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SilverChimera Blog

Free stuff FTW

Hey, if you want free stuff for free (weird, right?) read on!

So there's a site called l0ckerz where you earn points and can spend your points to get free stuff like games, consoles, ipods, etc. It's 100% free and 100% legit (wait, that adds up to 200%! wtf?)

It takes approximately 30 seconds (give or take 5 seconds) each day to get your daily points. If you're interested, PM me with your email and I'll send you an invite.

Also NOTE: Your email WILL NOT be abused. If I recall correctly, you only recieve 1 email, which is the invite. Afterwards, they will not email you unless you sign up for some newsletter or something.

Oh and less than 1 month until FF13! Yes, less than a month! Can't wait! Can you?

Top 10 FF Songs/Music

10. At Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X)

Amazing piano melody!

9. J-E-N-O-V-A (Final Fantasy VII)

Love the remix

8. Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VI)

Sounds "epic"

7. Terra (Final Fantasy VI)

Stuck in my head :P

6. Birth of a God (Final Fantasy VII)

Again, epic!

5. Intro/Bombing Mission (Final Fantasy VII)

Mega nostalgia time!

4. Clash on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V)

How do you not like it? :P

3. Melodies of Life (Final Fantasy IX)

Nostalgia ftw

2. Liberi Fatali (Final Fantasy VIII)

No comment

1. You're Not Alone (Final Fantasy IX)

Nostalgia to the max!!!

Agree? Disagree? Like? Dislike?

Oh and it looks like I'll be getting Valkyria Chronicles soon. (Thanks for suggestion, mitu!)


22-17 Saints now. Hopefully the Colts can bring it back up.

Also, just saw the horrible Dante's Inferno ad :P

Go Colts!


Mass Effect 2 impressions | Bioshock 2 | Answers to your questions | Q's for you

Mass Effect 2 impressions:


Bioshock 2:

I just got hyped

I think I nuight buy the 4-pack deal on Steam. It's where you buy 4 copies of the game at the same time but you only pay the price of 3. So, it's like 4 copies for $150. I was going to ask my friend to buy it and gift it to me and two other friends and then we would pay him back in cash. Anyway, if you pre purchase Bioshock 2 (before Feb 9th) you pay less ($45 as opposed to $50) and they're throwing in a free copy of Bioshock 1 with your purchase. Sounds like an awesome deal to me.

So the 4 pack deal for pre ordering Bioshock 2 is $134, and if we split the price 4-way, we only end up paying $33 each as opposed to $50! :)

Answers to your Questions:

mitu123 - Do you think you can get all the games you want this year?

I doubt it. It's only January and I feel like I will be missing out on a lot of games. I'm probably going to get the major titles that I'm interested in, like God of War III and Final Fantasy XIII. And then in 2011 I might go back and get the ones that I missed out on.

nintendoboy16 - Have you played any games in the Gauntlet franchise?

Nope. I haven't heard of it to be honest

psn8214 - Have you smoked... *reads* ... oh wait, never mind.


silVURcross - Why do we park on a driveway, but drive on a parkway?

LOL I meant questions about me! But if you want an answer, my guess would be: It's a conspiracy man!

david_Ick - what is your most anticipated game of the year?

Probably Final Fantasy XIII. Been waiting for a while for this one. It's going to kick some ass :P

ImSwordMan - can you make be a banner, sig, avatar :3

Ill try to :P I'm not the best at Photoshop, but just tell me a theme that you want and I'll try my best. Just don't shoot me when you see how bad I am at Photoshop :lol:

Questions for you by SilverChimera:

Now it's my turn to do the asking :P Answer these in your blog if you want to, or if you don't blog, put them in your comment :)

What would you rate each online service for the 4 systems?

If you could only buy one game this year, what would it be?

What's your favorite game this gen?

Are you capable of liking any game that's 'good' or are you a bit more picky?

Do you like Russell Peters? (This is a Yes or Yes question :P )

What's your favorite genre of music? (No specifics, just general like 'rock', 'rap', cl@ssic', 'jazz', etc)

What graphical ****do you like the most? (examples: realistic, cell shaded, comic book, scifi, etc)


Anyway, that's all for now. I'm going to go back to reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. It's quite amazing so far. I suggest you go read it too! Especially if you liked the da Vinci Code (liked it) and Angels and Demons (LOVED it).

