Come on, man, this is nitpicking at its finest. For every woman that dies to push the story forward in this game, there's 100 men that are killed in between.
For every scene Ellie can't cross water without Joel, there's a scene where Joel can't progress without Ellie unlocking a door, or dropping down a ladder.
Why is Michelangelo's David a statue of a man, and not a woman? Who cares? It's a work of art!
After the massive backlash it's funny that they're just 'considering' the offline mode. Think hard guys, giving people what they want can trigger side effects like 'customer satisfaction' and 'more sales'. I know that's something you were trying to avoid with this game...
Do the femenist comments really need to be in the review?
I can only imagine the scandal if Arthur were a female character. ("The game sexualizes her by stripping her down to her underwear after getting hit!!") But Arthur is a male, so the same rules don't apply, right?
@cursealoud @viruscarrierxxx Dude, awards mean nothing. It's about getting the right guy for the job. Hayter has been Snake since the character has had a voice.
You wouldn't hire George Clooney to voice Batman in a videogame, rather than Kevin Conroy, just because he has more acting awards.
How do you mess up an open world zombie game? I gave the first Dead Island the benefit of the doubt and picked it up when it hit the bargain bin. ...I shouldn't have.
SillySkeleton's comments