Why do people act like TV commercials are all that matters? The average person doesnt even pay attention to TV commercials. The best forms of advertising are on the internet and if you want to see some good adds check your PS3. There advertising it first to that 60 million + fanbase that owns a PS3 then from there you bring out the casual commercials to get a wider audience. You can say its gonna flop all you want but I doubt very seriously they have a hardtime selling out of the launch systems.Anyway, as for the OP. I think it will be blamed, and it deserves it.
Have you seen any commercials for the Vita that aren't Taco Bell? Go around and ask peole, does anyone know what a Vita is? I walked into a nearby GameCraze and asked about this, the public awareness for this thing is ROCK BOTTOM. This thing launches in what, a week? Seriously, the **** is Sony doing?
From what I can tell the Vita hardware itself is still excellent, regardless of Sony's retarded marketing team. I will still be getting one [still don't know if I'm going to be a launch buyer; college courses], but the closer and closer this thing gets, the more critical the situation looks.
SilverSterls' forum posts
[QUOTE="PillyChickle"]It's ingredients are top quality, it's the "maker" that's crap. It has all the features and hardware to become great, Just Sony is a clueless idiot. Yet overall they possess the most successful gaming brand of all time. Dont listen to the idiots on SW simply try the system yourself. Its going to have a slow start because of the price but in the long run I think it will succeed.Lack of marketing, and a gazillion other things to go with it. Vita has shown so far that it has all the ingredients for a disaster.
Pos? Its a gaming handheld that technically puts most tablets to shame and does it for about half the price . Stop being a hater and go get a job then maybe you can afford one.I think that will be cows excuse but I dunno how true it is. Anytime im in the car i get those stupid "buy a box at taco bell to win a vita" ads...stupid annoying ads but they are marketing this pos you cant deny.
many shots taken from Emulators in a higher resolution,
Oh my sides. :lol:
are you retarded?
if PC was allowed
Doom 3 would win
so whats the point?
Meh not really, the character models in doom 3 were weak and the whole game took place and these tiny little corridors . The only thing it did real well for its time was lighting and the textures.[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]ON PC with Hacks. But no PC remember? *Facepalm* Also what is this? The best looking games last gen were ON and ONLY on the Xbox, there were some gd looking games on the GC, but Xbox wins, have no idea why you have super steroid pS2 shots and they still don't cut the chase. Actually I owned every console last gen and the Gamecube version of RE4 simply looked better then anything on the Xbox. Second probalby would have been Splintercell Chaos Theory on the Xbox followed by Ninja Gaiden Black and then God of war 2Man, I didn't know the PS2 and Gamecube could do such high resolutions!
That Nintendo ad is a prime example of how to do it. Show what your selling! It's really not that difficult. todd2rYou mean like this ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C5cY9oLKYg
[QUOTE="SilverSterls"]Good thing I can go out and play them for myself and make a sound decistion rather then letting commercials tell me what to buy. The PS Vita is amazing tech for the price the 3DS was outdated as hell as soon as it launched. HaziqonfireGood thing no one knows the Vita is coming out next week. The taco bell adds are everywhere and although I do agree they could do a better job marketing the product I doubt it will have a hard time selling the launch systems.
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