See ya next time!


Beat Mass Effect | Summing up SW | The online gamer | Ask me questions part 2

I beat Mass Effect!!!

Yay! It's an amazing game! The story itself kept me going until the end and I have a feeling Mass Effect 2 will be a lot better :) I didn't get time to play ME2 yesterday since I had a math test to study for, which I'm glad to say that I did well on today :). So I just imported my ME1 character and I'm going to go start playing ME2 after I type up the rest of this blog.

Summing up System Wars


Just to fill you in: Some guy held up a copy of MW2 for the 360 and all the cows on youtube got enraged (I know, wtf right?)

So I found this video and I think it sums up System Wars a bit. Be warned, the guy is a little bit of a cow. Also, warning: has strong language :P

The online gamer

Part 1

Part 2

Ask me questions part 2

Anyway, just ask me more questions if you have any. Once again, nothing really personal like "have you smoked weed" :lol:

Anyway, that's all for now. Time to go play Mass Effect 2 :)

Done with finals | Mass Effect 2 | Thanks to all! | February | FFXIII

Done with finals!

Yay! Now I can finish Mass Effect and get started with Mass Effect 2.

Speaking of which,


Mass Effect 2

after I beat

It runs! Pretty smoothly too. I was surprised. Anyway, I think this will be one of my favorite games of this year. I'll get to it right when I finish Mass Effect (just finished the Feros & Noveria levels. About 15 hours into it).

Everything seems improved and the shooting seems more fluid now and less clunky.

I can't wait!


Thanks to all!

I'd like to take a moment to thank all of you who have been taking time to read and comment on my blogs! Thanks! I really appreciate it. Special thanks to mitu123 for commenting on all of my blogs ;) Yep, every single one. Thanks!

(mitu, you should be getting that feeling like you won an award now :P )



January comes to a close and what a month it has been. 2010 has just started and there are already a bunch of great games. Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, NMH2 and Tatsunoko vs Capcom. February is coming and it means:

  • My birthday (26th) Mark it on your calendars :P
  • Heavy Rain. Looks interesting. Not 100% sure about this one. Maybe I'd appreciate it more if I was older. Who knows?
  • More $$. I recently ran out of money when I bought Mass Effect 2. But with my birthday coming, I think I'll replenish my money which should last until summer. I usually get around 10 friends over and that ammounts to a lot of gifts, usually in the form of cash (no one gives real gifts anymore except one friend who gets me a game every year! Yes, a whole new game :P Thanks Gordon!) So I'm hoping that this money will be good enough until Summer (Final Fantasy XIII, GoW3, BF BC2, and maybe Bioshock 2).
  • FF XIII in a month! Yes, it's coming. I can't wait because I think this is all I will need this year (That doesn't mean I won't get anything else :P )



I pick this one! ^^

Okay, this isn't much about the game, but the music. The score is pretty good from what I've heard, but what's been ticking me off is this. Seriously. I don't know what the **** Square Enix were thinking. Who would listen to that when they could listen to this?

And no, this isn't about it being Japanese > English. I'm strictly speaking of the song: music, tune, voice, etc. No offense to anyone who likes Leona Lewis, but I honestly find Sugawara Sayuri's voice to be a lot better. I know me ****ing here won't make a difference, but I thought I'd just get my thoughts out.

Anyway, that's all about me for now. Time to go back to listening to Kimi Ga Iru Kara :P So what if I don't know what it means? It sounds great.


Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2 | Ys: Oath in Felghana | God of War | Other stuffs

Hi guys, what's cracking? I have to take the SAT tomorrow :( If you don't know what that is, it's a test that high school students in the United States have to take in 11th and/or 12th grade to apply for college. Well not really, but I think most colleges require it :P. Anyway, this is my firs time taking the official one (I've taken many practice tests before and I've scored around 2100/2400), and I'm not as stressed out or worried as I should be LOL.

Anyway, let's continue with the blog:

Mass Effect:

I'm just over 12 hours into Mass Effect, and although I still love the game, I noticed a lot of flaws like mitu said I would. It's still an excellent game, but the flaws are still there and hamper the experience a bit. For example, the glitches gen annoying sometimes. I was in the fight against Benezia (Liara's mother) and I just got stuck underground. Like, I couldn't even see my character or anything. I could still see the HUD, but I had no control over Sheperd and he would still take damage and I couldn't do anything about it.

