I don't think it's a simple question because the idea is so encompassing. Besides, poor Link would be inundated with text messages from Zelda. And Ganondorf would probably become a cyber-bully.so_hai
You just discovered the plot of the new Zelda game. Gannondorf and his little circle of friends keep putting up offensive Wall Posts on Zelda's facebook and sending her harassing messages on Myspace. Now, since none of the authorities will do anything Link must take up arms against them to make the harassment stop!
Now, I doubt we'll see things like Highways and so forth worked into Hyrule. It would ruin the feel of the title. I'm sure we'll see more of the kind of "Fantasy" environment stuff we normally see. We'll see partially paved roads, otherwise worn paths through the grass. We'll probably see things like wooden or even stone bridges over some water-ways. Spirit Track features stuff like Trains and what about the boat in The Phantom Hourglass? Some rudimentary, steam powered methods of transport (and maybe even some more fanciful, but tastefully executed) and weaponry would neither be out of the question or unreasonable for the series.
I think a lot of you who are freaking out about this question are taking it entirely out of context. I seriously doubt that "Roads and Highways" is going to mean Hyrule being criss-crossed with these 12-Lane monsters of concrete and asphalt with clover-leaf exit ramps stretching their arms like some man-made giant sea-monster. I also doubt these "highways" are going to be crawling with Gran Tourismo or Forza Motorsport-esque modded cars. Expect it to be something more like what we saw back in Elder Scrolls IV. It's more like clearly defined paths with bridges over water-ways and such.
As for the inclusion of "cell phones" I sincerely doubt Link is going to bust out his Motorolla Backflip to start tweeting about his quest to defeat Gannondolf and save the princess.I also doubt he's going to whip out his iPad and start trying towatch something on Netflix. It's not like this is Link's quest to find a spot where his 3g works in the woods. It's probably going to be more of a mystical object that's going to allow him to stay in contact with very few (and potentially even just ONE) character in the game. I hate to make the cliche of a Crystal Ball but I think something like that will help people visualize the type of thing I'm talking about.
Remember this, a lot of times (especially when speaking english to native english speakers) most native Japanese speakers (like the minds behind LoZ) will often use similies and metaphors to help make sure their points come across clearly. I'm sure what happened here is someone made a statement about Link having access something like a cell phone. And now overly anxious fan-boys start crapping themselves, misinterpreting one hypothetical scenario uttered by one person.
Relax, I'm sure that even if some form of the proposed technology makes it into the next LoZ it's going to be implemented well and tastefully. The "highways" are not going to be what you're visualizing when they say Highway. It's not going to be those 12 lane nightmares that cut through every hill, heather, and irregularity in the landscape. The cell phone isn't going to be something from LG or Motorollathat he can Tweet from. New weapons doesn't mean that Link is going to outfit himself with that new full auto shotgun I'm sure some of you have seen on Future Weapons. I'm sure that even if the weapons are a little far-fetched forZelda they will be worked in well enough and look and feel like they belong in Hyrule. I doubt he's going to be running around with a NY Yankeescap two sizes too big, sideways on his head, price tags still on itwith a .45 cal Glock in his waist band yelling "Watcha gonna do now, b!tch?" at Gannondolf. Transportation isn't going to be a moddedMitsubishi Evo 8 making 650 hp. So everyone, calm down, change your underwear, and wait until they start releasing screens, trailers, and other promo stuff to let you get a good idea of what you'll find in the next LoZ installment.
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