Shub-Niggurath's forum posts
I just posted this.
It's about me dealing with the first few ordeals resulting from my new diagnosis of MS. It's more for me than anything else. I just put it out there because I felt the need to put it down in writing somewhere.
The licensing process can't be that difficult. The thickies at Funimation and 4Kids did it for years. And translating and adding subtitles are not a great expense. As for editing, it shouldn't be done at all. It just makes the fans mad and less likely to buy the DVDs. Now producing and a live action TV series or making a cartoon where you have to draw everything, and do the sound effects, etc... both take a lot more money and effort. The price should not be the same. And anime certainly shouldn't be more expensive. ktulu007
I think in some cases the licencing issues are more complicated. Older franchises are more than likely the worst. The controlling company goes under and its licenced property is acquired in whole or in part by another company. Then that one goes under and the property is divided again. It creates a tangled jumbled mess of beauracratic redtape. Sometimes the hassle isn't worth it.
I finished the main quest in Fallout 3 todaySwanogt19
I've got that. My wife bought me the GOTY Edition for Xmas. I made it through the original story and Broken Steel, Operation: Anchorage, and Point Lookout DLC (that came included in the GOTYE). But I did hit some glitches. Of course the version of The Pitt is broken. I don't know if you can replace it the same way if you have the GOTYE as if you bought the original broken DLC. Then I tried Mothership Zeta and it glitched out. At one point when you enable and take the teleporter to the Flight Deck the little girl is supposed to use it and come up right behind you. Something went wrong. Something that destroys the main area of thie ship where the NPC's are gathered knocked the little girl off the elevated walk where the teleporter is. She then got stuck on the lower level. The AI wouldn't let her walk back up and get in the teleporter so I was stuck. That was like 4 hours of a Saturday I'll never get back.
For now I'm still playing the hell out of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Ultimate All-Stars on the Wii. I unlocked both Frank West and Zero. Now I'm just trying to get the Zenny to unlock everything and the clears with all the characters to get all the stuff unlocked. This would be a point for me to toss out my endorsement from one of Nintendo's newer Wii products: The Classic Controller Pro. This thing is so comfortable, I love it! If you have a Wii and either haven't bought a Classic Controller yet or aren't satisfied with the way it feels after a lengthy gaming session then I'd suggest you get your hands on one of these. It's the same price as the regular Classic but it's a lot more comfortable.
I've also got Marvel vs Capcom 2 on the PS2. I'm still trying to get my fingers back up to snuff on that one. Back when we still had the arcade here they had MvC 2. I used to go down there to hang out with the regulars and Carl, the guy that ran the place and worked Friday thru Sunday nights. We used to mess around with impromptu fighting game and pinball tournies. Plus, I was in college at the time working for my degree in AutoCAD and the instructor in charge of the class wasn't just an @$$hole...he was the @$$hole that all other @$$holes aspire to be. If you know an @$$hole I can guarantee you that if he met this guy he'd cry himself to sleep every night because he knows he could never be as big an @$$hole as that guy. And I got to a point where I used to kick the crap out of their MvC2 machine every weekend I went down there. Now, even on easy, I can't get throught it once. I'm working my way back to perfection again...plus the clears and points to unlock all the characters.
I've also got Super Street Fighter IV to contend with. I'm bucking for the achievement for clearing it once with all characters. So far all I've cleared it with are Ryu, Akuma, Fei Long and El Fuerte. Obviously I've gone on a massive 2D fighting game bender. I'm contemplating blowing the dust off my copies of KoF '02 and '03 for the PS2. I also have KoF Maximum Impact, but I'm not nuts about it. If I had the money for them I'd buy the arcade sticks for all 3 of those systems.
Sadly, for now my MS has decided to flare up again. I've had to wait over a month (I still have anoter 2 weeks) before I get my freaking follow-up with the neurologist where they discuss my spinal tap, give me the concrete diagnosis of MS, and finally give me a script for my contorller medicine so I don't get another flare-up. It's another bout of crippling vertigo. They gave me a steroid dose pack to calm my immune system again, but for now I'm laying in bed to keep everything from spinning. Because of this I can't reach my consoles so I've just been playing my DS. I keep poking at Animal Crossing Wild World and I've started replaying Trace Memory for the 3rd time. Both previous times through I swear I did everything I needed to do for D's Memories and it still didn't unlock them all. I don't know, I might consult some other walk-throughs and see if they found something I didn't.
Which brings me to a question for any DS players out there. I've got Trace Memory and the awesome Hotel Dusk Room 215 on the DS. Do any of you know any games on the DS like these two? I dig the more action oriented titles like the Mega Man ports, the Castelvania games, and since I still use the old first gen DS I can still get my hands on the games from the GBA, too. But really, I kind of want more games for the DS like Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory.
I don't know if it's over-rated or not I don't care for it. I had an XBL Gold membership and I used to play Skate online all the time. It was fun, but I constant stumbled across some annoying players. Most of them sounded very young (preteen circa 10 to 12)andjust spewed profanity and racial epithets the whole time.Back when the first SOCOM came out I playedthat a lot too. I would constantly findeven younger kids playing that. They would just run around and make nuisances of themselves. They made it annoying and I've noticed that they do make constant appearances. Now I know that XBL has measures to allow you to get around these people but there are just too many of them, and for every one you get rid of you end up finding another.
I've noticed a lot of people who play online and recommend it are either fanatical followers of a certain game so nothing and no one can disuade them or they have a set circle of friends that they constantly play with so they avoid all the obnoxious people. Personally I feel that with all of the hype that a game's multiplayer gets it can be over-rated at times.
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