Also, the game kind of makes me dislike elevators :P I didn't really mind them early on, but now they're just annoying. I would rather just have a quick load screen instead of the elevator sequence. I know what you're going to say: "Well, it can't be that bad! All games have elevators!" True, but there are loads of elevators in Mass Effect and it gets a bit annoying after your 5th or so elevator.

Also, I hate how you have to hold down space to pause the game and issue commands rather than to toggle it by pressing space once (Dragon Age did this and it worked well). Anyone know of a workaround for this?

One last complaint is that when I'm playing the vehicle levels, it doesn't feel like an RPG at all. It's still fun, but I would have liked some RPG elements put into it. Also, aiming the gun on your Mako feels weird.

But overall, I'm still enjoying this game a lot. In terms of the overall game, I think this is better than Fallout 3, but in my opinion, Fallout 3 is the better RPG.

Sorry if this seemed like a rant, but just sharing my thoughts :P

Mass Effect 2:

Mass Effect 2 seems to be for ME1 what Assassin's Creed 2 is to the first one. A true sequel. Also, I'm not saying that Mass Effect is as flawed as AC1. It's not. It still has it's share of problems, which I stated above, and Mass Effect 2 seems to be fixing these problems.

It got a 9.6/10 from IGN (both, PC and 360 versions), so that's really cool. I'm not sure if I will get this on launch day since I've got finals during this week and I already have enough distractions. Perhaps in February :)

Ys: Oath in Felghana:

Wow is what came to mind when I first played this. It's an action RPG by Falcom, and it seems like a niche title, but if you play it, you'll wonder why it was never popular in North America, especially since games like Kingdom Hearts are quite popular here.

The game is a fast paced action RPG with excellent gameplay, a fantastic artsytle, and so far, the story is good. It's a great game and I recommend it to anyone who even remotely enjoyed Kingdom Hearts.

God of War:

I finally beat it! Amazing is what I would use to describe it in one word. You can argue that the game get's a bit too button mashy. You can also say that the camera ****'s up occasionally. It also has some questionable design choices. But God of War is an amazing action game that does the genre proud. Everything seems to be well polished and the game is very fun to play.

First off, the story is very good! I was quite impressed by it. Characters seem a bit overdone and "I have absolute poewr! YEW CANT DESTROY ME!"-ish. It's a bit corny, but it works.

You play as Kratos, and your goal is to kill Ares. Why? I'm not going to get into that because that's for you to figure out as the game progresses.

The gameplay does get button mashy sometimes, but it's still very fun and VERY brutal. Don't get this game if you are disgusted by blood and gore. It really pushes the M rating.

The attacks in the beginning are simple: Light attack and heavy attack. Soon, you get magic, mroe weapons, and combos. Each of these attacks are upgradeable with the red orbs that you collect throughout the game from destroying objects and killing enemies.

The graphics are dated, but they are very good for a 2005 game.

Overall, God of War is an amazing game that should be experienced by fans of the genre. If you have a PS3, the God of War Collection is a great deal with both GoW1 and 2 remade in HD, running at 60fps with PlayStation Network Trophy support. If you have a PS2, I still recommend the games. They graphics are a bit dated, but if you can get past that, you will be in for a fast paced, epic adventure which is fun every step of the way.

Other stuffs:

Here's a list of the top 5 things that I don't leave home without: (random order)

  1. Chapstick: Yes. I NEED this. My lips get chapped in a matter of seconds and I just can't stand it. Just a pet peeve that I have.
  2. Cell phone. No reason required :P
  3. iPod. I'm a music guy. If you ask any of my friends, they'll tell you that I always have an earphone or two on whenever I can. I just live and breathe music :)
  4. Keys. I need to get back inside my house, don't I?
  5. Wallet. $$, ID, Gift cards, the usual stuff :P

Another list of my most prized possessions: (random order)

  1. Guitar. Yea, it's awesome! I love this thing and it cost a fortune, so I better love it :P
  2. iPod. With over 2000 songs on it, how can I not love this thing?
  3. Laptop. I'm at this thing most of the time :P
  4. TV. See "Laptop".
  5. Nicole :P LOL aha. Ya, my best friend lol.

