@CapRandor But why stop at the games portrayal of women? If that's considered insensitive enough to mark as a negative aspect, you could probably list 100 other things in the game that are just as -if not more- morally reprehensible,
@max-hit @SIDEFX1 As much as people tend to dispute practically every game review score, they would flip out if they eliminated the system altogether. A smple 'Buy' or 'No buy' recommendation won't tell people at a glance that this is one of the best games of the year.
The score is fine, but as far as the issues with the game are concerned I firmly believe Gamespot is in the wrong for this one. The editor has shown in previous reviews and articles that she's overly sensitive about the portrayal of women in games. (even taking issue with The Last of Us, of all things) To put such an individual on to the review of a game that's built around immoral acts and exreme satire is just begging for controversy.
Many of the comments were reasonable and justified in their dismissal of the review. Some were disgusting. You can't have honestly expected anything less.
Man, GTA is pure concentrated satire. If you have a sensitive spot for any aspect of modern culture that can be stereotyped or made fun of, then this is the last franchise you should be playing.
Mysoginy is only one drop in the ocean of things 'wrong' with this game, which is ultimately what will make it such good satire.
@Robin Maximilian Furthersbe The mega hype games are the only ones people care to leak info about. This is the biggest game of the year, so people are chomping at the bit for any sliver of info they can get.
When your discs have been pressed and sent to stores they're pretty much out of your control. Same with strategy guides. It's not like someone hacked into Rockstars systems and obtained information that way. All that's stopping people from getting their hands on the full game now is a closed door at the back of your local game store.
I know exactly how terrible my ISP is, so I never bothered to get excited for Gaikai. As long as I can put a disc in or download a game and play it with no restrictions, I don't really care at this stage.
SillySkeleton's comments