Hi guys, what's cracking? I have to take the SAT tomorrow :( If you don't know what that is, it's a test that high school students in the United States have to take in 11th and/or 12th grade to apply for college. Well not really, but I think most colleges require it :P. Anyway, this is my firs time taking the official one (I've taken many practice tests before and I've scored around 2100/2400), and I'm not as stressed out or worried as I should be LOL.
Anyway, let's continue with the blog:
Mass Effect:
I'm just over 12 hours into Mass Effect, and although I still love the game, I noticed a lot of flaws like mitu said I would. It's still an excellent game, but the flaws are still there and hamper the experience a bit. For example, the glitches gen annoying sometimes. I was in the fight against Benezia (Liara's mother) and I just got stuck underground. Like, I couldn't even see my character or anything. I could still see the HUD, but I had no control over Sheperd and he would still take damage and I couldn't do anything about it.
Also, the game kind of makes me dislike elevators :P I didn't really mind them early on, but now they're just annoying. I would rather just have a quick load screen instead of the elevator sequence. I know what you're going to say: "Well, it can't be that bad! All games have elevators!" True, but there are loads of elevators in Mass Effect and it gets a bit annoying after your 5th or so elevator.
Also, I hate how you have to hold down space to pause the game and issue commands rather than to toggle it by pressing space once (Dragon Age did this and it worked well). Anyone know of a workaround for this?
One last complaint is that when I'm playing the vehicle levels, it doesn't feel like an RPG at all. It's still fun, but I would have liked some RPG elements put into it. Also, aiming the gun on your Mako feels weird.
But overall, I'm still enjoying this game a lot. In terms of the overall game, I think this is better than Fallout 3, but in my opinion, Fallout 3 is the better RPG.
Sorry if this seemed like a rant, but just sharing my thoughts :P
Mass Effect 2:
Mass Effect 2 seems to be for ME1 what Assassin's Creed 2 is to the first one. A true sequel. Also, I'm not saying that Mass Effect is as flawed as AC1. It's not. It still has it's share of problems, which I stated above, and Mass Effect 2 seems to be fixing these problems.
It got a 9.6/10 from IGN (both, PC and 360 versions), so that's really cool. I'm not sure if I will get this on launch day since I've got finals during this week and I already have enough distractions. Perhaps in February :)
Ys: Oath in Felghana:
Wow is what came to mind when I first played this. It's an action RPG by Falcom, and it seems like a niche title, but if you play it, you'll wonder why it was never popular in North America, especially since games like Kingdom Hearts are quite popular here.
The game is a fast paced action RPG with excellent gameplay, a fantastic artsytle, and so far, the story is good. It's a great game and I recommend it to anyone who even remotely enjoyed Kingdom Hearts.
God of War:
I finally beat it! Amazing is what I would use to describe it in one word. You can argue that the game get's a bit too button mashy. You can also say that the camera ****'s up occasionally. It also has some questionable design choices. But God of War is an amazing action game that does the genre proud. Everything seems to be well polished and the game is very fun to play.
First off, the story is very good! I was quite impressed by it. Characters seem a bit overdone and "I have absolute poewr! YEW CANT DESTROY ME!"-ish. It's a bit corny, but it works.
You play as Kratos, and your goal is to kill Ares. Why? I'm not going to get into that because that's for you to figure out as the game progresses.
The gameplay does get button mashy sometimes, but it's still very fun and VERY brutal. Don't get this game if you are disgusted by blood and gore. It really pushes the M rating.
The attacks in the beginning are simple: Light attack and heavy attack. Soon, you get magic, mroe weapons, and combos. Each of these attacks are upgradeable with the red orbs that you collect throughout the game from destroying objects and killing enemies.
The graphics are dated, but they are very good for a 2005 game.
Overall, God of War is an amazing game that should be experienced by fans of the genre. If you have a PS3, the God of War Collection is a great deal with both GoW1 and 2 remade in HD, running at 60fps with PlayStation Network Trophy support. If you have a PS2, I still recommend the games. They graphics are a bit dated, but if you can get past that, you will be in for a fast paced, epic adventure which is fun every step of the way.
Other stuffs:
Here's a list of the top 5 things that I don't leave home without: (random order)
- Chapstick: Yes. I NEED this. My lips get chapped in a matter of seconds and I just can't stand it. Just a pet peeve that I have.
- Cell phone. No reason required :P
- iPod. I'm a music guy. If you ask any of my friends, they'll tell you that I always have an earphone or two on whenever I can. I just live and breathe music :)
- Keys. I need to get back inside my house, don't I?
- Wallet. $$, ID, Gift cards, the usual stuff :P
Another list of my most prized possessions: (random order)
- Guitar. Yea, it's awesome! I love this thing and it cost a fortune, so I better love it :P
- iPod. With over 2000 songs on it, how can I not love this thing?
- Laptop. I'm at this thing most of the time :P
- TV. See "Laptop".
- Nicole :P LOL aha. Ya, my best friend lol.
That's all for now.
Bye! Time to 'study' for SATs :'(
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