That's all for now.

Bye! Time to 'study' for SATs :'(

Wooh! 4100 posts! | Top 10 games this gen | Now Playing: Too many RPGs!

This isn't really an old song, but it still triggers nostalgia from 2001 and 2004.

Hey guys, I just hit 4100 posts! I know, it's not a lot, but it's still a good amount. Thanks to all you fanboys who I bothered to argue with in the first place :P


A bunch of threads have come up based on IGN's top 25 ps3 games list, so here is my list for each system and an overall list:


1. Super Mario Galaxy

2. Resident Evil 4

3. Metroid Prime 3

4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

5. Twilight Princess

6. Mad World

7. New Super Mario Bros. Wii

8. Rock Band 2

9. Punch Out

10. Mario Kart Wii


1. Mass Effect

2. Fallout 3

3. Bioshock

4. Halo 3

5. Gears of War

6. Street Fighter IV

7. The Orange Box

8. Dragon Age: Origins

9. Grand Theft Auto IV

10. Forza 3


1. LittleBigPlanet

2. Metal Gear Solid 4

3. Demon's Souls

4. Bioshock

5. Fallout 3

6. Uncharted 2

7. Killzone 2

8. Street Fighter IV

9. Grand Theft Auto IV

10, Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time


1. Mass Effect

2. Bioshock

3. Fallout 3

4. Dragon Age: Origins

5. Team Fortress 2

6. Half Life 2: Episode 2

7. Portal

8. Oblivion

9. Street Fighter IV

10. Crysis


1. LittleBigPlanet

2. Metal Gear Solid 4

3. Super Mario Galaxy

4. Bioshock

5. Demon's Souls

6. Uncharted 2

7. Mass Effect

8. Fallout 3

9. Killzone 2

10. Halo 3


Now Playing:

I think I have too many RPG's that I'm playing at the moment :P. Gah, nevermind. There's no such thing as "too many RPGs" LOL.

Dragon Age: Origins - PC

Just reinstalled this last night and I had to start over since I lost all my files on my PC (I think I posted it in a blog before). I just beat the origins level (I'm a human warrior) and I'm about to become a Grey Warden any time soon.

Demon's Souls - PS3

I took a break from this for a while and now I'm back into it and I love it even more now. I gained a lot of progress in the last week and I've just been having a blast playing this. The co-op is amazing!

Fallout 3 - PS3

Don't ask why I got the PS3 version. It wasn't my choice since it was a birthday gift from my parents last year and I'm not going to return a birthday gift :P. Anyway, I've almost done everything possible in this game. I just have to get to level 20 and collect 10 more bobbleheads. I started a new game and I attempt to do EVERYTHING possible in that save. Shouldn't take more than 100 hours :P Wish me luck :)

Mass Effect - PC

What can I say that I haven't said yet? I love this game. It's amazing and it was a steal for $5. I'm not too far into it, but I'm enjoying every moment of the game (minus the elevator sequences). It's got its share of issues, but most can be overlooked. I'll look to beat this by the end of February (yes, I said February. I've got loads of s*** to do in that time too. SATs come next week, semester finals, etc.)


Well, that's all this time. Catch you later ;)

Hay Gaiz: Resistance series | Which one should I buy...?

Yo dawg, I heard you like songs, so I put two of them this time:

Song 1

Song 2

Oh, and if you like rock/metal, please do my friend a favor and check out my his page. All of the songs are compositions by him, unless specified otherwise.




Resistanc: Fall of Man vs Resistance 2


Okay, a few people have been asking which one is "better" and which one I prefer more. Here is my breakdown:



Fall of Man takes this one by a landslide. Not only is the campaign longer, but I actually replayed it a few times because it was more fun. Sections like riding in a Stalker and other vehicles were a lot more fun than Resistance 2's campaign which was just move from point A to point B with an arena shootout in between them.


