft just can't use a different codec, is because it is a STANDARD. Just like Motorola wanted when they agreed to make it FRAND. Everyone uses it! Microsoft would have to change an enourmous amount of code in all its products to remove and replace with a new competing standard. All their content partners would then have to stream their digital content in yet another format, adding costs to them.
Motorola should be force to abide by the FRAND principles they submitted the patent in originally. This whole situation is ridiculous, and everyone jumping on Microsoft needs to slow down and read up first"
Even the "good" Sonic games these days are meh. I thought Generations was a passable platformer at best. It's really such a shame, considering how much I love the old Sonic games and even liked Adventure 1 and 2 quite a bit.
If you liked the Adventure games, then there's no reason to give Generations the shaft when it's far superior in gameplay, level layout and design, camera angles, and music.
The only thing you have is Camera Angles. Music is rehashed, stages are rehashed with some glitches and some annoying layouts. The only real problem wth the Adventure games for example were camera angles. And the controller.
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