I believe a small bit in Pulp Fictionsums up my thoughts about crap like this:
"Whoever did it they should be effinkilled. No judge, no jury, just straight to execution"
"I mean what's more chicken sh!t than effing with a man's automobile? You justdon't do it."
If you can't respect your own vehicle that's totally fine with me. If you want to back your car into guard rails, light posts, walls, and other assorted stuff that's fine. But if you want to back into my car and driveoff, whack it and dent the snot out of it with your door, key it, or other assorted nincompooperey then it's personal. You can justify that with whatever "logic" you want to use. You can plead jealousy or ignorance, or whatever. It doesn't change the simple fact that you (at least in the case of keying) INTENTIONALLY damaged someone else's personal porperty, and that's just WRONG. It's not something you do. If you're doing it to get back at the driver because they wronged you on the road then confront the DRIVER.
Now, there are certain things that people with nicer or newer cars can do to lessen the chances of accidental damage from things like carelessly opened car doors. The best is that if it's a bigger lot they can park in the back, away from the bulk of the cars. Now it won't protect from @$$hats who would key your car. But, they shouldn't be doing that anyway.
Screwing with someone's car is a pet peeve of mine. I drive what's left of a 1996 Dodge Avenger ES (4 cyl, stick). But my wife drives what a brand new Scion X d. It's an '09 because she bought it very early that same year. It's been keyed a couple of times and dented, BADLY, with car doors. It's because these @$$holes have no respect for people's property. And for some reason it seems that people just get jealous when anyone has anything that looks better than their stuff. Seriously, it's a Scion, a $16,000 car, and the lower budget model at that. What's to be jealous of? Apparently enough to key it. To me, that's just BS.
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