Resistance Fall of Man - 4

Resistance 2 - 2


Offline Competitive

Fall of Man takes this as well, simply because Resistance 2 doesn't have ANY! Well, technically, it does, but you have to create an online match for 2 players and have player 2 sign in under Your Name (2). And that's it. It's only 2 players and it's not a lot of fun seeing as you need at least 4 to 6 players to have a fun match going. Resistance: Fall of Man, however, has a fully functional (and fun) 4 player split-screen competitive mode. This is very fun during parties and in my opinion, it has a nice balance of skill and fun.


Resistance Fall of Man - 9

Resistance 2 - 4


Offline Co-op:

Again, Fall of Man outshines it's successor. Resistance 2 has offline co-op, but it's only 2 player and it's a mode meant at least for 3 player and it's only really fun with 4 plus seeing as there are 3 clases and each one depends on the other to succeed. Fall of Man has traditional split-screen co-op for 2 players. It's just standard co-op and both players are the same. However, it doesn't really fit in since player 2 is just a random guy who isn't even in the cutscenes.


Resistance Fall of Man - 14

Resistance 2 - 7


Online Competitive:

Here is where Resistance 2 starts to outshine it's predecessor. Not only are there more modes here, but it is more fun since battles are larger in scale, with up to 60 players at a time with no lag at all. It is more clas-based as well since you get to customize your loadout. Teamwork is more necessary than in Fall of Man. Also, the biggest reason why R2's online competitive is better than Fall of Man is because it has split-screen online! So you and a friend can play online from the same PS3 and TV. It's a feature that not many games have been incorporating and I think more of them need to.


Resistance Fall of Man - 17

Resistance 2 - 12


Online Co-op:

R2 wins here as well, mainly since Fall of Man doesn't have online Co-op. None. Zip. Nada. It was a pretty easy choice. But also note that R2's co-op is also very fun and addictive. It also has the split-screen online feature mentioned above.


Resistance Fall of Man - 17

Resistance 2 - 17


The Verdict:

As you can see, it's a tie. However, there can be a winner! It depends. If you do not play online on your PS3 or if you don't like online play, the clear choice is Resistance Fall of Man. It's got the better campaign and offline multiplayer modes. If you do want to play online, I'd go with Resistance 2 since that's what Insomniac has focused on for the sequel. It's got a bunch of modes and you can play split screen online. The co-op is worth buying the game for in my opinion.


Which one should I buy...

  • Assassin's Creed II
  • Batman Arkham Asylum
  • Valkyria Chronicles
  • BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

If you had to recommend one, which one would you recommend?

Mass Effect impressions | Online ID's (add me) | Games I bought on Steam Sale

'Damn, I nostalgia'd hella hard' Between 2:25 and 2:40 - I don't even know what part of the game that's from, but I still nostalgia'd :P

Mass Effect impressions:

I've played this game for about 3 and a half hours and it's already one of my favorite games from this generation! No joke. The combat feels like a perfect hybrid between shooter and RPG. The shooting feels more solid and responsive than Half Life 2 to be honest and it has a nice RPG system with it. The graphics look fantastic to this day. Facial models are top notch, especially when characters talk. Speaking of talking, the voice acting is top notch! Each line seems well delivered and has meaning to it. So far, the side quests also seem well woven into the main quest, which I like a lot better than having random side quests. The presentation and story are also some of the best in gaming since the setting is so well done. It reminds me a lot of Star Wars and Halo.

In short, this game pisses all over Fallout 3, which is (was) my favorite WRPG. Whenever I play it, I'm loving it. When I'm not playing it, I can't stop thinking about it.

Can't wait for Mass Effect 2!!!

Online IDs:

Steam: SilverChimera (TF2, CS: Source)

Xfire: rustysteiner (Don't use that often if at all)

PSN: rustysteiner (Killzone 2, both Resistance games, Uncharted 2, Street Fighter IV)

Hit me up. If you want to play online :)

Steam Sale:

Here is the list of games (with prices) that I bought during the Steam holiday sale: (Value in paranthesis is list price)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl - $1.99 ($19.99)

Braid: $2.49 ($9.99)

Orange Box - $14.99 ($29.99)

Half Life 2

Half Life 2: Episode 1

Half Life 2: Episode 2

Half Life 2: Lost Coast


Team Fortress 2

Mass Effect - $4.99 ($19.99)


Grand Total: $24.46 ($79.96)

Wow. That's more than $50 saved! So, if you missed out, there's always next year :P


That's all for this time. Catch you later :)