Sorry to write so much. I just wanted to give all the facts. Please help me! ( I have also bold faced the important if you just want to skim)
I bought a Dell E510, which out of the box came with an 80 gig hard drive, 1 gig of ram, a dual core 2,66ghz processor, and a 128mb x300se graphics card, and a 305 watt power supply, in August of last year. It served me faithfully for the first two months. ( Ihad never owned my own computer before.) In october, I pooled my birthday money and bought an x1950 pro. Oh, the differnces it made and still does. As testimony of its power, it most recently mustered 60+FPS on the demo ofTomb Raider: Anniversary, with all settings maxed and 16x Anti-aliasing.
But the real reason I am posting: Cooling and the sucky power supply.
Before purchasing the new card, I used an online power supply calculater, plugged in all the variables + the new card and cam up with 294. Hot Dog! Nary an overheating problem, nor has the block's power ever failed while powering my rig. However, a little game called STALKER came out. I bought it played it and enjoyed it...for 15 minutes. My card had overheated. Catalyst Control showed 79 degrees celcius! To hot, I guess for the x1950 that could. So I cracked open my rig and put my nightstand fan next to it. This seemed to help, so I decided that I needed more fans, for after the STALKER incident even Need For Speed Most Wanted was artifacting.
In Best Buy today, I picked up an Antec fan, that fits inside two expansion slots. It takes up 3.6 watts, so theoretically I am still in the clear. However, it doesn't appear to be doing anything. Is it supposed to be under my card? The blowing side of the fan is not facing the card, rather the sucking side is. Is this the way it is supposed to be? My card is facing up (not upside down as most mother boards require) and the fan is underneath it directly (no space between, at all), and as I said the blowing part is facing away from the card, not toward it.
Please help.
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